of, at, in,for,from , upon, with
1. Oxygen has been used ... undustiy... more than 100 years. 2. The actual development... the industrial application ... oxygen began ... the turn of the twentieth century. 3. Today probably 95 per ccnt... the huge volume ... oxygen is obtained ... the air. 4. This method is based ... the liquefaction ... air and its fractional distillation. 5. When calcium carbidc is treated ... water, it produces acctylcnc. 6. Acctylcnc bums ... air ... a brilliant white light. 7. The greatest amount... oxygen is used ... cutting iron and steel.
Ex. 9. a) Cheek up if you remember the following:
b) Translate the following adjectives into English and give their comparative and superlative forms:
yangi, yaxshi, katta, yomon, qiziqarli, nazariy, ko’p, yengil, baland, kichik
c) Translate the sentences into Uzbek, paying attention to the adjectives.
1. The Russian language is more difficult than the English language. 2. This work is less important than that work. 3. Lesson 2 is more interesting than Lesson 1.4. What is the largest city in Russia? 5. Is the Volga longer than the Lena? 6. Which is the oldest building in St. Petcrsbuig University? 7. Which was the most difficult subject for you when you were at school? 8. Who is the oldest in your group? 9. Most oxygen produced for industrial purposes is purer than 99 per ccnt. 10. Some applications of oxy-acctylcnc process are better known than others. 11 . One of the most spectacular applications of oxygen in industry is for cutting iron and steel. 12. Perhaps you will describe the most reccnt applications of the oxy-acetylene process. 13. Oxygen is men’s best friend.
Ex. 10. Translate the sentences into Uzbek.
1. He told me that the Iccturc would begin at 3 p.m. 2. They knew student N was working at the laboratory. 3. As I hadn’t read this article before, I went to the reading-room. 4 . 1 thought she would become a good student. S. When I camc to the laboratory, he had already gone home. 6 . We were told that even Lavoisier had been interested in oxygen. 7. The teacher explained how the substance had been obtained in his laboratory. 8. The hypothesis was very interesting but We wanted to know how it had been developed. 9. Soddy showed that some radioactive elements had similar behaviour. 10. Mendeleyev predicted that more elements would be discovered and even described their properties. 1 1 . Early chemists thought that water was an element. 12. Their experiment showed that not all isotopes were stable. 13. When We came in, she had finished her experiment and was analysing the results. 14. Everybody knew that professor N was making experiments on the properties of substances.
Ex. 11. Translate the sentences into English.
1. Kislorod qadimdan sanoatda ishlatilgan. 2. Kislorod odatda havodan uni suyultirish va fraksiyali distillash orqali olinadi. 3. Texnik jihatdan, bu jarayon murakkab. 4. Suyuq havo suyuq kislorod va suyuq azotning juda sovuq aralashmasidir. 5. Kalsiy karbidi suv bilan ishlov berilganda asetilen olinadi.
6. Hozirgi vaqtda kislorod-atsetilen payvandlash va metallarni kesish va deyarli barcha sohalarda qo'llaniladi. 7. Har yili juda ko'p miqdordagi kislorod sanoat maqsadlarida ishlatiladi. 8. Kislorod insonning eng yaxshi do'stidir. U ko'plab odamlarning hayotini saqlab qolish uchun xizmat qildi.
Ex. 12. Make up questions to the italicized parts of the sentences.
1. There has been interest in oxygen fo r several hundred years (2). 2. Today there is practically no industry which does not use the oxy- acetylene process (3). 3. Applications of the oxy-acetylene process are divided into two fields — repair and production (3).
Ex. 13. Answer the following questions:
1 . Who gave the name to oxygen? When? 2. What can you say about the industrial application of oxygen in the nineteenth century? 3. What industrial application of oxygen is known best of all? 4. In what fields of industry is the oxy-acctylcnc process used? 5. Why is oxygen called men’s best friend?
Section II
Mashq 1. Matn sarlavhasini o’qing5 В. Ushbu mavzu bo’yicha nimani bilganingizni ayting va yodda tuting.
Mashq 2. Quyidagi xalqaro so’zlar nimani anglatadi?:
radiation, ultraviolet, ozone, electric, are, generation, electrolysis, concentration, efficiency, characteristic, detect, toxicity, molecule, linear, contract, diamagnetic, resonance, electrophilic, mechanistic, biological, effect, vitamin, observation, antioxidant, protection, destructive, elastomer
Mashq 3. Tanlangan so’zlarning ma’nosini vaziyati bo’yicha aniqlang. Qavs ichidagi sinonim so’zlar yordamida.
1. Electrolysis is one of the common (usual) methods for obtaining ozone. 2. The ultraviolet radiation technique (method) is used when relatively (comparatively) low concentrations are obtained. 3. When high- purity ozone is desired (is necessary), liquid ozone is used. 4. When water is boiling, vapour is formed. 6 . The normal atmospheric pressure is 760 mm. 7. The characteristic odour of ozone is detcctablc by nose. 8. This odour provides (gives) a warning (a signal) of toxicity. 9. On exposure to oxygen metals are oxidized. 10. Gaseous ozone possesses four resonance structures. 11. Elcctrophilic nature of ozone is accounted for (explained by) this fact.
Tekstga so’zlar:
silent discharge — shovqinsiz bajarish; require — talab qilmoq; environment — atrof muhit; pass through a vessel — tomir orqali o’tish; bond — aloqa; rat — kalamush; undergo — ta’sir qilish
Text 5 В
Matnni o’qing (o’qish vaqti — 7 daqiqa).
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