Tarbiyachi: Now, kids, do you want to play?
Bolalar: Yes, we do!
Tarbiyachi: Men sizlardan biror tana a’zoyingizni ko’rsatishingizni so'rayman, sizlar esa tegib qo’yasiz. Are you ready?
Bolalar: Yes. We are!
Tarbiyachi: Touch your head. Touch your eyes. Touch your nose. Touch your ears va h.k.
Bolalar o’ynashadi.
Tarbiyachi: Let’s make clown’s face. I’ve got many coloured pencils – blue, green, brown, black, grey, red, yellow. Polina, come here. Take blue pencil and colour his eyes blue. Well! Sit down. Oyqiz, come here. Colour his nose red, please!
Bolalar navbati bilan masharabozni yuzini bo’yashadi.
Tarbiyachi: Cute. That’s funny. What a funny clown! What a nice face! Well!
Thank you, my friends. Good bye!
Ushbu darsda bolalar
1) * F, f harfini yozish va talaffuz qilishni;
2) tana a’zolarini ingliz tilida aytishni (head, shoulders, knees, toes, eyes, nose, mouth, ears);
3) * face (yuz) so’zini yozishni o’rganadilar;
Ushbu dars uchun sizga kerak bo’ladi
1) qog’irchoq maymuncha;
2) tana a’zolari tushirilgan rasmlar;
3) list va rangli qalamlar;
4) «Head, shoulders, knees and toes!” qo’shiq yozuvi;
5) “Body parts” videodarsi yozuvi.
Darsning borishi
Tarbiyachi: Hello, children! I am glad to see you. Let’s begin our English lesson. Today we have got a lot of guests – Englich letters: A, B, C, D, E, F! Kelinglar F, f harfini yozamiz va fairy – farishta so’zini o’rganamiz. Bolajonlar esingizda o’tkan darsimizga nimani bo’yaganimiz.
Bolalar: masxaraboz yuzini!
Tarbiyachi: You are right! Clown’s face! Kelinglar ingliz harflarini birlashtirib face so’zini paydo qilamiz va uni yozishka harakat qilib ko’ramiz. Kimda chiroyli chiqsa daftariga masxarabos yuzini yopishtirib beraman. Are you ready!
Bolalar: Yes, we are!
Bolalar so’zni yozishadi.
Tarbiyachi: Where is monkey? In the magic sack? Now close your eyes, let’s count to twenty. One, two, three…. Open your eyes!
Bolalar ko’zlarini yumib sanashadi. Maymuncha paydo bo’ladi.
Maymuncha: Hello, children? Maymuncha bolalar bilan so’zlashuv mashqini o’tkazadi.
What is your name? How are you? How old are you?
I want to sing with you.
Tarbiyachi: Bolajonlar maymuncha bizlar uchun qo’shiq kuylab berishni hohlayapti. Kelinglar uni tinglab nima haqida ekanligini tushunishka harakat qilib ko’ramiz. Birgalikda maymunchani ortidan takrorlaymiz.
Maymuncha: Look at me and do the same!
Clap, clap, clap your hands,
Clap your hands together,
Clap, clap, clap your hands,
Clap your hands together.
Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet,
Stamp your feet together,
Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet,
Stamp your feet together.
Touch, touch, touch your ears,
Touch, touch, touch your ears,
Touch, touch, touch your ears,
Touch your ears together.
Touch, touch, touch your cheeks,
Touch, touch, touch your cheeks,
Touch, touch, touch your cheeks,
Touch your cheeks together.
Shake, shake, shake your hands,
Shake, shake, shake your hands,
Shake, shake, shake your hands,
Shake your hands together.
Smile. Smile at your friends
Let you smile together!
Tarbiyachi: Very nice! Bolajonlar bilasizlarmi bugun internet orqali har hil insonlar bilan gaplashish mumkin. Hatto angliyadagilar bilan ham. Kelinglar do’stlarimdan biri bilan aloqaga chiqamiz. Uni ismi Мet. Look at the computer!
Tarbiyachi “Body parts” videodarsligini qo’yadi.
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