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Kuzmicheva, E. I. (1972). Berriasskie skleraktinii Gornogo Kryma [Berriasian scleractinians from the Mountain Crimea]. Paleontologicheskiy Zhurnal 2, 47-52, pl. 48.

Kuzmicheva, E. I. (1972). Novye dannye po ekologii rannemelovykh skleraktiniy Kryma, Malogo Kavkaza i Sredney Azii [New data on the ecology of Early Cretaceous scleractinians from the Crimea, Malyy Kavkaz and Middle Asia]. Byulleten Moskovskogo Obshestva Ispytateley Prirody, Otd. Geologicheskiy 47, 112-120.

Kuzmicheva, E. I. (1974). Asexual reproduction in Scleractinians and its taxonomic significance [in Russian]. In: Sokolov, B. S. (ed.). Novosibirsk: Nauka, 228-232.

Kuzmicheva, E. I. (1975). O sistematicheskom sostave i razvitii semeystva Zhelioporidae (vos'miluchevye korally) [On the taxonomic composition and development of the Family Helioporidae (Octocorallia)]. Paleontologicheskiy Zhurnal

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