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Something of value that is given to the winner

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2 курс тест

201. Something of value that is given to the winner
a. opportunity b. risk c. prize d. Happen
202. Everything that exists in space
a. Universe b. instead c. suddenly d. View
203. To understand
a. realize b. respond c. breathe d. Excite
204. Something difficult that you have to do
a. Condition b. sense c. challenge d. Divide
205. The liquid in your body
a. spot b. blood c. cell d. Owe
206. item
a path c. A thing
b. Someone who keeps the law d. A place to watch a show
207. To break something
a. Identify b. maybe c. damage d. Ocean
208. To stop something from falling down
a. Balance b. arrange c. attend d. Release
209. Goal
a thought about someone or something c. A fight between groups of people
b. something you work toward d. A small amount of something
210. however
a. The last part b. rule c. Part of a tree d. Despite something
211. We _____ watching a good documentary _____ BBC World now.
a. are / in b. am / on c. are / on d. is / in
212. I _____. Because it’s my happiest day today.
а. jumping b. jump c. ’m jumping d. jumped
213. Is my English _____ better.
a. gets b. get c. getting d. to get
Choose right definition for the given word.
214. Achieve
a. to think about something c. To tell someone what to do
b. to break into pieces d. To get something
215. Angry
a. Happy c. cruel
b. Low d. hunt
216. Mention
a. to say c. To not believe
b. to look at d. To be happy
217. Solve
a. To guess c. to look at something
b. To find an answer d. to not succeed in what you try to do
218. Wave
a. To pass from physical life c. salt water that surrounds land
b. A raised line of water d. land in the middle of water
219. Clue
a. hint c. heavy
b. steps d. wood
220. Visible
a. From nature c. easy to see
b. New d. normal
221. To marry
a. collect c. prepare
b. wed d. introduce
222. wealth
a. old c. money
b. leader d. season
223. A way of doing something
a. method b. profit c. professional d. attitude
224. Jane’s _____ her friend tonight.
a. Sees b. seeing c. see d. saw
225. something interesting to see
a. sight c. whole
b. correct d. crop
226. _____ is hiding behind _____ car?
a. Whose / my c. Who’s / mine
b. Who / my d. Whose / mine
227. to eat
a. consume c. breathe
b. realize d. observe
228. select
a. to change c. To keep doing something
b. to choose d. To fight
229. Benedict and Nina are _____ only salads.
Because vegetarians don’t _____ meat.
e. eat / eat c. eating / eating
b. eat / eating d. eating / eat
230. hidden
a. one hundred years c. level with no curves
b. a nice man d. not able to be seen
231. island
a. land c. feelings
b. salt water d. hard thing
232. appreciate
a. to go away c. To have fun to show something is special
b. to use little of d. to know why something is important
233. Find out appropriate definition to the word ASSUMPTION.

  1. Putting together various elements to make a whole

  2. A believe that something is true

  3. Something which is probably true, though it can’t be proved

  4. Make a judgment based on criteria

234. Match the word and its definition EVALUATE
a. Make clear or plain b) Make a judgment based on criteria
c. Support an argument or conclusion d) Express concisely the relevant things
235. Where can we see the inscription: “ The pursuit of knowledge is the duty of every man and woman”.
a. Ulughbek observatory in Samarkand b)Ulughbek madrasah in Samarkand
c. Bibikhanum mosque in Samarkand d) Ulughbek madrasah in Bukhara
236. What does QUESTIONING mean?
a. To carry out experimentations
b. To hold discussions and demonstrating results
c. To collect data and analyze ideas
d.To defend and justify conclusion
237. Who is considered to be the Father of Creations?
a. Thomas Edison b) Felix Hoffman c) Galileo Galilei d) Alex Osborn
238. Thomas Edison believed that way to success is …….. .
a. Never give up and quit b) Always to try just one more time
c.Love for learning d) All answers are correct
239. Match the word and its definition CORRELATION
a. A carefully controlled test of a hypothesis
b. Information gathered in an investigation
c. Connection between things
d. A chart that organizes data in rows and columns
240. Match the word and its definition FORGE
a. To make something better b. To copy something illegally
c. Causing indignation and shock d.To imagine something
241. Shortened form of a speech , article , book, etc… giving only the most important facts.
a. Abstract b) Presentation c) Conclusion d) Viva voce
242. What does PLAGIARISM mean?
a. To make a solemn promise or agreement
b. To take ideas words from someone else’s work and use as own without admitting one has done so
c. Something written awkwardly , or fast and carelessly
d. To persuade someone to accept one’s ideas
243. Fill in the blank with correct transition word. Rustam adored chocolate very much and he ate 2 boxes of it every night. ….. , he began to grow too fast.
a. Consequently b) Accordingly c) Meanwhile d) Moreover
244. Give the definition to the observational research.
a. Provides information in the form of words or visual presentation
b. Occurs in laboratories
c. Observes, measures or records what occurs then analyzes
d. Compiles statistical evidence
245. Give the definition to the word SOCIETY
a. Is a group of people living in one area following the same rules.
b. Is a fight between groups of people.
c. is a group of people with the same interests
d. is a science studying humanity
246. Find the synonym to the word EXPATS
a. Animals b) Experiments c) Insects d) Immigrants
247. Choose the definition to the word REVEAL
a. To work or act together to engage in economic partnership
b. To live permanently or for considerable time
c. Disclose, divulge this or that information
d. Blossoming, developing , progressing, thriving

248. Complete the sentence with suitable phrasal verb.

He is always ….. influential people.
a. Making up to b) Doing away with c) Making for d) Making off
249. Find the word with similar meaning to the word LEGALITY
a. Validity b) Reliability c) Poverty d) Supposition

250. How many types of research do you know?

a. 3 b) 4 c) 2 d) 5

251. Choose the sentence contradicting the others.

a. Practical work is the most significant lessons at higher educational system
b. Conducting regular practical activities help students to intensify their knowledge in research experience
c. Doing practical work is a basis of positive motivation for learners
d. A good laboratory or practical work can’t be a primary step for students who are interested in research
252. Choose the right definition to the word GOAL
a. A thought about something or somebody b) Something you work toward
c. A fight between groups of people d) A small amount of something

253. Complete the sentence.

You’ll need to be …, as you’ll be working on financial budgets.
a. Numerate b) motivate c) talented d) systematic
254. Recruitment is …….. .
a. Level b) application c) covering letter d) hiring
255. I joined this company because the career …… is excellent.
a. Turn b) path c) over d) in
256. Our sales manager heads …….. a department of 40 people.
a) up b) off c) over d) in
257. The Ford Motor Company was ……… in 1903.
a. Based b) founded c) got d) opened
258. If you ……….. to me yesterday , we …….. this article together.
a. Came/shall translate b) would come /could translate
c.had come / could have translate d) come / having translated
259. The police ……. the kidnapper from escaping by blocking all exits.
a) prevented b) encouraged c) allowed d) avoided
260. The final result of a process , meeting, etc.
a) inside b) income c) outcome d) outside
261. To tell someone you might cause them harm
a) harmful b) threaten c) danger d) treating
262. A set of rules for behaving correctly.
a) behavioral b) ethics c) ethnic d) etiquette

263. Match the word and its definition HYPOTHESIS

a. A believe that something is true
b. Something which is probably true , though it can’t be proved
c. Plan, inquire into and draw conclusions about
d. Make clear or plain
264. Find out appropriate definition to the word INCESSANTLY
a. Continuously , not stopping b) Always at the same level
c) All the time d) Necessary
265. Complete the inscription: “ Pursuit of knowledge is …….. “ .
a.Essential for everyone b) Our obligation
c. The duty of every man and woman d) From cradle to the grave
266. What is the key of every investigation?
a. Hypothesizing b) Observation c) Predicting d) Experimenting
267. Who is considered to be the inventor of electric lighting bulb?
a. Elias Howe b) Thomas Edison c) Hans Lippershey d) Charles Babbage
268. When was the Father of Creations awarded with Gold medal?
a. In 1847 b) in 1928 c) in 1882 d ) in 1927
269. Match the word and its definition DATA TABLE
a. A chart that organizes data in rows and columns
b. Connection between two things
c. Information gathered in an investigation
d. To study something carefully , to look for patterns or trends
270. Who does this saying belong to ? If you can dream it, you can do it.
a. Thomas Edison b) Walt Disney c) Martin Luther King d) Ulughbek
271. Match the word and its definition REFINE
a. Make a web b) copy something illegally c) make smth. better d) to imagine smth.
272. Fill in the blank with correct transition word. Katy’ s mother, father and brother are all vegetarians. ………….., Katy eats meat every day.
a. Surprisingly b) meanwhile c) hence d) consequently
273. Choose the synonym to the word SUBSTITUTE
a. submit
b. condemn
c. replace
d. highlight
274. What is bullying?
a. Persuading someone do something
b. Putting up with some problem
c. Changing one’s mind
d. Intimidating someone especially vulnerable people
275. Fill in the gap with proper phrasal verb.
The superb food at the hotel…. the uncomfortable rooms.
a. Made up for
b. Did away with
c. Did without
d. Made up to
276. Choose the synonym to the word RESIDE
a. Dwell b) put c) implement d) elect
277. Complete the sentence with suitable phrasal verb. They …….. without paying.
a. Did out of b) made for c) did away with d) made off
278. Find the word with similar meaning to the word CARRY ON
a. Conduct b) take c) deny d) fetch
279. Choose the main types of Social research
a. Observational and applied b) qualitative and quantitative
c. individual and basic d) developmental and basic
280. Choose the sentence which is False
a. You had better not use unofficial style in your research paper
b. It is recommended to use personal pronoun “ I” instead of “we” or passive voice
c. Use past tense for your text in research
d. Follow the logical order of research pa per
281. Complete the sentence. A few days after hitting his arm, he had a large black …… .
a. break b) cut c) swelling d) bruise
282. The line is bad . Please hang …… and I’ll call you.
a) on b) at c) down d) up
283. We tried to contact you , but we couldn’t get …….. .
a) down b) through c) on d) up
284. An ability to understand something clearly
a) enthusiasm b) insight c) outsight d) inside
285. A document which lists your personal and professional details
a) CV b) applicant c) application d) retirement
286. Examining something in order to understand it .
a) testing b) realizing c) analysis d) observation
287. Considering something in order to discover how good or bad it is.
a) appreciation b) decision c) accounting d) evaluation
288. They do not ……. cheques in that restaurant.
a) accept b) agree c) allow d) admit
289. How are you getting on ……. new computer?
a) with b) at c) by d) for
290. They are completely ….. up with all the noise in the centre of town.
a) tired b) fed c) sick d) ill
291. Poi rot ______ her if Mrs. Ascher ______ any peculiar letters without a proper signature.
a) had asked, had received b) asked, received
c) had asked, received d) asked, had received

292. I thought that Mrs. Fowler ______ us everything.

a) told b) had told c) was told
293. But Poi rot said that she ______ more than us.
a) knew b) was knowing c) had known
294. The letter ______ just before I ______ back.
a) came, arrived b) had come, arrived
c) came, had arrived d) had come, had arrived
295. Miss Higley said that Elizabeth ______ friendly in working hours, but the girls ______ much of her out of them.
a) was, didn’t see b) had been, hadn’t seen
c) had been, didn’t see d) was, hadn’t seen
296. She said that Betty ______ anything about her plans and she ______ her in the café that evening.
a) didn’t say, didn’t see b) hadn’t said, didn’t see
c) didn’t say, hadn’t seen d) hadn’t said, hadn’t seen
297. Hardly ______ she ______ these words when a beautiful young lady ______ in the room.
a) did ... say, appeared b) had ... said, appeared
c) did ... say, had appeared d) had ... said, had appeared
298. I ______ that once he ______ a well-known specialist in his field.
a) knew, had been b) knew, was
c) had known, had been d) had known, was
299. He ______ in the house he ______ for himself near the Devon coast.
a) lived, built b) had lived, built c) had lived, had built d) lived, had built
300. Susan _____ her parents the news only after she and Mike ______ married.
a) had told, had got b) had told, got c) told, had got d) told, got
301. In summer John usually…tennis once or twice a week.
A) is playing B) does play C) are playing D) plays
302. Dad…always…me about my clothes.
A) -/teases B) is/teasing C) does/tease D) is/tease
303. My cousin...us on Saturday. He has a day off.
A) visits B) are visit C) is visiting D) does visit
304. Where are you going to stay when you…in London?
A) have B) are C) will be D) does
305. We…to the beach now.
A) goes B) are going C) is going D) go
306. You can't see Tom now: he… a bath.
A) are having B) is having C) has D) does having
307. The coach...at 6 this evening.
A) will leave B) leave C) is leaving D) leaves
308. Listen! …you…something?
A) are/hearing B) is/hearing C) does/hear D) do/hear
309. Don't rush me. I... as fast as I can.
A) works B) am working C) does work D) will work
310. Why… you …so fast today?
A) are/walking B) do/walk C) are/walk D) have/walk
311. He…four cars, all of them Rolls-Royces.
A) is having B) had C) has D) will have
312. The last train… at midnight.
A) is leaving B) leave C) leaves D) are leaving
313 '…Stephen speak French?' 'No, '
A) is B) has C) does D) do
314. Angela has just started evening classes. She…German.
A) learns B) learning C) is learning D) does learn
315 '...you doing your homework now?' 'Yes, I am
A) do B) are C) is D) will
316. Ken is still ill but he --- better slowly.
A) gets B) will get C) is getting D) does get
317. When was the English language brought to the American continent?

  1. 1607 b) 1605 c) 1677 d) 1615

318. How many people speak English as their mother tongue?

  1. 300 mln b) 400mln c)100mln d) 500mln

319. How many has the United Kingdom been official name of the British Kingdom?

  1. 1932 b) 1835 c) 1922 d) 1920

320. What does “Albion” mean?

  1. Black b)white c) precious d) heart

321. How is the Flag of Britain called?
a)St.George b) St.Andrew c) Great Britain d)Union Jack
322. When was the anthem of Britain written?
a) 17 century b) 16 century c) 18 century d) 15 century
323. Which is the longest river in England?
a) Thames b) Mersey c) Severn d) Clyde
324. Where is the capital of England?
a) London b)Cardiff c)Wales d) Belfast
325. Who makes the law of Great Britain?
a) Queen b) King c) Parliament d) Monarch
326. How many political parties are there in Britain?
a)4 b) 3 c) 2 d) 5
327.Which part of London is famous for shopping and entertainment?
a) East End b ) West End c) North d) South
328. Fill the gaps. He succesded in …. Doing activities in English.
a) on b) in c) from d) to
329.When you go abroad, make sure you take enough foreign …. With you.
a) cost b) fees c) passport d) currency
330.His weekly …. From the factory were hardly enough to buy food.
a) cash b) wage c) coins d) money
331.The Government is trying very hard to …. AIDS from speaking.
a) avoid b) stop c) cure d) prevent
332. When was the proclamation of independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan?
a) 1 September 1991 B) 31 august 1991 c)
333. Janet got married to Pedro last Saturday and we went to the … which was wonderful.
a) wedding b)n marriage c) reception d) ceremony
334. Where is the square Mile situated?
a) Paris b) London c) Belfast d) Washington
335. Which is the highest mountain in Britain?
a) Ben Nevis b) Highlands c) Severn d) Thames
336. How many islands are there in Great Britain?
a) 500 b) 1000 c) 5000 d) 300
337. What is the synonym of “famous” ?
a) known b) sincere c) outstanding d)good
338. He went to work …. He felt unwell.
a) despite b) in spite of c) except d) although
339. The book is …. the table.
a) on b) in c) to d) from
340. They …. at the reception so far.
a) has been b) have been c) were d) are
341. When was the Kukaldosh madrasah built?
a) 17 century b) 16 century c) 15 century d) 12 century
342. What is the synonym of “chance”?
a) opportunity b) break c) ability d) feeling
343. New York is …. expensive than I had expected.
a) most b) little c) more d) full
344. In summer I like … in the river.
a) swim b) to swim c) swimming d) swam
345 If I had a lot of money, I … travel around the world.
a) was b) would c) could d) should
346. Yesterday a group of students ….. out of the countryside.
a) have gone b) went c) were d) had gone

347. Who invented the first programmed computer?

a) Aiken 1939 b) Pascal 1976 c) Lebnitz 1943d) Napier 1935
348.Which is the longest river in England?
a) Thames b) Mersey c) Severn d) Clyde
349. Where is the capital of England?
a) London b)Cardiff c)Wales d) Belfast
350. Who makes the law of Great Britain?
a) Queen b) King c) Parliament d) Monarch
351. How many political parties are there in Britain?
a)4 b) 3 c) 2 d) 5
352. Which part of London is famous for shopping and entertainment?
a) East End b ) West End c) North d) South
353 Fill the gaps. He succesded in …. Doing activities in English.
a) on b) in c) from d) to
354.When you go abroad, make sure you take enough foreign …. With you.
a) cost b) fees c) passport d) currency
355. His weekly …. From the factory were hardly enough to buy food.
a) cash b) wage c) coins d) money
356. The Government is trying very hard to …. AIDS from speaking.
a) avoid b) stop c) cure d) prevent
357. When was the proclamation of independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan?
a) 1 september 1991 B) 31 august 1991 c)
358. Janet got married to Pedro last Saturday and we went to the … which was wonderful.
a) wedding b)n marriage c) reception d) ceremony
359. Where is the square Mile situated?
a) Paris b) London c) Belfast d) Washington
360. Which is the highest mountain in Britain?
a) Ben Nevis b) Highlands c) Severn d) Thames
361.Whose work resulted the first theoretical advance in computer design from?
a) John von Neumann b) Pascal c)Lebnitz
362. What is the synonym of “famous” ?
a) known b) sincere c) outstanding d)good
363. How many types are there electronic computers?
a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5
364. The book is …. the table.
a) to b) in c) on d) from
365. They …. at the reception so far.
a) has been b) have been c) were d) are
366. When were the first computers appeared?
a) 1950 b)1945 c) 1965 d) 1955
367. What is the synonym of “chance”?
a) break b) opportunity c) ability d) feeling
368. New York is …. expensive than I had expected.
a) most b) little c) more d) full
369. In summer I like … in the river.
a) swim b) to swim c) swiiming d) swam
370. If I had a lot of money, I … travel around the world.
a) was b) would c) could d) should
371. Yesterday a group of students ….. out of the countryside.
a) have gone b) went c) were d) had gone
372. She…a school-girl. She…to school in the afternoon.
A) does/go B) is/go C) is/goes D) has/goes
373. I wonder why but He…always…with his friend.
A) -/argues B) does/arguing C) is/argue D) is/arguing
374. I...a special meal tonight. But usually I don’t make special meal.
A) makes B) make C) am making D) will make
375. I'll give you my address when I…somewhere to live.
A) finds B) will find C) is finding D) find
376. I…lunch with my mother tomorrow.
A) have B) am having C) is having D) had
377. …anybody… to the radio or can I turn it off?
A) is/listening B) does/listen
C) do/listen D) are/listening
378. The concert...at 7 next Friday.
A) will start B) is starting C) starts D) are start
379. …you …that man over there?
A) are/seeing B) do/sees C) do/see D) are/see
380. I… of selling my car. Would you be interested in buying it?
A) think B) am thinking C) am think D) will think
381. A: …you…today?
B: I usually…on Fridays but I've got the day off.
A) do/work/work B) will/work/work
C) are/working/work D) do/works/works
382. We usually grow vegetables in our garden but this year we … any.
A) will not grow B) does not grow
C) are not growing D) doesn’t grow
383. The world… . Things never stay the same.
A) is changing B) changes
C) will change D) does change
384. The rivers…in winter.
A) freeze B) freezes C) is freezing D) will freeze
385. She… a solicitor about her aunt's will.
A) will see B) sees C) saw D) is seeing
386 '…8usan working this week?' 'No, she's on holiday.'
A) is B) do C) does D) are
387. …John … to the radio at the moment?
A) does/listen B) is/listen C) will/listen D) is/listening
388 '…the teachers like your work?' 'Yes, '
A) does B) do C) has D) are
389. Jane … fond of sports. She…her morning exercises every day.
A) is/does B) has/is C) is/has D) does/does
390. You don’t believe it. He…always…people small presents.
A) are/give B) does/give C) -/gives D) is/giving
391 …they...on Friday?
A) are/leave B) are/leaving
C) do/leave D) do/leaving
392. You must come and see us when you…in London again.
A) will be B) does C) do D) are
393. …your parents sitting in the garden now?
A) is B) are C) does D) do
394. Why …you… at me like that? What's the matter?
A) do/look B) does/look C) are/looking D) is/looking
395. My working day…at seven o'clock.
A) will begin B) is beginning C) begins D) begin
396. …you…what I mean?
A) do/ understand B) are/ understanding
C) will/ understand D) do/ understanding
397. I…you should sell your car. You don’t use it very often.
A) am thinking B) thinks C) will think D) think
398. The cost of living… . Every year things are more expensive.
A) grows B) is growing C) will grow D) grow
399 Rice…in cold climates.
A) isn’t growing B) doesn’t grow C) grow D) will grow
400 '…you understand the lessons?' 'No, '
A) is B) are C) do D) have
401 'You…hard today.' 'Yes, I have a lot to do.
A) are working B) work C) will work D) works
402 '... it raining outside?' 'No, it is not
A) does B) has C) will D) is
403. ... the children playing outside?' 'Yes, they are
A) has B) does C) is D) are




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