Ⓜ️Mini GrammarⓂ️
💠 Ingliz tilida 16 ta zamonning faqat 10 tasida "Passive voice" hosil qilsa boladi. Bular quyidagilar:
1⃣ Present Simple passive:
❇️Object + am/is/are + V3(-ed)
2⃣Present Continuous passive:
❇️Ob. + am/is/are + being V3(-ed)
3⃣Present Perfect passive:
❇️Ob.+ have/has + been V3(-ed)
4⃣Past Simple passive:
❇️Ob. + was/were + V3(-ed)
5⃣Past Continues passive:
❇️Ob.+ was/were being V3(-ed)
6⃣Past Perfect passive:
❇️Ob. + had + been V3(-ed)
7⃣Future Simple passive:
❇️Ob. + will/shall + be V3(-ed)
8⃣Future Perfect passive:
❇️Ob. + will/shall + have + been V3(-ed)
9⃣Future Simple in the past passive:
❇️Ob. + would/should + be V3(-ed)
1⃣0⃣ Future Perfect in the past passive:
❇️Ob. + would/should + have + been V3(-ed)
♦️Quyidagi 6 ta zamonning passive voiceni(majhul nisbatini) hosil qilib bo'lmaydi.
1⃣Present Perfect Continues
✅ S +have/has been + V-ing
2⃣Future Continues
✅ S + will/shall +V-ing
3⃣Future Perfect Continues
✅ S will/shall have been V-ing
4⃣Past Perfect Continues
✅ S + had +V-ing
5⃣Future Continues in the Past
✅ S + would be + V-ing
6⃣Future Perfect Continues in the past
✅ S + would have been +V-ing
🆕 Grammar Time 🆕
✅ " Of" predlogidan foydalanish
🗣 Biz " of " predlogini quyidagi holatlarda ishlatamiz:
❇️ Biror kimga biror nima bog'liq yoki tegishli ekanligini aytganda
🔺a friend of mine
🔺the love of a mother for her child
🔺the role of the teacher
⚠️ Agar kimdur chizgan, yozgan, ishlab chiqgan narsalarni barchasi nazarda tutilganda
🔺the paintings of Monet
⚠️Lekin shu narsalarning bir yoki bir nechtasigina nazarda tutilsa "by" ni ishlatamiz
🔺a painting by Monet
❇️ Biror narsaga tegishli, qarashli yoki bog'liqligini aytganda
🔺the lid of the box
🔺the director of the company
🔺a member of the team
❇️ Kelib chiqishi yoki turar joyini aytganda
🔺a woman of Italian descent
🔺the people of Uzbekistan
❇️ Biror kimni nazarda tutganda yoki ko'rsatganda
🔺a story of passion
🔺a photo of my dog
🔺a map of India
❇️ Biror kim yoki biror narasa nimadan iborat yoki tashkil topganini aytganda
🔺the city of Namangan
🔺the issue of housing
🔺a crowd of people
🔺a glass of milk
❇️ O'lchov birliklari, vaqt, yosh va shunga o'xshagan birliklarni ifodalash uchun
🔺2 kilos of potatoes
🔺an increase of 2%
🔺a girl of 12
🔺the fourth of July
❇️ Biror kimni qandaydur guruh yoki jamoaga tegishli ekanligini aytganda ( asosan some / few / iolmoshlari bilan )
🔺some of his friends
🔺a few of the problems
🔺the most famous of all the stars
❇️Biror narsa yoki biror kimni holatini vaqt va joyga nisbatan
🔺just north of Detroit
🔺at the time of the revolution(North American English)
🔺at a quarter of eleven tonight (= 10.45 p.m.)
❇️ Fe'ldan yasalgan otlar oldidan ishlatilinadi
🔺the arrival of the police (= they arrive)
🔺criticism of the police (= they are criticized)
🔺fear of the dark the howling of the wind
❇️ O'zidan so'ng "of" talab qiluvchi fe'llardan so'ng
🔺to deprive somebody of something
🔺He was cleared of all blame.
🔺Think of a number, any number.
❇️ O'zidan keyin "of" talab qiluvchi sifatlardan so'ng
🔺to be proud of something
❇️ Biror kim o'zini qanday tutishi yoki tutganini aytganda ishlatilinadi
🔺It was kind of you to offer.
✅Grammar Time 📋
👉 Topic: Wish Clause
🗣 "Wish" li gaplar o'zbek tiliga "Qaniydi" deb tarjima qilinib biror narsadan afsuslanganda yoki biror narsani hayol qilinganda ishlatilinadi.
"Wish" li gaplarda ikki xil o'zgarish sodir bo'ladi:
1️⃣ Zamon bir zamon pastga tushadi;
2️⃣ Darak shakl inkorga, inkor shakl esa darakka o'tadi.
🔹 Wish hozirgi zamonda:
✅ SUB + wish (that) + SUB + 1) past indefinite (V2) / were 2) were + V1 ing/NOUN 3) COULD v1
1. I don't know French. I wish I knew French.
2. It is raining right now. I wish it weren't raining right now.
3. I can't speak Japanese. I wish I could speak Japanese.
4. It is raining I wish I had an umbrella
5. I wish I were president now.
🔹 Wish o’tgan zamonda:
✅ SUB + wish (that) + SUB + 1) past perfect/ 2) could +have+ done 3) would have doneV3 (in very informal speaking
1. Jamshid didn't come. I wish John had come/would have come.
2. Nargiz couldn't come. I wish Nargiz could have come.
🔹 Wish kelasi zamonda
✅ SUB + wish (that) + SUB + 1) would, could+ V1 2) were+v1 ing 3) could V1
1. She will not tell me. I wish (that) she would tell me.
2. He isn't going to be here. I wish he were going to be here.
3. She can't come tomorrow. I wish she could come tomorrow.
🔸 Biz "If only" bog'lovchisini "I wish that" iborasi o'rniga ishlatishimiz mumkin;
🔸 "Wish" li gaplarda hozirgi va kelasi zamon ishlatilmaydi
✅Grammar time
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