2021 yilda bajarilgan ishlar
Xalqaro ilmiy jurnallaridagi ilmiy maqolalar
1. Abdurazaqov Abdujabbor, Maxmudova Nasiba Abdujabborovna, Mirzamaxmudova Nilufar Tojiboevna On one method for solving degenerating parabolic systems by the direct line method with an appendix in the theory of filration European Journal of Research Development and Sustainability (EJRDS) Available Online at: ISSN: 2660-5570 Impact Factor: 7.455 SJIF 2021:5,7 2021 may
2. Qo’ziyev Sahobiddin Sobirovich Masofaviy o’qitishning metodlari, vositalari va shakllari. Polish science journal Issue 2(35) Part 2 Internasional science journal 2021, 32-37
3. Alimjonova G. The need for integration of social and technical knowledge in the development of technological culrure of students of higher tehnical educational institutions. An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal india 2021 march
4. Nazarova G. Modern pedagogical factors for the development og analytical thinking in future economists. An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal india 2021 march
5. Содиқова Г. Об одном дифференциальном уравнение с инволюцией Epra international journal of Research & Development 2021, май 121-123 бет
6. Baxodirov N. A nolocak conditional problem in a bounden area for an eqution of elliptic tyre. International Journal of Research in economics and sosial sciences Ijpress . A Monthiy Peer Reviewed Journal 2021 april
7. Yulbarsov X.X. Uchinchi tartibli psevdoparabolik tenglama uchun birinchi chegaraviy masala. Научно-образовательный электронный журнал. Образование и наука в ХХI веке.2021 год май, выпуск № 14 (Том 3)
8. Alimjonova G. Modern competensies in the tehno-culture of fulture tehnical spesialistis About the Journal CURRENT RESEARCH JOURNAL OF PEDAGOGICS Journal CrossRef Doi (10.37547/crjp)SJIF 2021:5.714 Call for Paper = Volume II Issue VI June 2021 Submission Date = 06/01/2021 to 06/30/2021 Current Issue
9. Alimjonova G. The need for integration of social and technical knowledge in the development of technological culture of students of higher technical educational institutions ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal 2021 yil №11, betlar 502-510, 8 bet
10. Alimjonova G. The need for developing Technological competence of higher technical Education students Electronic journal of actual problems of modern science, education and training 2021 yil № 7/1, betlar 30-34, 4 bet
11. Nazarova G. Methods of directing economics to scientific research activities About the Journal CURRENT RESEARCH JOURNAL OF PEDAGOGICS Journal CrossRef Doi (10.37547/crjp)SJIF 2021:5.714 Call for Paper = Volume II Issue VI June
2021 Submission Date = 06/01/2021 to 06/30/2021 Current Issue
12. Nazarova G. Modern pedagogical factors for the development of analytical thinking in future economists ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal 2021 yil №11, betlar 511-517ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal 2021 yil №11, betlar 511-517,7 bet
13. Nazarova G. The practical Status of the development of analytical thinking in Future economists Electronic journal of actual problems of modern science, education and training 2021 yil № 7/1, betlar 26-30, 4 bet
14. Abdulxaev Z.E., Abdurazaqov A., Sattorov A. M. Calculation of the transition processes in the pressurized water pipes at the start of the pump unit Journal NX A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal Volume 7, Issue 5, May-2021,
15. Abdulxaev Z.E., Sattorov A. M., Shoev M.A. Protection of Fergana City from Groundwater Euro Afro Studies International Journal 20.06.2021 Volume: 3, Issue: 6 Page: 70-81.
16. Ergashev S.F., Mamadieva D.T., Oripov A. Solar thermoelectric genera tor: thermal and solar thermoelectric genera tor: thermal and ma thema tical models, test resul ts ma thema tical models, test results. Energetics, the electrical engineering, electronic devices and information technologies 5-7-2021, 39-44 b.
17. Xayotov A.R. Bozorov Baxromjon Ilxomovich “Xisoblash va amaliy matematika muammolari» Ilmiy jurnal Optimal quadrature formula with cosine wekgnt function. 2021 y. №4(34)- 106-119 bb.
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