1-савол:: The purpose of formative assessment? {= to improve learning and teaching

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Teacher: Your group was hands down the fastest to solve
The problem!
Student: But our hands were not down; they were up!
Which of the following best explains the student's response?
{=The student is interpreting the meaning of an English idiom literally
~The student is transferring word meanings from the primary language to English
~The student has an incomplete understanding of English sentence structure
~The student has not yet developed cognitive academic language proficiency in English

::96-савол:: What is the primary goal of sheltered instruction is to help English language learners?

{=Learn grade-level content while developing English language proficiency
~Develop communicative competence in English through meaningful interaction
~Maintain proficiency in the first language while acquiring English language skills
~Acquire English language proficiency through content-related materials

::97-савол:: An EAP class includes a number of newly arrived English language learners who are at the advanced beginning level of English language proficiency. The teacher is aware that the students come from a culture in which classroom practices tend to be teacher- centered, and the students have limited experience working with peers cooperatively in groups. The teacher is planning a cooperative group activity and wants to promote these English language learners' ability to work cooperatively as members of a group. Which of the following teacher strategies would likely be most effective for this purpose?

{=Establishing class guidelines for group activities and modeling for students specific examples of the guidelines prior to the activity
~Pairing each English language learner with a native English speaker and asking the partner to help the English language learner during the activity
~Placing the English language learners together in a group for the activity and serving as the group's leader during the activity
~Allowing the English language learners to observe while the rest of the class engages in the activity and discussing with the students their observations about the activity
::98-савол:: A diagnostic language test would be most appropriate to administer to English language learners for the purpose of what?
{=Identifying their level of proficiency in a particular aspect of English
~Determining their overall level of English language proficiency
~Measuring their general capacity for learning a second language
~Assessing their mastery of material covered in a language lesson
::99-савол:: An ESP teacher provides advanced-level English language learners with explicit instruction in the accurate use of language forms, such as rules of complex English sentence structure. This practice is likely to benefit these students' English language development primarily by improving their ability to:
{=Express ideas clearly in academic writing
~Comprehend the general meaning of authentic texts
~Communicate fluently in social situations
~Use learning strategies to develop academic knowledge

::100-савол:: Define the test type: “Can include Progress, Achievement and Proficiency tests, enabling teachers to identify specific weaknesses/difficulties so that an appropriate remedial program can be planned. The Tests are primarily designed to assess students' knowledge & skills in particular areas before a course of study is begun. Reference back to class-work. Motivation. Remedial work.”

::101-савол:: This reveals the needs of students for whom the course was designed…?
{= Analysis of students’ needs
~Establishing Specific Goals
~Using a Model to Organize Materials
~Arrangement of lessons from the simplest to the most complex
::102-савол:: Using a Model to Organize Materials….?
{= This is the theoretical framework for the organization and presentation of materials specific to a lesson.
~To help students cope with the reading of medical prose, such as documents, journal articles, medical cases, etc.
~These objectives are “the goals of designing the materials specific to a course in English, as indicated by the needs analysis, and expressed in terms of what the learners expect.”
~This serves to arouse students’ interest and curiosity and acts as an appetizer. It can also be a motivation builder
::103-савол:: The level at which assumptions, theories or beliefs about the nature of language and nature of language learning are specified is ………?
{= Approach
~Process of materials
::104-савол::These objectives are “the goals of designing the materials specific to a course in English, as indicated by the needs analysis, and expressed in terms of what the learners expect.”
{= Establishing Specific Goals
~Using a Model to Organize Materials
~Arrangement of lessons from the simplest to the most complex
~Language Practice
::105-савол:: There are factors that contribute to the unreliability of a test such as… Find false answer.
{= Climate Reliability
~Rater Reliability
~Test Administration Reliability
~ Student-related reliability

::106-савол:: To make a valid test, you must be clear about what you are testing:

{= Always test what you have taught and can reasonably expect your students to know
~To test writing with a question where your students don’t have enough background knowledge is fair
~Testing speaking where they are expected to respond to a reading passage they can’t understand will be a good test of their speaking skills
~Give no time and materials to prepare to the test
::107-савол:: Which testing type answers the question “does the test actually measure what it is intended to measure?”
::108-савол:: Which tests compare a person’s knowledge or skills against a predetermined standard, learning goal, performance level, or other criterion.
::109-савол:: Norm-referenced measures compare a person’s … ?
{=knowledge or skills to the knowledge or skills of the norm group
~knowing second language
::110-савол:: Driving tests are criterion-referenced tests, because…?
{=their goal is to see whether the test taker is skilled enough to be granted a driver's license
~to see whether one test taker is more skilled than another test taker
~their goal is to see whether the test taker is sufficiently familiar with the new country's history and government
~to see if he can become instructor
::111-савол:: How the calculating norm-referenced scores is called?
{=norming process
~comprehension process
~reading process
~behavior process

::112-савол:: Norm-referenced scores are generally reported as a…?


::113-савол:: … is centred on the language appropriate to these activities in terms of grammar, lexis, register, study skills, discourse and genre.

{=English for Specific Purposes
~English for Academic Purposes
~English for Occupational Purposes
~English for General Academic Purposes

::114-савол:: To determine a young child’s readiness for preschool or kindergarten. These tests may be designed to measure oral-language ability, visual-motor skills, and cognitive and social development. Which type of test is this example?


::115-савол:: What kind of mistake could teacher do while assessing students` knowledge?

{= Rely on their test results
~Rely on their speaking skills
~Rely on their understanding

::116-савол:: The aim is examining the organization of the as stated explicitly by the author/ publisher by looking at the description , or the claims made on the cover of the teacher’s/ students’ book and the introduction also table of contents that should enable the evaluator to assess.

{=The External Evaluation
~The Internal Evaluation
~The Overall Evaluation
~The answers A and C are right

::117-савол:: Find the factor of the External Evaluation.

{=Deciding the materials be used are the main core course or supplementary
~The presentation of the skills in the materials
~The grading and sequencing of the materials.
~The recordings are ‘authentic’ or artificial in the listening skills

::118-савол:: Find the wrong broad category for evaluation proposed by Rudby.

{=The learning experience covering grammar, lexis, and skills
~The learner’s needs, goals, and pedagogical requirements
~The teacher’s skills, abilities, theories, and beliefs
~The thinking underlying the materials writer’s presentation of the content and approach to teaching and learning respectively

::119-савол:: …is a process of selecting the material, adapting or changing, rejecting and supplementing to suit a particular group of students.

{=Materials adaptation
~Materials evaluation
~Materials design
~Materials development

::120-савол:: How many major steps can be divided the process of the Evaluation?


::121-савол::... is an adaptation procedure which involves supplementation of extra linguistic items and activities to make up for the inadequacy/ insufficiency of materials.

~Deletion/ omission

::122-савол:: Which of the following answers is the situation of deletion/omission?

{=Learners are competent in a skill
~Texts/pictures/tasks are fewer than needed.
~Providing an appropriate follow-up
~Tasks are limited in scope

::123-савол:: This procedure is employed to make materials less complicated or easier to understand.

~Deletion/ omission
::124-савол:: What is the Authentic materials?
{=an important way in order to improve the skills because help bring the real world into the classroom
~procedure of materials adaptation through which different parts of a course book are arranged in a different order or sequence
~ procedure is employed to make materials less complicated or easier to understand.
~changes in different aspects of materials, such as linguistic level, exercises, assessment system and so on

::125-савол:: Find the factor that can affect the adaptation process.

{=Teachers can modify or adding the information
~Teachers have any choices in selecting the materials.
~Selecting the course book is a challenge for teachers
~The teachers itself might be the subject to be evaluated

::126-савол:: How do you concept the term summative assessment?

{=assessment OF learning
~the on-going process of assessment
~assessment FOR learning
~learning through feedback and practice

::127-савол:: What does not apply to the characteristics of formative assessment?

{=formative assessment does not require that pupils have a central part in it
~it takes into account the progress of each individual, the effort put in and other aspects of learning which may be unspecified in the curriculum; in other words, it is not purely criterion-referenced
~assessment has to be practical in the sense of it being feasible to implement
~validity and usefulness are paramount and should take precedence over concerns for reliability

::128-савол:: How summative assessment can be used by a teacher?

{=students' ranking
~check students' understanding
~diagnostic the learning gaps and misconceptions
~learning from mistakes
::129-савол:: …is when we observe learners to see how well they are doing something and then give them comments on their performance.
{=Informal assessment
~Peer assessment
::130-савол:: The ways instructors gather data about their teaching and their students’ learning. The data provide a picture of a range of activities using different forms of assessment such as: pre-tests, observations, and examinations.
~Summative assessment

::131-савол:: Name the year of cooperation of the British Council with the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialised Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan Scientific-Practical Innovation Centre, when they have launched the EnSPIRe-U


::132-савол:: Define the common reference level :“ Can understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance(e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment). Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters. Can describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background, immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need.”


::133-савол:: How many higher educational institutions have been invited to take part in the pilot project?


::134-савол:: Ultimately the EnSPIRe-U project aims to raise the level of English Language proficiency and strengthen English language teaching and assessment in Uzbekistan

{=in non-philological institutions
~philological institutions
~medical and law institutions

::135-савол:: Define the common reference level :“ Can understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. Can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the language is spoken. Can produce simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest. Can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes & ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans”

::136-савол:: According to the English for Specific Purposes Integrated Reform in Uzbekistan assessment should be based on the teaching materials and aligned to the..
~Uzbekistan Scientific-Practical Innovation Centre

::137-савол:: Define the common reference level :“Can understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions inhis/her field of specialisation. Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction withnativespeakers quite possible without strain for either party. Can produceclear, detailed text ona widerange of subjectsand explainaviewpoint onatopical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.”


::138-савол:: Define the common reference level :“Can understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts,and recognize implicit meaning. Can express him/ herself fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions. Can use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes. Can produce clear, well-structured, detailed text on complex subjects, showing controlled use of organisational patterns,connect or sand cohesive devices.”


::139-савол:: The idea of developing a CEFR was launched in …. during a major Council of Europe symposium organised in Rüschlikon in co-operation with Swiss authorities.

::140-савол:: What is the first principle is ESP learners’?
{=awareness of the learning process
~get from learning situation
~to encourage learners
~a collection of ideals and values

::141-савол:: How many principles should focus an effective ESP program?


::142-савол:: By whom was emphasized the importance of an interdisciplinary approach to ESP programs?

::143-савол:: Who emphasized the importance of team-teaching activities to improve writing abilities of ESP learners?

::144-савол:: The second world war helped a lot in the emergence of ESP because the world entered a new era based on…

{=Technology and commerce
~Acquiring lands

::145-савол:: What is the role of the learner and what is the task he/she faces?

{=The learners come to the ESP class with a specific interest for learning, subject matter knowledge, and well-built adult learning strategies
~Find out the skills they need to focus on
~Make many errors in order to succeed
~Structure effective communication skills in the classroom

::146-савол:: Regarding the mentioned points, the social role of ESP learners is of primary prominence since it makes ESP programs similar to …

{=AE programs
~ESL programs
~EAP programs
~No right answer

::147-савол:: The information collected in the target situation includes...

{=the language application information, communicative skills, and the cognition of the teaching objectives of the learners, working institutions and societies
~the criteria and rationale for grouping learners, the selection and sequencing of course content
~methodology, course length, and intensity and duration
~optimizing course design, setting teaching goals, updating teaching concepts, training teachers and compiling textbooks

::148-савол:: Test specifications could be on three different levels:

{=1.a test specification file which roughly specifies what to test for a whole application ; 2.a test specification for each test suite; 3. a test specification per test case, specifying subtest cases to run
~1.a test specification of node names available to the test suite; 2. a test specification where Case is in Case List, shall be skipped; 3. a test specification of available hosts on which to start slave nodes
~1.a test specification where backwards compatibility and should not be used; 2.a test specification for each test suite; 3. a test specification per test case, specifying subtest cases to run
~1. a test specification where Case is in Case List, shall be skipped; 2.a test specification of node names available to the test suite; 3. a test specification per test case, specifying subtest cases to run
::149-савол:: If a group of test cases need the same initialization, a so-called _________________?
{=configuration or conf
~specification or spec
~finalization or final
~initialization or init

::150-савол:: What is Test method?

{=a method for a test in science or engineering, such as a physical test, chemical test, or statistical test and a definitive procedure that produces a test result
~a method of research where tester makes special tasks
~a request for information and possibility to learn what the teachers did not know about their students before
~method is that learning a language means acquiring habits

::151-савол:: Why use the Test methods?

{=to measure language ability influence performance on language tests
~desire to catch the students unprepared with what they are not acquainted.
~indicator of progress the student is gradually making learning the language
~to be memorized and long lists of vocabulary learned by heart

::152-савол:: Studying for a ________ exam requires a _________ of preparation distinctly different from an essay exam.

{=multiple choice/ special method
~increase learning/ supposed to study
~decrease practice/ instruction time
~good pronunciation/ translation

::153-савол:: What is the best way to improve your chances to pass exam?

{=to study carefully before the exam
~to research ask the similar question
~much practice of dialogues of every situations
~ to be learned one at a time in a set order

::154-савол:: List commonly used testing methods in which software is promoted in a specific order?

{=unit testing, integration testing, acceptance testing, and system testing.
~qualitative, unit testing, observation 
~performance testing, acceptance testing
~testing environment, interpretation of data, system testing

::155-савол:: A multiple-choice test usually has dozens of questions or _______. For each question, the test- taker is supposed to select the "best" choice among a set of four or five options.

~dependent variable

::156-савол:: Are multiple choice tests effective?

{=reduce test anxiety, even if used for summative assessment and for instructors of large classes, multiple choice tests are much faster to grade than open response or essay questions.
~the dependent variable, the measured response based on the particular conditions of the test or the level of the independent variable.
~a definitive procedure that produces a test result
~date of last effective revision and revision designation

::157-савол:: What is testing in English language teaching?

{=largely by translation to and from the target language
~introduced and practised before the present continuous tense which uses "to be" as an auxiliary
~practice and study of evaluating the proficiency of an individual in using a particular language effectively.
~a complex of grammatical rules which are to be learned one at a time in a set order

::158-савол:: What are the principles of language testing?

{= practicality, reliability, validity, authenticity
~practicality, acquiring habits, developing oral ability
~to communicate effectively such as inviting, suggesting, complaining

::159-савол:: What are the advantages of the multiple-choice test?

{=test are that they produce a reliable and economical scoring
~to measure the abilities which underlie the skills in which we are interested
~required to perform directly the skill which we wish to measure
~It refers to the testing of one element at a time, item by item

::160-савол:: What is matching?

{=test format when students are given a list of items, which they have to match with the other list of words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs or visual images
~kind of testing is always indirect
~refers to tasks where the test-takers are given separate sentences with some words or phrases deleted
~observation and a comparison of that expectation to what one actually observes

::161-савол::What is the goal of the interview?

{=Assess the student’s oral production, as certain a student’s needs before designing a course or curriculum
~Students will be actively engaged to the learning process and course materials
~Strengthening student’s learning
~Enhancing the teachers role, improving testing process

::162-савол::In which item students can collect their work time to time?

::163-савол::What can help to ask a student to assess his/her own performance and requests an evaluation of a course?
~Teacher-created tests
~Self and peer evaluation

::164-савол:: ….is a branch of ESP and covers situations in which learners are studying English for work related reasons.

{=English for Occupational Purposes
~English for Specific Purposes
~English for General Academic Purposes
~English for Academic Purposes

::165-савол:: … practitioners often find that, either directly or indirectly, they are teaching study skills and often having to tackle differences in educational culture, such as differing attitudes to plagiarism.

{=English for Academic Purposes
~English for Specific Purposes
~English for Occupational Purposes
~English for General Academic Purposes

::166-савол:: A given course of ESP will focus on one occupation or profession, such as Technical English, Scientific English, English for medical professionals, English for waiters, English for tourism and etc.

{=English for Occupational Purposes
~English for Specific Purposes
~English for General Academic Purposes
~English for Academic Purposes

::167-савол:: Materials in … can be teacher-generated or learner generated.

{=English for Occupational Purposes
~English for Academic Purposes
~English for Specific Purposes
~English for General Academic Purposes

::168-савол::The courses are based on an analysis of their specific communicative needs in their work. For example, a waiter dealing with foreign clients might need to: - describe the content of dishes on the menu and the way they are cooked

{=English for Occupational Purposes
~English for Academic Purposes
~English for Specific Purposes
~English for General Academic Purposes

::169-савол:: What are the disadvantages of the multiple-choice test?

{=test are that it checks only recognition knowledge
~includes many language elements in the completion of a task
~kind of testing relates one student’s performance to that of other students
~kind of testing is to classify students according whether they are able to perform some tasks satisfactorily

::170-савол:: There are four traditional categories or types of tests?

{=proficiency tests, achievement tests, diagnostic tests, placement tests
~formative testing, summative testing, achievement tests, diagnostic tests

~diagnostic tests, d

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