1. I’d lost hope of getting the cat out of the tree,when man with a ladder

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Attestatsiya testi 2021

1.I’d lost hope of getting the cat out of the tree,when…. man with a ladder.

  1. along go b. out go c. along came d. out came

2.Find the correct agreement of subject and verb.

a. the stairs leading to the first floor was steep and poorly lit.

b. the lorry,it’s cargo and passengers weith around 35 tonnes

c. the public needing to be kept informed about progress to the peace talks

d. musical chairs be a party where everyone dash for a seat when the music stop

3.______ how things were going to turn out.

a. Little did I know b. Little do I know c.Little I did know d. Little I do know

4.Find the alternative of encouraging people to consider that something may be true.

a. We can talk about thinking laterally

b. We can wrestle with a problem and we can have a nagging doubt

c. We can also talk about something fueling speculation,and sometimes people jump to conclusion

d. We can say someonehas a fertile imagination

5.A friend sticking to his promises …

a. keeps them b. doesn’t keep them c. just thinks them d. messy in his promises

6.What do you think … my car?I’ve just bought it. “It’s really good,Actually,I’m thinking … my motorbike and getting a car,too”

a. of… of seiling b. of…. to sell c. about…about selling d. about … to sell

7.She handed …. .

a. the plate to me b. the plate to my mother c. me the plate d. the plate for me

8.You have applied for a job,but you would like the company to send more information.What do you say?

a. I would be grateful if you send me more information

b. I want you to send me more information

c. Can you me some information

d. Send me more information,If you don’t mind

9. Find the noun + noun compound nouns

a. an address book,break-out,a clothes shop

b. an address book,a customs officer,a clothes shop

c. an address book,a customs officer,up-to-date

d. passers by,a customs officer,a clothes shop

10.Find the correctly used modal verb

a. Nobody ever are allowed to know about the money

b. Nobody ever have know about the money

c. Nobody ever needs know about the money

d. Nobody ever is able know about the money

11. Let’s go for another swim after we ___this drink

a. are going to finish c. will finish

b. are d. finish

12.Choose the correct answers.Holly’s flight from Paris to San Fransisco leaves at 9 a.m at 6 p.m.She ….. for nine hours

a. will be flying b. will fly c. will have flown d. will have been flying

13.People can afford to buy more and live more comfortably than they could twenty years ago.There has been a(an)…… in the standart of living.

a. strength b. general improvement c. restructure d. expansion

14.Try to make your report as ….. as possible:only give us the facts,and not your opinions.

a. objective b. subjective c. subjected d. objectionable

15.being able to drive is one of the …… of the job of salesman.

a. prescriptions b. prerequirements c. prereuisites d. conditions

16.Customer:Excuse me,waiter.I think you have … me.This…. says said my pizza cost $30.50

a. paid /tax b. overcharged/check c. cost/commission d.overcharged/tax

17.Fill the sentence with the suitable word:That was an act of epic…..

a. price b. validity c. velour d. location

18. …….. to celebrate his 75th birthday.

a. It was decided b. It was determined c. It decide d. It were determined

19. She tired to …….

a. talk me out of the plan c. talk out me of the plan

b. talk me the plan out of d. talk out of me the plan

20.Which one means the same as the sentence given it could be that they are not married.

a. they can’t be married c. They mightn’t be married

b. they can be married d. They might be married

21.Camping is not for me,I prefer …… (stay)in a cozy hotel room and relax rather than …. (pitch) a tent.

A.being/to pitch b. to stay/pitching c. to stay/pitch d.stay/pitching

22.I’m so excited!My favourite singer ….. here in June.

A.will play b. plays c. is playing d. will be playing

23.Find the inverted sentence.

a.Under no circumstances are passengers permitted to open the doors themselves

b.He had only just entered the water when it became clear he couldn’t swim

c. The audience had only justtaken their seats when the conductor stepped onto the stege

d. The people of Sawston were evacuated yesterday as forest fires headed towards the town

24.Find the grammatically correct answer.

a.I had staying in the hotel twice in the 1990s

b. I had stayed in the hotel twice in the 1990s

c.I were stayed in the hotel twice in the 1990s

d.I has stayed in the hotel twice in the 1990s

25. Find the meaning of the “except for”.

a. besides b. except c. but for d. because for

26. Find the correct definition of the following words:ingenious, ingenuous

a. not attempting to deceive or conceal/innocent,clever ft skillful

b. clever ft skillful, not attempting to deceive or conceal/innocent

c. abundant in vegetation,very rich and comfortable

d. very rich and comfortable,abundant in vegetation

27.Complete the sentence with above,across,over or below.He suddenly saw Eva……. the room.

a.Above b.Across c. Over d. Below

28. “stout,stately”

a. sb who fixes or installs water pipes,radiators,showers,etc,slightly fat

b.rather fat and heavy,impressive and dignified

c.sth that must be done either by rules,laws,etc,very difficult to stop or control

d. impressive and dignified, rather fat and heavy

29. Slack discipline is …..

a. relaxed b. nervous c. curious d. ambitions

30.The local council is doing ……

a. nothing to help solve traffic congestion

b.changes to traffic flow in the city centres

c.nothing to helping solve traffic congestion

d.changes to traffic flow in the city centre

31. Really?I think it’s …. warmer.Especially on the Riviera,the Mediterranean in winter is ….. temperature as the British coastal waters are in summer!

a. most/similar c. much/the same

b. quite/the similar d.same/more

32.I know …. people who are scarred of snakes.

a.many b. a lot c. several d. either

33.The doctor gave me tablets that I must take …..

a.by day b. daily c. a day d. the day

34.Find the grammatically correct answer.

a.We will have study climate change in a later part of course

b.We will study climate change in a later part of course

c.We are will study climate change in a later part of course

d. We well study climate change in a later part of course

35.Find the alternative of the following word which gives the meaning make.

a.talking nonsense b.turn in a profit c.give a reason d. tell a secret

36.Ronald had the …to blame his teachers for his failure.

a. chivalry b.regard c. audacity d.concern

37.To me friendship is a(n) … thing.

a.precious b. obscure c. costly d. insignificant

38.I/love/really/these trousers.

a.I realy love these trousers

b.Really I love these trousers

39.The company makes …

a.presents for all their brothers and sisters

b.small electric motors

c.gifts for all their brothers

d.a lot of work for charity

40.Spain is __ cold as iceland.

a.almost as b.nowhere near as c.nearly as d.too

41.___ that there was no one in the office.

a. As late was it b.So late was it c.As late were it d.So late were it

42.The theatre… I first acted is somewhere around here.

a.Where b.Why c.When d.What

43.Find the grammatically correct answer.

a.After Ivan had finished reading,he put out the light.

b. After Ivan had finished reading,he pet out the light.

c. After Ivan have finished reading,he put out the light.

d.After Ivan had finish reading,he put out the light.

44.I know it’s probably not going to happen but … a famous super model?

a.What if I became b.What if I become c.What if I have become d.What if I will become

45.We couldn’t leave home ……. tomorrow If we want to catch the train.

a.lately b.late c.later d.latest

46.I’ve been saving $150 a month since September.By the end of the year,I ….. $600

a.will have been saving b.will be saving

c.will have saved d.will save

47.Find add information given sentence about a person.

a.This side effect of the treatment,namely weight gain,is counteracted with other drugs.

b.I went on an IT training course with my colleague.

c.Mr Chen,who was in the store at the time robbery,was able to identify two of the men.

d. Gefast technology has launched its new generation of high-speed trains.

48.When did he …. The telephone?Did Alexander Fleming ….. penicillin?

a.discover/invent b.creat/invent

c.invent/discover d.discover/create

49.I wouldn’t accept the job …… to offer it to me.

a.even if they were b.as if it were

c.If it were d.even as if

50.It looks as though that shop has closed … . It’s been empty for weeks now.

a.for good b.for one thing c.for now d.for goods

51.Last night (must/be) very cold the fake’s frozen.

a.must been b.must have been c.must have to be d.must be

52.Patricia’s so …. !She’s always looking at herself in the mirror.

a.cruel b.effectionate c. vain d.solid

53.Thanks for waiting.It was really …. of you.

a.considerate b.stingy c.desperate d.passionate

54.Find the grammatically correct answer.

a.She hasn’t been able to play tennis since she broke her arm

b.She been hasn’t able to play tennis since she broke her arm

c.She hasn’t been able to play tennis she broke her arm since

d.She been hasn’t able to play tennis since she broke her arm

55.Complete the preposition(above,over,below,under).He slept with his wallet below his pillow.

a.He slept with his wallet above his pillow.

b.He slept with his wallet over his pillow.

c.He slept with his wallet under his pillow.

d.He slept with his wallet below his pillow.

56.Find the correct definition of the following words: curtail,entail

a.swear solemnly that one will do something;admit or declare openly

b.cut down/back on/reduce;make something necessary/involve

c.admit or declare openly;swear solemnly that one will do something

d. make something necessary/involve; cut down/back on/reduce

57.We haven’t heard … Lisa for over two weeks now.

a.from b. for c.to d.about

58.The teacher doesn’t know ….. have a party in our classroom.

a.If can we b.If we can c.Whether or not we d.If can they

59._________ of the members of the committee came up with a different proposal.

a.Every b.Each c.Everyone d.Anyone

60.She noticed ….. away from the house.

a.him run b.him running c.him to run d.He run

61.I could have taken a trip to Mexico ….

a.If I had had my passport b.If I had my passport

c. If I have had my passport If I have my passport

62.We are counting ….. you for your support,and we are also relying on you to keep us informed of the latest developments.Choose the correct answer.

a.in b. on c.out d.off

63.As far as I’m concerning,happiness is more important than money.Put the word into the correct form.

a.concerned b.concernly c.concernful d.concern

64.He was very proud when …….. .Find the logical ending.

a.someone stole his money b.his friend went out with the girl he liked

c.his father appeared on TV d.he heard his aunt had died

65.Find the correct answer. Journal-

a.written record of a person’s own life,typically by a politician or military figure

b.a written record of what you have done each day

c.collection of detailed,concise information about a particular subject

d.collection of,for example,poems or short stories by different authors

66.Ray Watson, …. Is considering making a film based on the life of Einstein.

a.Why starred in Bandits b. Who starred in Bandits

c. Which starred in Bandits d. Where starred in Bandits

67.The one … is wearing a blue shirt is Julian Timberlake,isn’t it?

a.Who b.Whose c.Why d.Which

68. “Why did you buy these shoes?”asked Tim.

a.Tim asked me why I bought those shoes b.Tim asked me why I had buying those shoes

c.Tim asked me why I had bought those shoes d.Tim asked me why I had buy those shoes

69. “Can you get me an ice-cream,Tom?” asked Tim.

a.Tim asked Tom whether he can get him an ice-cream.

b.Tim asked Tom whether he could get him an ice-cream.

c.Tim asked Tom whether he could getting him an ice-cream.

d.Tim asked Tom whether he could have get him an ice-cream.

70.Cuts in spending will have a serious …… on the National Health Service.The strike will seriously … the train services.Choose the correct answer.

a.effect/affect b.affect/effect c.affect/affect d.effect/effect

71.Find the grammatically correct answer.

a.Tennis fans will have been queued at Wimbledon all day to buy tickets.

b. Tennis fans will have been queuing at Wimbledon all day to buy tickets.

c.Tennis fans queuing at Wimbledon all day to buy tickets.

d.Tennis fans will been queuing at Wimbledon all day to buy tickets.

72.The fasion show was expensive to put on … it did make a profit.

a.While b.Although c.Nevertheless d.Whereas

73.Find out participle compound adjectives.

a. New York-based,Paris born,long-lasting,resourced

b. New York-based,Paris born,lasting,well-resourced

c.New York-based,Paris born,long-lasting,well-resourced

d.New York-based, born,long-lasting,well-resourced

74.I ordered the DVD a week ago so it … arrived here by now.

a.may have b.should have c.might have d.could have

75.Find the meaning of the metaphor given in the bald.Choose what you like from the menu the company is footing the bill,

a.Take responsibility for smth bad b.Playing

c.Leads a project group d.Makes her stay active and concentrated

76.Find the collocation that the same meaning with punish very strongly.

a.The police,acting on a tip-off,arrested the thieves as they left the building

b.The police intend to come down heavily on anyone caising trouble at tomorrow’s football final.

c.The new Regional Governor will take up office on 1 march,following his party’s recent election victory.

d.Hollywood star Glenda Nixon has filed for divorce.She and her husband Kevin Lomax have lived apart for the last six months.

77.Naturally I accepted,although at the time I … not know that they …. Also going to promote me to assistant manager.

a.Did/were b.Do/are c.Did/are d.Do/were

78.Did they finally get their washing machine …?

a.to repair b.repair c.repaired d.repairing

79. …. the best music I’ve heard is in this album.

a.Both of b.Some of c.Several of d.Any of

80.Do you have more … with your father or your mother?

a.In any case b.In a crack c.In that case d.In common

81.To have an allergy means that a person is affected either by a substance in the atmosphere (1)____ by some sort of food. (2)____ days a lot of people suffer from one kind of allergy or another.

a.or/These b.and/Those c.or/Those d.and/These

82.Your jeans need …. before you wear them far the first time.

a.to wash b.washing c.have washed d.wash

83.Find the correct formula.

a.It + verb + to infinitive b.It + object + verb + to infinitive

c.It + to infinitive + verb + object d.It +to + to infinitive + verb

84.Fill the sentence with a suitable word.To me friendship is a(n) … thing.

a.costly b.insignificant c.precious d.obscure

85.You ____ to drink lots of water when you’re on a diet.

a.used b.should c.ought d.must

86.Complete the rule.In a real conditional sentence,we use …….. to talk about something which may be possible.

a.If … will,If … happen to b. If … should,If … will

c.If … happen,If … should d.as if,as though

87.He said that he will rent a bigger house when he … a new job.

a. will get b.gets c.is getting d.will be getting

88.Find the metaphors with the meaning of

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