Think before Writing “Sit down and think about yourself to figure out what specific qualities
you like about yourself, and think of a story (symbolic or real, or both) that
really exemplifies or shows those qualities.”
—Robert Lee, Columbia University You Don’t Need an Extraordinary Story “Write about something you are passionate about. Do not feel you have to
show off your awards... but you shouldn’t be modest either. You want the essay’s
focus to be something that the reader will remember. You want the reader to
label you (e.g. ‘the girl who likes to bake chocolate cookies’ or ‘the gymnast
who won an Olympic medal’) so that s/he can remember you throughout the
process. remember that everyday events can be—and often are—best to write
about... it is not necessary to have an ‘extraordinary story’ to tell... you are aim-
ing for the reader to get a sense of your personality and of what drives you.”
—Zachary Richner, Harvard University
203 Chapter 22: Advice on Writing from Ivy League Students