To be – bo`lmoq (am/is/are) To be fe`lidan asosan holat gaplar yasashda foydalanamiz

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English grammar Ingliz tili grammatikasi

To be – bo`lmoq (am/is/are)

*To be fe`lidan asosan holat gaplar yasashda foydalanamiz (ya`ni kimligimizni, yoshimizni, qayirdaligimizni yoki hol- ahvolimizni aytganda; bundan tashqari, boshqa narsalar va hayvonlarning holati to`g`risida gapirilganda ishlatiladi).


To`liq shakli

Qisqartma shakli


To`liq shakli

Qisqartma shakli


I am

I `m


We are



You are



You are


lll shaxs

He is

She is

It is




lll shaxs

They are


Bo`lishli (darak) shakli

I am a pupil – men o`quvchiman

You are clever – sen aqllisan

He is a 22 years old–u 22 yoshda

She is a teacher –u o`qituvchi

It is a car –u mashina

We are friends –biz do`stlarmiz

You are good people –sizlar yaxshi odamsizlar

They are in the garden –ular bog`da

Bo`lishsiz (inkor) shakli: am/is/are+NOT

I am not a singer – men qo`shiqchi emasman

You are not clever – sen aqlli emassan

He is not a doctor –u doctor emas

She is not a teacher –u o`qituvchi emas

It is not a car –u mashina emas

We are not robots –bizlar robot emasmiz

You are not children –sizlar yosh bola emassizlar

They are not in the garden –ular bog`da emas

So`roq shakli

Qisqa javoblar

Am I?

Am I a student? -men talabamanmi?

Yes, you are

No, you aren’t

Are you?

Are you fine? -siz yaxshimisiz?

Yes, I am

No, I`m not

Is he?

Is he at school? -u maktabdami?

Yes, he is

No, he`s not

Is she?

Is she at home? -u uydami?

Yes, she is

No, she`s not

Is it?

Is it your car? -u mashinami?

Yes, it is

No, it`s not

Are we?

Are we pupils? -biz o`quvchilarmi?

Yes, you are

No, you aren’t

Are you?

Are you doctors? -sizlar doktormisizlar?

Yes, we are

No, we aren’t

Are they?

Are they children? -ular bolalarmi?

Yes, they are

No, they`re not

Present continuous -hozirgi davomli zamon




1.present continuous –aynan gapirilayotgan paytda sodir bo`layotgan ish-harakatlarni ifodalaydi.

Kalit so`zlari:

now-hozir, at the moment-ayni paytda, at this time-ayni shu vaqtda, right now-aynan hozir, still-hali ham

I am eating an apple now- men hozir olma yeyapman

You are not listening to me –sen meni eshitmayapsan

Is he writing a letter? –u xat yozyaptimi?

They are running at the moment- ular ayni paytda yuguryapti

2.present continuous –ayni gapirilayotgan paytda bo`lmasa ham, shu kunlarda davom etayotgan ish-harakatlarni ham ifodalaydi.

-I am reading an interesning book these days –men shu kunlarda bir qiziq kitob o`qiyapman

-He is building a house- u uy quryapti

3.buyruq, undov gaplardan so`ng ko`pincha davomli zamong ishlatiladi.

-Sh! A baby is sleeping –sh! Chaqaloq uxlayapti

-Listen! Nafisa is singing –eshit! Nafisa kuylayapti

4.shu davrda bo`layotgan ayrim o`zgarishlarni ifodalashda ham ishlatiladi

-The population of the world is rising very fast- dunyo aholisi juda tez ko`paymoqda

-The days are getting shorter day by day-kunlar qisqarib bormoqda

5.bundan tashqari present continuous nimadandir norozilik, kimgadir ta`na qilish kabi holatlarda ham ishlatiladi

-You are always coming late. Why don’t you get up early?-sen har doim kechikib kelyapsan. Ertaroq tursang bo`lmaydimi?

6.quyidagi fe`llar present continuousda ishlatilmaydi.

Want-xohlamoq, need-muhtoj bo`lmoq, prefer-afzal ko`rmoq, like-yoqtirmoq, love-sevmoq, hate-yomon ko`rmoq, belong-tegishli bo`lmoq, hear-eshitmoq, know-bilmoq, realize-anglamoq, believe-ishonmoq, suppose-taxmin qilmoq, mean-nazarda tutmoq, understand-tushunmoq, remember-eslamoq, forget-unutmoq,

- I understand you- men sizni tushunyapman. (,,I am understanding`` deb bo`lmaydi)

Think –o`ylamoq, xayol surmoq ma`nosida kelsa present continuousda ishlatiladi.

-I am thinking about my plan –men rejam haqida o`ylayapman

Think –menimcha, o`ylashimcha ma`nosida kelsa present continuousda ishlatilmaydi.

-I think she is very clever –o`ylashimcha, u juda aqlli

See -ko`rmoq ma`nosida kelsa present continuousda ishlatilmaydi.

-I see a man in the street –men ko`chada bir odamni ko`ryapman

See -uchrashmoq ma`nosida kelsa present continuousda ishlatiladi.

-I am seeing my friend tonight- men kechqurun bir do`stim bilan uchrashyapman

Present simple -Hozirgi oddiy, noaniq zamon




1.hozirgi zamonda bo`ladigan doimiy, odatiy, takroriy, umumiy ish –harakatlarni ifodalaydi.

I , we , you, they /do/read/like/work/play/watch/have/study/buy

He, she, it /does/reads/likes/works/plays/watches/has/studies/buys

-I like ice-cream –men muzqaymoqni yoqtiraman

-He likes ice-cream –u muqaymoqni yoqtiradi

-They have a lot of books –ularda ko`p kitob bor

-She has a lot of book –unda ko`p kitob bor

Kalit so`zlari

Always –har doim, usually –odatda, sometimes –ba`zan, never –hech qachon, seldom-onda-sonda, rarely-kamdan-kam, regularly-doimiy, generally-umuman, every day- har kuni, every week –har hafta,

every month –har oy, every year –har yil, every sumer –har yozda

2. tabiat hodisalar, o`zgarmas qonuniyatlarini ifodalashda ham present simpledan foydalanamiz.

-The earth goes round the sun- yer quyosh atrofida aylanadi

-Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius. –suv 100 gradusda qaynaydi

3. Quyidagi `present continuous`da ishlatilmaydigan fe`llar `present simple`da ishlatiladi.

Want-xohlamoq, need-muhtoj bo`lmoq, prefer-afzal ko`rmoq, like-yoqtirmoq, love-sevmoq, hate-yomon ko`rmoq, belong-tegishli bo`lmoq, hear-eshitmoq, know-bilmoq, realize-anglamoq, believe-ishonmoq, suppose-taxmin qilmoq, mean-nazarda tutmoq, understand-tushunmoq, remember-eslamoq, forget-unutmoq,

-I understand you- men sizni tushunyapman. (,,I am understanding`` deb bo`lmaydi)

4.Present simple da so`roq va inkor gaplar yasash uchun `do, va ,does` yordamchi fe`llaridan foydalanamiz.

Do –I /we/you/they

Does –he/she/it

I live in a big city

I do not live in a big city

Do you live in a big city? yes, I do. No, I don’t.

He likes ice-cream

He doesn’t like ice-cream

Does he like ice-cream? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.

Present perfect–hozirgi tugallangan zamon


S+have/has + NOT+V3


1.Present perfect yaqin orada bo`lib o`tgan, ammo natijasi ko`rinib turgan ish-harakatlarni ifodalaydi. Bunda asosiy e`tibor vaqtga emas natijaga qaratiladi.

-I have broken my pencil –men qalamimni sindirib qo`ydim

-He has bought a new car –u yangi mashina sotib oldi

2. bir ish-harakatni hayotimiz davomida qilgan yoki qilmaganligimizni aytishda yoki kimdandir buni so`rashda ishlatiladi.

-Have you played golf before? –avval golf o`ynaganmisiz?

-Have you ever been to Australia? –biron marta Avstraliyada bo`lgamisiz?

-I have read this book twice before –men bu kitobni ikki marta o`qiganman

-I have never smoked in my life –hayotim davomida umuman chekmaganman

-I haven’t been to America before –men avval Amerikada bo`lmaganman

3.bir ish-harakatni qancha vaqtdan beri davom etayotganligini ifodalashda ham present perfect ishlatiladi

-I have known him for three years –men uni uch yildan beri bilaman

-We have been in Tashkent since April –biz aprildan beri Toshkentdamiz

-How long have known her? –uni qancha vaqdan beri bilasan?

4.hali tugamagan vaqt ko`rsatgichlari bilan ham present perfect ishlatiladi. Masalan: today, this week, this month, this year.

- I have read four books this month –men bu oy 4ta kitob o`qidim

- He has smoked ten cigarettes today- u bugun 10 ta sigaret chekdi

5. it is the first time…, this is second time (third time) kabi birikmalar bilan ham present perfect ishlatiladi

-It is the first time I have driven car –bu birinchi marta mashina haydashim

-this is the second time I have been to this place –men bu joyda ikkinchi marta bo`lishim

6.orttirma darajadagi sifat ishlatilgan iboralardan keyin ishlatiladi

-It is the most boring film I have ever seen –bu men ko`rgan eng zerikarli film

Present perfect kalit so`zlari:

ever –biror marta, never –hech qachon, already -allaqachon, yet –hali ham, lately –yaqin orada,

recently- yaqinda, just -hozir, just now- hozirgina, hardly –zo`rg`a, barely –bazo`r,

so far -hozirgacha, by that time –hozrgi vaqtgacha, for ages –ancha vaqtdan beri, for a long time- uzoq vaqtdan beri, how long… -qancha vaqtdan beri?

-We have just had lunch –biz hozirgina tushlik qildik

-He has already finished his work –u ishini allaqachon tugatdi

-Everything is going fine. We haven’t had any problems so far –hammasi yaxshi bo`lyapti. Biz shu paygacha bironta muammoga duch kelmadik

Yet –so`roq va inkor gaplarda, gapning oxirida ishlatiladi

-I haven’t told them about the accident yet –men ularga avariya haqida hali aytmadim

-Has it stopped raining yet? –yomg`ir yog`ishdan to`xtadimi?
For/since -…dan beri (bir ishni qanchadan beri davom etayotganligini bildiradi)
For+muddat (for an hour, for two days, for a week, for a long time)

Since+aniq boshlangan vaqti (since Friday, since November, since my childhood, since 1992)

-I haven’t seen him since November –men uni noyabrdan beri ko`rganim yo`q

-I haven’t seen him for a long time –men uni ancha vaqtdan beri ko`rganim yo`q

-I haven’t heard from him since he left Tashkent –u haqida Toshkentga ketgandan beri eshiganim yo`q


-I have lived in Samarkand all my life –men butun hayotim davomida Samarqandda yashadim

Been to – kimdir biror joyda avval bo`lganligini aytganda ishlatiladi.

-I have been to England before –men avval Angliyada bo`lganman

Gone –biror joyga ketib, hali qaytmagan bo`lsa ishlatiladi.

Present perfect continuous–hozirgi tugallangan davomli zamon

S+have/has+been+V ing

S+have/has+been+NOT+V ing

Have/Has+S+been+V ing?

1.Present perfect continuous –ish-harakatni ma`lumvaqt davom etib tugaganlgini yoki hali ham davom etayotganligini ifodalash uchun ishlatiladi.

-The ground is wet. It has been raining. –yer ho`l. yomg`ir yog`gan ekan.

-I have been waiting for you for an hour – seni bir soatdan beri kutyapman.

-We have been learning English since November –biz ingliz tilini noyabrdan beri o`rganyapmiz.

How long have you been waiting for the bus- avtobusni qancha vaqtdan beri kutyapsiz?

Since when has it been raining –qachondan beri yomg`ir yog`yapti?

! He has written 5 books since he finished the university –u universitetni tugatgandan beri 5ta kitob yozgan.

2. present continuous zamonida ishlatilmaydigan fe`llar preset perfect continuousda ham ishlatilmaydi.

- I have known Anna for two years (Not `I have been knowing`)

Past simple–o`tgan oddiy zamon




1.Past simple –o`tgan zamonda sodir bo`lgan bir martalik yoki odatiy ish-harakatlarni ifodalaydi

-I went to the bank yesterday –men kecha bankka bordim

-We played football last week –biz o`tgan hafta futbol o`ynadik

Kalit so`zlar:

Yesterday- kecha, the day before yesterday- kechadan oldingi kun, that day –usha kun, two days ago –ikki kun avval, last week –o`tgan hafta, on Monday- dushanba kuni, in December-dekabrda, in 2015-

2015-yilda, in my childhood- bolaligimda, in the past- o`tmishda

-Did you watch football match last night –kecha tunda futbol musobaqasini ko`rdingmi?

-We didn’t go to school yesterday –biz kecha maktabga bormadik

2.Past simple -o`tgan zamonda ketma-ket sodir bo`lgan ish-harakatlarni ham ifodalaydi.

-He got up, washed up, dressed and went to work –u o`rnidan turdi, yuvindi, kiyindi va ishga ketdi.

Used to + V1

Used to –o`tmishda odat bo`lgan yoki takroriy sodir bo`lgan, ammo hozir bajarilmaydigan ish-harakatlarni


-I used to go for a walk while I was living in the countryside –men qishloqda yashagan vaqtim aylanishga chiqib turar edim

-He used to be very shy when he was a child –u bolaligida juda uyalchan bo`lgan

-Did you use to play national games when you were a young? –yoshligingizda milliy o`yinlar o`ynarmidingiz?

-She didn’t use to live with her parents a few years ago- u bir necha yil avval ota-onasi bilan yashamasdi

Would –used to bilan sinonimdir

-I would go for a walk =I used to go for a walk

!Ammo would holat fe`llari bilan ishlatilmaydi

-I used to be very shy (not! I would be very shy)

Get used to –ko`nika boshlamoq degan ma`noni bildiradi

-You will get used to studying in the new school soon

Be used to +Ving/noun –biror narsaga ko`nikkanlikni bildiradi

-I am used to getting up early

To be fe`lining o`tgan zamon shakli ( was/were
I / he/ she/ it -was

We/ you / they -were

*Was / were o`tagan zamon holat gaplarini yasashda ishlatiladi

-I was tired last ningt

-You were late yesterday

-Last year she was 22, so she is 23 now

-when he was a child, he was afraid of dogs

-Were they at the party? No they weren’t

-Was Ted at work yesterday? Yes, he was

Past continuous–o`tgan davomli zamon SS + was/were + Ving

1.Past continuous –o`tgan zamonda aniq bir vaqtda sodir bo`layotgan,davom etayotgan ish-harakatlarni ifodalaydi

-This time last year I was living in Brazil.

-what were you doing at 10 o`clock last night?

2.Bunda aniq vaqtni ifodalovchi so`zlar ishlatilishi lozim.

At this moment yesterday

At that moment last week

At 7 o`clock on Monday

From 8 to 9 last night

-Akmal was sleeping at this time yesterday

-When Tom arrived, we were having dinner

-It was raining when I got up

-I saw Jim in the park. He was sitting on the grass and reading a book

-My mother was cooking dinner when my father came home

-I was reading a book while my friends were playing outside

Past perfect–o`tgan tugallangan zamon S+had+V3

1.Past perfect –o`tgan zamonning aniq bir vaqtiga qadar bajarib bo`lingan, tugallangan va natijasi ko`rinib turgan ish-harakatdir. (bo`lib o`tgan bir ish-harakatdan ham oldin bo`lib o`tgan boshqa ish-harakat)

-When I arrived at the party, Tom wasn’t there. He had gone home

-When I got home, I found that someone had broken into my flat and had stolen my coat

-I had already known the news when he came

-She had never visited Bukhara by yesterday

-After I had read the book I gave it to Abboskhon

-Before the film began we had eaten a watermelon

Past perfect continuous–o`tgan tugallangan davomli zamon S+had+been+V ing

1.Past perfect continuous bu Past Simpledagi ish-harakatdan oldin boshlanib, ma`lum muddat davom etib tugagan ish-harakatlarni ifodalaydi.

Bunda since, for, how long, since when va hakozo kalit so`zlar ishlatiladi

-Tom had been smoking for thirty years when he finally gave it up

-they had been playing football for half an hour when there was terrible storm

-I was very tired when I arrived home. I had been working hard all day

-He was out of breath. He had been running

-How long had you been waiting when the bus came?

Future simple-oddiy kelasi zamon will / shall S+will/shall+V1

Tomorrow- ertaga

Next week-keyingi hafta

The day after tomorrow- indin

In the future- kelajakda

1. will-oddiy kelasi zamonni ifodalsh uchun ishlatiladi

Bo`lishli/bo`lishsiz shakli so`roq shakli



Will (`ll)

Will not (won`t)








Bill is 24 years old now. Next year he will be 25

Phone me this evening, I will be at home

I think Diana will pass the exam

I don’t think it will rain this afternoon

Do you think the examination will be difficult?

2.kelasi zamonda biror ish qilishga to`satdan qaror qilganimizda will ishlatiladi

Did you phone Anna? Oh, no. I forgot. I will do it now
3.taklif qilishda ham will ishlatiladi

That bag looks heavy. I will help you with it
4.Rozi bo`lish yoki rad etish ma`nolarida

You know that book I lent you? Can I have it back?

Of course, I will bring it back this afternoon`da berishda ham ishlatiladi

Thank you for lending me the money. I will pay you back on Friday
6.Iltimos ma`nosida

Will you shut the door please?

Will you clean the blackboard, please?

Probably. I will probably go to Tashkent tomorrow

(I am) sure. I am sure you will pass the exam

(I)expect. I expect Anna will come tomorrow

7. Shall I/we+shall

We shall probably go to Scotland in June

I shan`t (shall not) be here tomorrow
8.Shall I / shall we – taklifni bildiradi

Shall I turn on the television

Shall we go to concert

Where shall we go this evening?

9. Ammo kelasi zamonda qilinishi avvaldan rejalashtirilgan ish-harakatlar uchun present continuous ishlatiladi

My friends are coming to see me tomorrow

She is playing tennis tomorrow

What are you doing tomorrow?

Alice is going to the dentist on Friday
10. Kelasi zamonda niyatni ifodalshda to be going to ishlatiladi

I am going to buy a new car

We are going to build a big house

She is not going to have breakfast this morning. She is not hungry

11.To be going to- sodir bo`lishi yaqqol ko`rinib turgan ish-harakatlarni ham ifodalaydi

Look at those black clouds. It is going to rain

Oh dear! It`s nine o`clock and I am not ready. I am going to be late
12.Jadvallashtirilgan, dasturlashtirilgan ish-harakatlar present simple oraqali ifodalanadi

The train leaves at 10 o`clock

The concert begins at 8 o`clock

Future continuous -kelasi davomli zamon (S+will be/shall be+V ing)

1.Kelasi zamonda aniq vaqtda davom etayotgan ish-harakatni ifodalaydi

At 9 o`clock this evening I will be watching football

At midnight she will be sleeping

Will you be using your bicycle this evening? No, you can take it

Future perfect –kelasi tugallangnan zamon. (S+will/shall+have +V3)

1.kelasi zamonda ma`lum bir vaqtda tugallangan ishni bildiradi

We are late. I expect the film will already have started by the time we go to the cinema

At 10 o`clock this evening I will have watched the football match

Future perfect continuous-kelasi tugallangan davomli zamon

(S+will/shall+have +been +Ving)

1.kelasi zamonda ma`lum bir vaqtda tugallangan ishni davomiyligini bildiradi

After a month I will have been living in Samarkand for 10 years

After two years he will have been working in this school for 30 years

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