Table 1
LPI Worldwide Scores in 2018
compiled by the author on the basis https :// lpi . worldbank . org / international /
compiled by the author on the basis https: // lpi.
worldbank. org/international/global
Figure 1. LPI Worldwide Scores
an interactive benchmarking tool designed to help countries
identify the challenges and opportunities
they face in their
trade logistics operations and what they can do to improve
their performance.
We see Germany in the first place in the presented rating,
Kazakhstan in the second, the
Russian Federation in the
third, and Uzbekistan in the fourth. In terms of logistics
competence, Germany ranks first,
Russia ranks second,
Uzbekistan ranks third and Kazakhstan ranks fourth. In terms
of tracking the path, Germany is in first place, Kazakhstan is
in second, Uzbekistan is in third and Russia is in fourth.
It can be noted that the countries of
Uzbekistan, Russia, Kazakhstan
and Germany have common
problems such as the lack of qualified personnel. Despite the
fact that Germany is in first place in the LPI world rankings,
this country also has personnel problems. An equally
important common problem is the introduction of the latest
technological processes in logistics, as well as the lack of
facilities in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Russia.
To solve the problem of a lack of qualified personnel, it
is necessary to completely revise the personnel policy, it is
necessary to establish an exchange of experience between
specialists from foreign countries.
To increase productivity and productivity
in the logistics
supply chain, you need to implement the latest technologies
that will help you efficiently track and deliver cargo to the
right place.
In addition, it is necessary to
invest in higher education
institutions, that is, to give students the opportunity to study
and train in foreign countries.
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№2(14).2022 Journal of “Sustainable Agriculture”