annoying texting habits to
Lower your voice when using your phone in public
This phone etiquette guideline is a continuation of never shouting in public. Not only should you
not shout, but you should automatically lower your voice. If you don’t want to hear other people’s
phone conversations, they definitely don’t want to hear yours either. Here are more
manners that etiquette teachers wish you knew
Don’t take a call in the middle of a face-to-face conversation
“Cell phones can destroy all your interpersonal dealings,” says Graff. “You should
not even give
the screen a glance while you’re speaking to someone at a party or a dinner.” Sometimes it’s best
to think of how would you feel if that happened to you? If it would bother you, then you probably
shouldn’t do it to someone else. In addition
to phone etiquette slip-ups, here are more
etiquette mistakes you need to stop making