1. Digital technologies in teaching eyl

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1.Digital technologies in teaching EYL

WHAT IS DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY? The word "digital" comes from Latindigitus, finger-and refers to one of the oldest tools for counting. When inforonis stored, transmitted or forwarded in digital format, it is converted into "zeroes and ones." he most basic machine-level as • Digital technology-specificall www), and the Internet are co cation processes. ter orld Wide Web (Web or • Digital technology is a base two p binary code of combinations of the dig also called bits, which represent words and images. Digital technology enables immense amounts of information to be compressed small storage devices that can be easily preserved and transported. Digitization also quickens data transmission speeds. Digital technology has transformed how people communicate, learn, and work.

Using power point presentation in classroom • Power point presentation is one type of CALL by which the teacher can present images and texts with sound and simplination. It assists language teachers with audio, visual and audio-vis g teaching in language classrooms, • Many instructors describe power tech as "enhances instruction and motivates students to learn". Als boli hat power point is a productive teaching tool. EFL teachers shoul how a teaching tool like power point presentation can be effective cess of learning in TESOL classrooms. Like any teaching tool in sOssroom, 'power point presentation' has many advantages that will encourage EFL teachers to incorporate this technology language teaching process in TESOL classroom.

Using Internet in TESOL classroom The most important benefit of using the Internet in TESOL classroom is that the availability of authentic documents to both teachers and learners. The big collection of multiple multimedia provides different ways to develop learning and teaching the foreign language in content-based classroom. Crystal (2006) mentioned that "Spoken language currently has only a limited presence on the Internet, through the use of sound clips, films , and video; but the use of speech will undoubtedly grow as technology develops, and it will not be long before we see the routine use of interactive voice (and video) dialogues, speech synthesis to provide a spoken representation of what is on a screen or to give vocal support to a graphic presentation, and automatic speech recognition to enable users to interact verbally with sites"

2. Equipment and materials

3. Peculiarities of implementing information technology in educational process

The evolution of technology has brought about with it, several benefits the world over. Apart from enhancing efficiency, it has turned the world into a global village and made access to information quite easy. The education sector has also not been left behind in tapping into the deep resource-well of technology. The use of information technology in education has become more than just an option. For effective learning, the education sector stakeholders have found ways of integrating the use of information technology in the everyday learning processes.

Reasons why IT(Information Technology) is essential in Education:

1. Access to learning the material

The internet is full of a lot of learning material that the learner can access and use to supplement whatever is provided for in the classroom. There are e-books, revision guides and past examination papers that are available on the world wide web and students can take advantage of these to improve their knowledge base. Learning institutions provide computers and internet that the students can use to this end.

2. Continuous learning

In the modern world, you don’t have to be in the classroom to learn. Using information technology in education has made it possible for students to keep on learning, irrespective of where they are. Teachers and professors can send assignments to students and they can complete and submit them even without physically stepping into the classrooms and so learning never has to stop. Students can keep on learning even when they are at home. This has greatly enhanced efficiency in the education sector.

3. Sharing of knowledge

Through online discussion forums, students can share knowledge, engage in intellectual debates and generally learn from one another. Using information technology in education has basically made it possible for students from all over the world to come together and share experiences, the geographical distances notwithstanding. Information technology in education has also made students develop an appreciation for cultural diversity and in turn, create a more tolerant and unified world.

4. Using audio and visual material as learning aids

The use of information technology in education has made it possible for tutors to teach students much more easily. By using audio and visual materials, students can develop a better understanding of the topics being taught. It is now much easier to perform demonstrations and put some practical aspect to the theory taught in class. Slow learners, therefore, have an opportunity to catch up with those who had grasped whatever was initially taught in class.

5. Distance learning

To adapt to a changing population with unique demands, learning institutions have employed the use of information technology in education to cater to this new demographic. Online courses have enabled most of the employed and young population to go back to class and get second degrees or additional certifications. It is possible to attend a college overseas without even getting out of your home country and at your own convenience.

6. Proper record keeping

It is possible to keep student records in a more systematic and secure manner using technology. Unlike in the past when records used to be kept manually and there were many cases of lost files, the incorporation of information technology in education has made it possible for safe and proper record keeping. Retrieving of information has, therefore, become much easier.

4. The specificity of the usage IT in educational system

It is important to acknowledge that students are already interested and engaged in using technology, this creates many amazing opportunities for schools and teachers to benefit from integrating some forms of technology in the classroom and to make teaching and learning more effective. Here are some of the main benefits of using technology in the classroom.

  • Improves engagement

  • Improves knowledge retention

  • Encourages individual learning

  • Encourages collaboration

  • Students can learn useful life skills through technology

  • Benefits for teachers

5. Information technologies in teaching foreign language

In modern pedagogical practice, various teaching technologies are used, with the help of which the interest of students to the subject increases sharply; the academic performance and the level of intellectual culture are also increased. One of the main tasks of the research is to create conditions for practical language acquisition for each student, to choose such teaching methods that would allow each student to show his activity, his creativity, and also to activate the cognitive activity of the student in the process of teaching foreign languages. Modern pedagogical technologies such as training in cooperation, project methodology, the use of new information and communication technologies, and the Internet resources help to realize a person-oriented approach to teaching, provide individu-alization and differentiation of education, taking into account the abilities of children, their level of education, and inclinations. Results of the research and their discussion. In the framework of achieving the aim of the research, it was found out by me that in the process of application of information technologies by the teacher of the foreign language, students realize creative activities that include the ability to question, explain, study, describe, compare, analyze, evaluate, express their opinions and judgments, argue them, conduct independent searches for necessary information, navigate the text in English, and to make brief messages on a given topic.

All of the above will allow students to use the acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities

and daily life to communicate with representatives of other countries; receive information from foreign sources of the information needed for educational purposes; expand opportunities in choosing future professional activities; study the values of the world culture, cultural heritage and achievements of other countries; familiarize representatives of foreign countries with the culture and achievements.

The use of computer and information technologies in the second and third levels of training allows students to prepare better for the final certification in English in accordance with the requirements of the state standard. In the process of training: students not only improve the knowledge they acquired during the previous period of training, but also expand their vocabulary taking into account the practical knowledge of a foreign language in the standard situations (within the framework of monologue utterances with elements of reasoning and dialogical conversations in the form of an exchange of views). At present, various forms of organization of the educational process are used. Since information technologies are both a means of supplying material and a controlling agent — such technologies provide high quality of the material supply and use various communication channels (text, sound, graphic, and touch). All this allows increasing students' motivation and forming their communicative competence. The computer at the lessons of a foreign language makes it possible to implement a personality-oriented approach to learning, provides for individualization and differentiation of instruction, increases activity, motivates students, intensifies the learning process, fosters adequate self-esteem for students, and provides them with a comfortable learning environment.

6. Developing language skills in a foreign language with the help of it technologies

Computer as teacher In the early days of computers and programmed learning, some students sat at a terminal for extended periods following an individualized learning program. Although we have come a long way from the rather naïve thought, held by some at that time, that the computer could eventually come to replace the teacher, there has been a return to a much more sophisticated kind of computerized teaching using multimedia CD ROMS. In such programs, students can listen to dialogues or watch video clips. They can click on pictures to call up the names of the objects they see. They can speak into the microphone and immediately hear a recording of what they have said. The program can keep a record of their progress, e.g. the vocabulary learned, and offer remedial help if necessary. Many of these CD ROM programs are offered as complete language courses. They require students to spend hours on their own in front of the computer screen, usually attached to a microphone headset. For this reason alone I prefer not to use them in my language teaching. Another of their serious drawbacks, in my view, is the fact that in many cases the course content and sequence is fixed. The teacher has no chance to include materials that are of interest and importance to the particular students in his or her class. As an alternative to large CD ROM packages, there is an increasing number of useful sites on the World Wide Web, where students can get instruction and practice in language skills such as reading, listening and writing.

Computer as a tester The computer is very good at what is known as drill and practice; it will tirelessly present the learner with questions and announce if the answer is right or wrong. In its primitive manifestations in this particular role in language teaching, it has been rightly criticised. The main reason for the criticism is simple: many early drill and practice programs were very unsophisticated; either multiple-choice or demanding a single word answer. They were not programmed to accept varying input and the only feedback they gave was Right or Wrong. So for example, if the computer expected the answer "does not" and the student typed "doesn't" or " doesnot" or " does not ", she would have been told she was wrong without any further comment. It is not surprising that such programs gave computers a bad name with many language teachers. Unfortunately, there are now very many of these primitive drill and kill programs flooding the Internet. Despite their obvious disadvantages, such programs are nevertheless popular with many students. This is probably because the student is in full control, the computer is extremely patient and gives private, unthreatening feedback.

Computer as a tool : It is in this area that I think the computer has been an unequivocal success in language teaching. Spreadsheets, databases, presentation slide generators, concordancers and web page producers all have their place in the language classroom, particularly in one where the main curricular focus is task-based or project-work. But in my opinion, by far the most important role of the computer in the language classroom is its use as a writing tool. It has played a significant part in the introduction of the writing process, by allowing students easily to produce multiple drafts of the same piece of work.. Students with messy handwriting can now do a piece of work to be proud of, and those with poor spelling skills can, after sufficient training in using the spell check, produce a piece of writing largely free of spelling mistakes.

Computer as a data source I'm sure I don't need to say much about the Internet as a provider of information. Anyone who has done a search on the World Wide Web will know that there is already more information out there than an individual could process in hundred lifetimes, and the amount is growing by the second. This huge source of information is an indispensable resource for much project work, but there are serious negative implications. I shudder to think of how much time has been wasted and will continue to be wasted by students who aimlessly wander the Web with no particular aim in mind and with little or no guidance. I generally do not turn my students free to search the web for information. Instead, I find a few useful sites beforehand and tell the students to start there; anyone who finishes the task in hand can then be let loose! As an alternative to the Web, there are very many CD ROMs, e.g. encyclopaedias, that present information in a more compact, reliable and easily accessible form.

Computer as communication facilitator The Internet is the principal medium by which students can communicate with others at a distance, (e.g. by e-mail or by participating in discussion forums). In fact at Frankfurt International School the single most popular use of computers by students in their free time is to write e-mails to their friends. Some teachers have set up joint projects with a school in another location and others encourage students to take part in discussion groups. There is no doubt that such activities are motivating for students and allow them to participate in many authentic language tasks. However, cautious teachers may wish to closely supervise their students' messages. Recent research has shown up the extremely primitive quality of much of the language used in electronic exchanges!

7. Effectiveness of using information technologies in teaching foreign language

Today, many are looking for ways that would help improve the effectiveness of training. Teachers always excites the actual problem is to make sure that all the students were interested in a lesson to all involved in the learning process, so that there are no indifferent. How to use stories to develop the personality of the student, his creative thinking, the ability to analyze the past and present, to make their own conclusions and to have their own point of view? All these tasks can be implemented under conditions of vigorous activity of students using interactive methods and teacher training methods. Therein lies the essence of teaching.

Thus, the main objective of educational activities is the development of students' abilities to integrated thinking that will help them to see new aspects of the phenomenon, it creates a holistic vision of the world and, therefore, easier to find your place in it.

To accomplish this goal it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

to examine and summarize the best practices of the problem with the use of the lessons active and interactive methods;

describe the technology of application of interactive teaching methods to improve the quality of education and to help students fulfill cognitive creativity;

to identify whether all the necessary components and tools are available for the implementation of this technology;

to orient students to the perception and the collective decision of complex issues on the basis of the maximum mental stress;

to teach students to apply their knowledge in

Combining traditional with interactive lessons allow to achieve the best results and to fulfill the goals and objectives, that is, will «look and try on the ways of learning that students will be happy». At present, priority is given to communicative, interactive, authentic communication, language learning in a cultural context, autonomy and humanization of education. These principles make possible the development of intercultural competence as a component of communicative ability. The ultimate goal of foreign language teaching is learning to free orientation in a foreign environment and the ability to adequately respond in different situations, ie, communication. Today, new methods of using the Internet resources are opposed to the traditional teaching of foreign languages. To learn to communicate in a foreign language, you need to create a real, real life situations (ie, what is called the principle of the authenticity of the communication), which will stimulate the study of the material and generate adequate behavior. This error trying to fix the new technologies, particularly the Internet.

8. The impact of using internet technologies in teaching English

The term New Technology includes communication techniques for language teaching in which the personal computer plays a central role (Davies & Hewer, 2012). There are, however, other technological tools that can be utilized in language learning besides computers. Each technological tool has its specific benefits and application with one of the four language parts (speaking, listening, reading, and writing). However, in order to use these techniques successfully, the ELL student should be familiar with using computers and internet, and capable of interacting with these techniques.

The effect of technology has become huge in teaching and learning the language in addition to the instructor's role. In other words, the role of the instructor together with the role of the technology can lead to advanced learning results (Sharma, 2009).

Historical Background

Technology and English language education are related to each other. During the sixties and seventies of the last century English language learning laboratories were being used in various educational institutions. The traditional language laboratory was consisted of a number of small cabinets, provided with a cassette deck, a microphone and a headphone for each one. Teachers use a central control panel to monitor their students' interactions. The main advantage of that type of technology was that verbal behavior of students would help them to quickly learn the second language. The students’ skills can be enhanced by encountering more practical drill problems. Although the language laboratory was a positive step in linking technology and language education, this technique was actually tedious and boring for learners (Singhal, 1997). Also, there were minimal interactions between the teacher and his students.

Computer assisted language learning (CALL) software has provided another teaching tool for second language education. The use of computers in English language classroom is useful for both teachers and learners. Currently, there are numerous software application programs available such as vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation programs, spelling check utilities, electronic workbooks, reading and writing programs, and different learning packages to assist instructors in creating tutorial exercises to enhance their English language courses.

English Language Skills

We mean by English language skills, the development of the main parts or elements of the language which are speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Each language subject or area has different educational tools that are likely suited with it. The use of several technical tools has a significant effect on the learning process of each area of the language.

9. Elaboration of a LP with the usage of IT

An LP is a record which usually has about 25 minutes of music or speech on each side. LP is an abbreviation for 'long-playing record'. ... his first LP since 1986. Synonyms: album, record More Synonyms of LP.

10. Digital tools for teaching YL

1. Edmodo

Edmodo is an educational tool that connects teachers and students, and is assimilated into a social network. In this one, teachers can create online collaborative groups, administer and provide educational materials, measure student performance, and communicate with parents, among other functions. Edmodo has more than 34 million users who connect to create a learning process that is more enriching, personalized, and aligned with the opportunities brought by technology and the digital environment.

2. Socrative

Designed by a group of entrepreneurs and engineers passionate about education, Socrative is a system that allows teachers to create exercises or educational games which students can solve using mobile devices, whether smartphones, laptops, or tablets. Teachers can see the results of the activities and, depending on these, modify the subsequent lessons in order to make them more personalized.

3. Projeqt

Projeqt is a tool that allows you to create multimedia presentations, with dynamic slides in which you can embed interactive maps, links, online quizzes, Twitter timelines, and videos, among other options. During a class session, teachers can share with students academic presentations which are visually adapted to different devices.

4. Thinglink

Thinglink allows educators to create interactive images with music, sounds, texts, and photographs. These can be shared on other websites or on social networks, such as Twitter and Facebook. Thinglink offers the possibility for teachers to create learning methodologies that awaken the curiosity of students through interactive content that can expand their knowledge.

5. TED-Ed

TED-Ed is an educational platform that allows creating educational lessons with the collaboration of teachers, students, animators—generally people who want to expand knowledge and good ideas. This website allows democratizing access to information, both for teachers and students. Here, people can have an active participation in the learning process of others.

6. cK-12

cK-12 is a website that seeks to reduce the cost of academic books for the K12 market in the United States and the world. To achieve its objective, this platform has an open source interface that allows creating and distributing educational material through the internet, which can be modified and contain videos, audios, and interactive exercises. It can also be printed and comply with the necessary editorial standards in each region. The books that are created in cK-12 can be adapted to the needs of any teacher or student.

7. ClassDojo

ClassDojo is a tool to improve student behavior: teachers provide their students with instant feedback so that good disposition in class is 'rewarded' with points and students have a more receptive attitude towards the learning process. ClassDojo provides real-time notifications to students, like 'Well Done David!' and '+1', for working collaboratively. The information that is collected about student behavior can be shared later with parents and administrators through the web.

8. eduClipper

This platform allows teachers and students to share and explore references and educational material. In eduClipper, you can collect information found on the internet and then share it with the members of previously created groups, which offers the possibility to manage more effectively the academic content found online, improve research techniques, and have a digital record of what students achieved during the course. Likewise, it provides the opportunity for teachers to organize a virtual class with their students and create a portfolio where all the work carried out is stored.

9. Storybird

Storybird aims to promote writing and reading skills in students through storytelling. In this tool, teachers can create interactive and artistic books online through a simple and easy to use interface. The stories created can be embedded in blogs, sent by email, and printed, among other options. In Storybird, teachers can also create projects with students, give constant feedback, and organize classes and grades.

10. Animoto

Animoto is a digital tool that allows you to create high-quality videos in a short time and from any mobile device, inspiring students and helping improve academic lessons. The Animoto interface is friendly and practical, allowing teachers to create audiovisual content that adapts to educational needs.

11. Kahoot!

Kahoot! is an educational platform that is based on games and questions. Through this tool, teachers can create questionnaires, discussions, or surveys that complement academic lessons. The material is projected in the classroom and questions are answered by students while playing and learning at the same time. Kahoot! promotes game-based learning, which increases student engagement and creates a dynamic, social, and fun educational environment.
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