Figure 4. Basic to memory appeal to do process _
4-rasm. Asosiy xotiraga murojaat qilish jarayoni.
Modern on computers basic to memory appeal to do two kind of mode available (Figure 5):
1. Real mode - 1 Mbytes until which was basic memory for this _ regime computer MS DOS operation in the system worked during used . now this is MS DOS operating system emulation in doing used .
2. Protected mode- memory size from 1 MB a lot which was in the case of , that is this computers Windows operation in the system work from the beginning since used regime is _
real mode to memory appeal to do segments appeal to do through , protected in mode to the pages appeal to do through instead is increased . Bitta of the segment size - 64 Kbytes per page size and - 4 Kbytes has will be .
Figure 5.Real va protected modes basic of memory structure
Zamonaviy kompyuterlarda asosiy xotiraga murojaat kilishning ikki xil rejimi mavjud (5-rasm):
1. Real rejim – 1 Mbayt gacha bo‘lgan asosiy xotira uchun, bu rejim kompyuter MS DOS operatsion tizimida ishlagan paytida qo‘llanilagan. Hozirda bu, MS DOS operatsion tizimini emulyasiya qilishda ishlatiladi.
2. Himoyalangan rejim – xotira xajmi 1 Mbaytdan ko‘p bo‘lgan xolda, ya’ni bu kompyuterlar Windows operatsion tizimida ishlay boshlagandan buyon qo‘llanilgan rejim hisoblanadi.
Real rejimda xotiraga murojaat qilish segmentlarga murojaat qilish orqali, himoyalangan rejimda esa, sahifalarga murojaat qilish orqali amalga oshiriladi. Bitta segmentning xajmi – 64 Kbayt, sahifaning xajmi esa – 4 Kbaytga ega bo‘ladi.
5-rasm. Real va himoyalangan rejimlarda asosiy xotiraning tuzilishi
Permanent memory devices.
It 's kind of save device the word " permanent " in the name their electric voltage depending on not without information save ability means . DSQ chips are also a carrier matrix principles on built this _ on the ground in nodes conductors , half conductive diodes or transistors in the form of in connectors located in their a tip addresses to the line , the latter esa discharges reading to the line connected . Such matrix connector presence 1 ni , absence and 0 ni report possible . DSQ s some species capacitor connector located element role plays . Such without capacitor charge 1, uncharged status 0 meaning means .
DSQning basic performance order information This is reading In the TSQ similar from surgery organizational in terms of duration in terms of difference does not . Exactly this situation constant SQ is generally recognized name - ROM (Read-Only Memory - only reading for memory ) _ emphasizes . In the same way together , to the DSQ write usually from reading according to more difficult will be great time and power consumption with depending on . DSQ ga information add programming or " firmware " .