Air pollution is caused by different means of transport in big cities. Our cities are full of smog because of heavy traffic and people notice that it is hard to breathe there. Cars, buses and planes are among the worst air polluters. Factories and plants also pollute air pouring harmful gases and smoke into the air and that causes lung diseases among people and does harm to our health. Acid rains that appear because of air pollution damage forests and soil.
Litter is garbage-like food, paper, and cans-on the ground or in the street. Where people live together, litter is a problem. People don’t always put their garbage in the garbage can. It’s easier to drop a paper than to find a garbage can for it. But litter is ugly. It makes the city look dirty, and spoils the view.
The wind blows papers far away. Often they are difficult to catch. When they blow against a fence, they stay there. This fence is a wall of garbage.
Litter is a health problem, too. Food and garbage bring animals, which sometimes carry disease.
Some people want to control litter. They never throw litter themselves, and sometimes they work together in groups to clean up the city. In most places litter is against the law. The law punishes people go throw garbage on the streets. They usually pay a fine, and occasionally they go to jail.
Ushbu matn 350 so‘zdan iborat. Bunda o‘quvchi: «5» ball olishi uchun ushbu matn ma’nosini 10 tadan kam bo‘lmagan gaplar orqali tushuntirib berishi kerak. 0‘quvchilarning olgan bilim, ko‘nikma va malakalarini baholash uchun matn ma’nosini tushuntirib berishda ish- latgan gaplari sooi hisobga olinadi. Gaplar grammatik va fonetik qoi- dalar asosida to‘g‘ri va to‘liq, mavzudan chetlashmagan va mantiqan bir-biri bilan bog‘langan bo‘lishi kerak.
Ikkinchi savol biletlarda ko‘rsatilgan mavzular yuzasidan suh- batlashish. Bunda o‘quvchi shu mavzu yuzasidan o‘z qiziqishlari va fikrlarini chet tilda erkin bayon etishi kerak. 0‘quvchi tomonidan bildirilgan fikrlar grammatik jihatdan to‘g‘ri tuzilganligi, fonetik ji- hatdan to‘g‘ri talaffuz etilganligi, nutqining ravonligi, mavzudan chetlashmaganligi va bildirilgan fikrlarning mantiqan bir-biri bilan bog‘liqligi hisobga olinadi. Fikrlar bayon etilayotganda so‘z birik- malarining noto‘g‘ri ifodalanishi, grammatik va fonetik qoidalarga rioya qilmaslik hollari bir gapning o‘zida ikki va undan ortiq kuza- tilsa, o‘sha gap hisobga olinmaydi. 0‘quvchi mavzuni yoritib bera ol- masa o‘qituvchi o‘quvchiga mavzu yuzasidan 3 ta savol berishi mumkin. Har bir berilgan savolga javob 5 ballik tizim asosida baholanadi. Masalan: 1-savolga 3 ball, 2-savolga 5 ball qo‘yilsa, baholar umum- lashtirilib, o‘rtacha ball chiqariladi. 3+5=8 : 2=4 ball. 0‘quvchilarni baholashda ball ular egallashlari lozim bo‘lgan bilim, ko‘nikma va malakalardan kelib chiqib belgilanadi.
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