Interactions in Electrolyte Solutions
In a solution of an cicctrolytc, it is often necessary to have a detailed knowledge of the specics present. New ions or uncharged molecules resulting from interactions in the solution may behave quite differently from the constituent ions of the cicctrolytc. Some properties of the solutions will be profoundly affeetcd, and the chemist, in order to understand these phenomena, will require to know the nature of the specics present. There are a number of formidable difficulties in the analysis of such systems and, during the past forty years or so, a great deal of work has been done on the problem. The equilibrium properties of cicctrolytc solutions and the way in which ion-pair and complex formation can be detcetcd and quantitatively studied are of primary importance. Although the application of new physical and chemical methods has produced significant contributions in this field, the information obtained from measurements of a system at equilibrium is to some extent limited, and in studying the phenomenon it is desirable to know the relevant kinetic parameters. Without this understanding, it is sometimes impossible to sketch the actual reaction mechanism by which the system approaches equilibrium. In general, We may regard the elucidation of the structure of an cicctrolytc solution as a difficult problem which requires as many independent lines of attack as possible.
A good deal of succcss in the study of molecules in the gas phase prompted chemists to attempt to build up theories of solutions in an analogous way. The classical theories regarded the solvent as merely providing spacc in which the solute particles moved and interactions between the ions and the solvent molecules were neglected. This assumption can be questioned on the basis of even the most elementary electrostatic considerations.
As long ago as 1833, both Faraday and Daniell concluded that electrolysis took place through the transport of electricity by mobile charged particlcs or ions which were discharged at the electrodcs. These ions were produced simply by dissolving the cicctrolytc in the solvent and so the concept o f bond-breaking in the molecules of cicctrolytc was first established. It is now realized that the energy required for such a process comes from tlic solvation of the ions. When the ions are introduced into solution, they interact with solvent molecules and a considerable heat of solvation may be involved. In order to understand such concepts, it is necessary to have a more detailed picture of the structure of the solvent molecules. Although non-aqucous solutions are of considerable interest, much of the work has been done in aqueous systems and these continue to be of paramount importance.
Words and Word-Combi nations to Be Memorized
assumption, behave, conclude, considerable, a good deal of, a great deal of, detect, discharge, electricity, to some extent, interest, interaction, kinetic, merely, mobile, ncglcct, or so, parameter, primary, realize, result from, transport
Ex. 5. Give the Uzbek equivalents for the following:
a detailed knowledge, result from interactions, affect profoundly, during forty years or so, the equilibrium properties of solutions, produce a significant contribution, the relevant kinetic parameters, ncglcct some parameters, the energy comes from, be of considerable interest
Ex. 6. Give the English equivalents for the following:
Eritmada ionlar va molekulalarning o'zaro ta'siri, bu hodisalarni tushunish uchun xususiyatlarga ta'sir qilish, so'nggi qirq yil ichida bir qator qiyinchiliklar mavjud bo'lib, son jihatdan o'rganish, muhim ahamiyatga ega bo'lish, ma'lumot olish, ma'lum darajada cheklash, bilish, muvozanatga yaqinlashish, uzatish orqali. , bir zaryadlangan zarracha, molekulada aloqa uzilib, eritma ichiga tushadi va birja eritmasini tushunadi
Ex. 7. Fill in the blanks with articles where necessary.
1. Sometimes it is necessary to have ... detailed knowledge about... composition o f ... solution under test. 2. It is desirable to know... relevant kinetic parameters. 3. To understand... structure o f ... electrolyte solution is ... difficult problem. 4. It was concluded that... electrolysis took place through ... transport o f ... electricity by ... mobile charged particles. 5. Much o f ... work has been done in ... aqueous systems.
Ex. 8. Give synonyms for the following:
a number of, a great deal of, do, produce, significant, information, obtain, study, actual, regard, analogous
Ex. 9. Give antonyms for the following:
present, new, uncharged, differently, with, difficult, many, move, more
Ex. 10. Translate the sentences into Uzbek.
1. It is often necessary to understand interactions in electrolytc solutions. 2. Some properties of the solutions will be profoundly affected.3. In studying the properties of a solution, it is desirable to know its composition. 4. Interactions between the ions and the solvent molecules were sometimes neglected. 5. On returning, We shall continue our investigation. 6. Tomorrow you must finish it up. 7. In studying a foreign language, one must leam a lot of foreign words by heart. 8. You are not allowed to work in the laboratory without learning the safety instruction.9. In the process of oxidation, the oxygen may be supplied by the air.10. Solids dissolve in liquids only to a limited extent. 11. Pure water conducts the electric current hardly at all. 12. Existence of germanium was predicted by D. 1. Mendeleyev in 1871. 13. Crystalline salts generally diffuse rapidly. 14. Due to crowding during formation or to erosion after formation, crystals are seldom perfect 15. The chemical properties of ozone are similar to those of oxygen except for its being more activc. 16. Silicon resembles carbon in forming a scries of volatile hydrides. 17. In dealing with crystals, one first encounters ions— atoms or groups of atoms carrying electrical charges. 18. Nearly all mercuric compounds sublime on being heated in the closed vessel. 19. Two elements may combine spontaneously upon being mixed or under special conditions. 20. A catalyst is defined as a substance that will change the rate of a chemical reaction without itself being changed. 21. Carbon burns in oxygen on strong heating. 22. In studying chemistry, it is necessary to consider the nature of all kinds of matter. 23. By changing the temperature of the reacting substances or by changing the concentration (mass, per unit volume), the inherent tendency to react may be incrcscd or decreased. 24. Water, a compound of hydrogen and oxygen, is widely distributed over the earth. 25. Natural radioactivity was discovered by the French physicist Henri Bccqucrcl (1851-1908) in 1896 just shortly after W. K. Roentgen’s discovery of X-rays in 1895. 26. Different real gases have slightly different molar volumes. 27. The forces acting between atoms in a molecule are very strong, and those acting between molecules are weak. 28. The heat capacity of a substance at, say, 25°C is not necessarily the same as that measured at another temperature.29. Covalency links are those commonly met with in carbon compounds.30. Finely divided barium sulphate has a great tendency to absorb other ions from solutions.
Ex. 11. Translate the scntenccs into English without using a dictionary.
1. Elektrolitlar eritmasini tahlil qilish uchun unda qanday zarrachalar borligini bilish kerak. 2. Eritmadagi o'zaro ta'sir natijasida hosil bo'lgan elektrolit ionlari va yangi ionlar boshqacha harakat qilishadi. 3. So'nggi yillarda o’qish-o'rganishga katta e'tibor berilmoqda. 4. 1833 yilda elektroliz zaryadlangan zarrachalarning harakatlanishi orqali elektr energiyasini o'tkazish orqali sodir bo'ladi degan xulosaga keldi.
Ex. 12. Answer the following questions:
1. Why is it necessary to know the specics present in solution? 2. What
do the properties of cicctrolytc solutions depend on? 3. What knowledge helped chemists to build up theories of solutions? 4. What fundamental conclusion made it possible to investigate cicctrolytc solutions successfully? 5. What processes take place in electrolyte solutions?
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