Recent (Within the Past Three Years) Activities with School Partners Curriculum and Instruction Department Including the Early Childhood, Elementary Education Initial and Advanced, Special Education Initial and Advanced

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Recent (Within the Past Three Years) Activities

with School Partners
Curriculum and Instruction Department Including the Early Childhood, Elementary Education Initial and Advanced, Special Education Initial and Advanced, and Reading Specialist Programs


School District


Nov., 2007

Peoria, IL

Workshop - Telling & Retelling

Dec., 2007

Springfield, IL

Workshop - Choosing and Using children’s Literature to Support Language and Literacy

Feb., 2008

Arlington Heights, IL

Workshop - Choosing and Using children’s Literature to Support Language and Literacy

Feb., 2008

Rend Lake, IL

Workshop - Fostering Language and Literacy Development in the Preschool Years

Jan. - May 2008

Edison School, Macomb, IL

Reading methods students and 5th graders from Edison school participate in a pen pal project which included letters written back and forth during the semester and a pod cast prepared by the methods students for their pen pals.

April 4, 2008

Tinley Park, IL

Workshop - Planning and Implementing Learning Centers to Support Early Literacy

April, 2008

Champaign, IL

Workshop - Linking Literacy and Lyrics

June 30 & July 1, 2008

ROE Workshop: Bureau, Henry & Stark County Middle School & High School Faculty

Engaging Struggling Readers in the Middle and High School Classroom

Sept. 2008-May 2011

Springfield, Illinois School District

After school tutoring

Sept. 2008-May 2011

Macomb, Illinois School District

After school tutoring

Sept. 2008-May 2011

East Moline School District

After school tutoring

Sept.2008 – May 2009

Edison School Macomb, IL

Assisted in coordinating the access to and use of Children’s Literature Examination Center (CLEC) books with the Macomb Edison School librarian for a school sponsored reading program.


Lincoln Elementary, Macomb, IL

Family Fun Night

November, 2008

Aldredge Early Learning Center, East Moline, IL


November 2008

McKinley Elementary, Muscatine, Iowa

Wolves, Presentation to Grade 4-6

Nov. 2008

Immaculate Conception School K-8, Monmouth, Illinois

Workshop - Questioning Strategies

Dec. 2008

Springfield, Il

Workshop - Building a Firm Foundation for the Big Five: Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Fluency, Vocabulary and Comprehension. Workshop sponsored by the Illinois Resource Center.

January 2009

West Community School District

Developmental screening workshop for parents

January 2009

Four Rivers Special Education Cooperative,

Jacksonville, Illinois

Workshop - RtI in Reading – Elementary Level: A Follow-up Session

January 2009

Four Rivers Special Education Cooperative,

Jacksonville, Illinois

Workshop - RtI in Reading – Elementary Level: A Follow-up Session

January 2009

Riverdale School District, Port Byron, Illinois

Workshop - Maintenance of RtI at Riverdale Elementary

January 2009

Riverdale School District, Port Byron, Illinois

Workshop - Maintenance of RtI at Riverdale – Secondary

Jan., Feb., March, April, 2008-09

Hedding Grade School, Abingdon ,IL

Conscious Discipline workshops

February, 2008-09

Western CUSD 12, Barry, IL

Workshop - Improving Student Achievement through Deliberate Interventions

February 2009

Aledo JH, Farmington Central JH, Griggsville-Perry JH,

Hamilton JH, Havana JH, Ingersoll MS,

Lewistown Central Grade, Macomb JH,

PORTA JH, West Central MS, Canton HS,

Farmington Central HS, Hamilton HS,

Illini Central HS, Lewistown HS, Macomb HS,

Monmouth-Roseville HS, PORTA HS, Rochester HS,

West Prairie HS

Illinois Science Regional Olympiad Competition

February, 2009

Pekin, IL through the Illinois Resource Center

Workshop - Building a Firm Foundation for the Big Five: Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Fluency, Vocabulary and Comprehension.

February, 2009

Fairview Heights, IL through the Illinois Resource Center

Workshop - Building a Firm Foundation for the Big Five: Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Fluency, Vocabulary and Comprehension.

April 2009

Bushnell School District

Workshop - On the Move with RtI in Reading: Some Additional Guidance for B-PC Elementary


April, 2009

VIT School District

Workshop - Questioning Strategies - Middle School & High School

April, 2009

VIT School District

Workshop - Visualizing & Inferring Reading Strategies Elementary School

April, 2009

Champaign, IL Schools

Workshop - Planning and Implementing Learning Centers to support Early Literacy

April 17, 2009

Franklin Elementary, Moline Illinois

Wolves- Presentation to 4th grade class

April 23, 2009

Butterworth Elementary, Moline, Illinois

Butterworth Family Science Night

June-July 2009

Kewanee Central Elem, Kewanee Central JH, Kewanee HS, Neoponset, Visitation School (Kewanee), Wethersfield School (Kewanee)

Workshops - Improving Science and Mathematics Education with Technology

June 2009

Warsaw School District

Workshop - A Form of Collaboration: Co-teaching

June, 2009

Pekin, IL Schools

Workshop, Implementing Readers Workshop in Prekindergarten Classrooms

June 23, 2009

Pekin Early Childhood Center, WorPekin, IL

Workshop - Implementing Readers Workshop in PreK Classrooms

July 2009

West Central IL Special Education Cooperative,

Macomb, Illinois

Workshop - Co-teaching – A Possible Assist to RtI Implementation

July 2009

Amboy JH, Ashton-Franklin-Center HS, Aplington MS (Polo), Byron MS, Carl Sandburg MS (Freeport),

Dixon HS, Eastland 308 (Lanark), Etnyre Elem (Oregon),

Leepertown Elem (Bureau), Leland HS, Mendota HS,

Metamora Grade School, Monroe Center Elem,

Reagan MS (Dixon), Rochelle MS, Rock Falls HS, Washington Academy (Rockford)

Math/Science Workshops

July, 2009

Bloomington, IL Schools

Workshop - Choosing and Using children’s Literature to Support Language and Literacy

August 2009

Jacksonville School District

Workshop - Work Sampling Illinois Training

August 2009

Four Rivers Special Education Cooperative,

Jacksonville, Illinois

Workshop - RtI in Math

August, 2009

O’Fallon, IL sponsored by the Illinois Resource Center.

Workshop - Building a Firm Foundation for the Big Five: Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Fluency, Vocabulary and Comprehension.

August 31, 2009

Havana School District K-12, Havana, Illinois

Workshop - Focus on Monitoring Comprehension and Activating & Connecting to Background


Sept.-Nov. 2009

Griggsville-Perry School District, Griggsville, Illinois

Workshop - Response to Intervention (RtI) In-service Series

on Reading, Written Expression, and


November 16, 2009

Havana School District K-12, Havana, Illinois

Workshop - isualizing & Making Inferences in Reading



Lena-Winslow School District

Workshop - Framework for Understanding Poverty

August, 2009-10

Lena-Winslow School District, Lena, IL

Keynote speaker, From Disney to NCLB (Improving Student Achievement)

Sept. 2009-May 2010

Edison School, Macomb, IL

Reading methods students and 5th graders from Edison school participate in a pen pal project which included letters written back and forth during the semester and a pod cast prepared by the methods students for their pen pals.

Sept. 2009-May 2010

Edison School, Macomb, IL

Assisted in coordinating the access to and use of Children's Literature Examination Center (CLEC) books with the Macomb Edison School librarian for a school sponsored reading program.

Sept. 2009-May 2010

Arrowhead Ranch, Coal Valley

Consultation (At Risk Youth)

Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec.

Hedding Grade School, Abingdon, IL

Conscious Discipline workshops

September 4, 2009

Abingdon School District K-12, Abingdon, Illinois

Workshop - Engaging Readers in Active Reading Processes

October 2009

Carl Sandburg Community College (Galesburg)

Workshop - Work Sampling Illinois Training

October 2009

Ashton-Franklin Center School District, Ashton, Illinois

Workshop - AFC Response to Intervention (RtI) at the Secondary School Level

October, 2009

McDonough-Hancock Regional Office of Education

Workshop - Using Learning Centers to Meet Children's Individual Needs

October 5, 2009

Havana School District K-12, Havana, Illinois

Workshop - Questioning Strategies

October 9, 2009

Churchill Junior High School & Lombard Junior High School, Galesburg, Illinois

Workshop - Focus on Monitoring Comprehension and Activating & Connecting to Background Knowledge

October – May, 2009-10

Moline School District's MAPLE At-Risk Pre-K Program

Research on implementation of an EC version of RtI (Teachers kept online diaries; exit interviews were conducted with teachers and administrator)

November, 2009-2010

Scott County Y Child Care Programs

Inservice on creative art activities

December, 2009

Canton-Union School District Elementary Staff, Canton, Illinois

Workshop - A Santa’s Bag of Interventions in Reading: Preparing at the Elementary Level for Response

to Intervention (RtI),

January 19, 2010

Havana School District K-12, Havana, Illinois

Workshop - Determining Importance in Text

January 29, 2010

Abingdon School District K-12, Abingdon, Illinois

Workshop - Questioning, Visualizing & Making Inferences in Reading

February 2010

Farmington Central JH, Griggsville-Perry JH, Hamilton JH,

Ingersoll MS, Lewistown Central Grade, Macomb JH,

Mercer County JH, PORTA JH, West Central MS, Canton HS,

Farmington Central HS, Hamilton HS, Illini Central HS,

Lewistown HS, Macomb HS, Mercer County HS, Monmouth-Roseville HS, PORTA HS, Rochester HS, West Prairie HS

Illinois Science Regional Olympiad Competition

February, 2010

Canton Union School District, Canton, Illinois

Workshop - Decisions, Decisions, Decisions: an RtI

In-service on Reading Interventions and

Data-based Decision-making,

February, 2010


Abington, Illinois

Workshop - RtI: What it is and what it is not!

March 2010

Carl Sandburg Community College (Galesburg)

Workshop - Work Sampling Illinois Training

March, 2010

Knoxville Elementary Teachers

Workshop - So, How goes it with RtI at Mable Woolsey?

Are you on the Right Track? Research-based

Information on RtI in Reading at the

Elementary Level

March, 2010

Lisle, IL

Workshop - Using a Reading/Writing Approach

to Meet Individual Needs

March 12, 2010

Abingdon School District K-12, Abingdon, Illinois

Workshop - Focus on Determining Importance in Text

February 2010

Edwardsville School District

Workshop - Work Sampling Illinois Training

February 22, 2010

Havana School District K-12, Havana, Illinois

Workshop - Summarizing & Synthesizing Information

April 16, 2010

Abingdon School District K-12, Abingdon, Illinois

Workshop - Focus on Summarizing & Synthesizing Information

May 12, 2010

Earl Hanson Elementary School, Rock Island, Illinois

Aquatic Ecology, National Lab Day

April, 2010-11

Hedding Grade School

Learning Center workshop

April 7, 2010

John Glenn Elementary, North Scott Community Schools, Donahue, Iowa

Wolves, presentation to Grades 4-6

April 15, 2010

Ridgewood Elementary, East Moline School District #37

Water Rockets – presentations to students

April 23, 2010

Bowlesburg Elementary, East Moline, Illinois

Bowlesburg Family Science Night

June 2010

Amboy JH, Amboy HS, Aplington MS (Polo), Ashton-Franklin-Center HS, Byron MS, Carl Sandburg MS (Freeport), Chana Ed Center, Dixon HS, Etnyre Elem (Oregon), Kings CSD, Leland JH, Mendota Township HS, Monroe Center Elem (Meridian), Oregon HS, Parkside (Peru), Reagan MS (Dixon), Rochelle MS, Rochelle HS, Rock Cut Elem (Harlem), Rock Falls HS, Stillman Valley HS,

Math and Science workshops

June, 2010

West Central Illinois Special Education Cooperative Workshop, Macomb, Illinois

Workshop - Co-teaching: A Possible Strategy for RtI Implementation

June, 2010

West Central Illinois Special Education Cooperative, Macomb,


Workshop - Differentiated Instruction: What it is and How

to do it to Increase Student Achievement

June-July 2010

Rockford School District

Workshops for Elementary and Middle School Teachers on Biological and Environmental Science

August 2010

Kewanee School District

Workshop for Elementary and Middle School Teachers on Differentiation of Instruction.

August 24, 2010

MacArthur School, Macomb, IL

Workshop - Building a Firm Foundation for the BIG FIVE: Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Fluency, Vocabulary, and Comprehension

August 26, 2010

Pekin Early Childhood Center, Pekin, IL

Workshop - Conducting Reading Workshops in Pre-Kindergarten Classrooms

August 2010

Sherrard CUSD #200

Best Practices Committee -served on this committee to focus professional in-service sessions on key ideas promoting best practices in teaching.

Fall 2010

Our Lady of Grace

Met with teachers, administrators, parents to discuss their plans for a multi-grade organization in the school and

Sept. 2010-May 2011

Edison School, Macomb, IL

Reading methods students and 5th graders from Edison school participate in a pen pal project which included letters written back and forth during the semester and a pod cast prepared by the methods students for their pen pals.

May, 2010-2011

Rock Island Arsenal Child Care Programs

Workshop on emerging literacy skills

Sept. 2010

Lincoln Elementary, Macomb

Family Fun Night

Sept. 2010-May 2011

George O. Barr Elementary, Silvis Jr. High


Art Judge

October, 2010

Bushnell-Prairie City School District Teachers In-service, Bushnell,


Workshop - Differentiated Instruction: An Avenue to Meet

the Instructional Needs of More Students

November 12, 2010

MacArthur School, Macomb, IL

Workshop - Implementing a Reading-Writing

Workshop Approach in Pre-K


Scott County Y Child Care Programs

Inservice on Active Listening

Sept. 2010-May 2011

Edison School, Macomb, IL

Assisted in coordinating the access to and use of Children's Literature Examination Center (CLEC) books with the Macomb Edison School librarian for a school sponsored reading program.

Sept. 2010-May 2011

Moline School District

Workshop - RtI in Early Childhood - Research project, including an online diary component

January, 2011

Secondary School In-service, ROWVA School District, Oneida,


Workshop - Differentiated Instruction: An Approach that

can Help to Meet the Instructional Needs of

Many of Your Students

January, 2011

Illini West High School District, Carthage, Illinois

Workshop - Co-Teaching: An Alternative Instructional Delivery Approach

January 31, 2011

Oneida, Illinois

In-Service “Engaging Students in Text: Before, During, & After Reading/Thinking Techniques”

February 2011

Farmington Central JH, Griggsville-Perry JH, Hamilton JH,

Ingersoll MS, Lewistown Central Grade, Macomb JH,

Mercer County JH, PORTA JH, West Central MS, Canton HS,

Farmington Central HS, Hamilton HS, Havana HS, Lewistown HS,

Macomb HS, Mercer County HS, Monmouth-Roseville

HS, PORTA HS, Rochester HS, West Prairie HS

Illinois Science Regional Olympiad Competition

February 10 & 11, 2011

Bureau, Henry & Stark County Middle School & High School Faculty, Atkinson, Illinois

Workshop - Engaging Readers in Active Reading Processes: Before, During, & After

February 17, 2011

John Glenn Elementary, Donahue, Iowa

Career Day

February 24, 2011

Wells Elementary, East Moline, Illinois

Wells Family Reading & Science Night

March 2, 2011

Rock Island-Milan School District #41—K-6, Rock Island, Illinois

Workshop - Robust Vocabulary Instruction

March, April, and May, 2011

Hancock/McDonough and Adams/Pike Regional Offices of

Education, Macomb, Illinois

Series on Co-teaching: An Alternative Instructional Delivery Approach

April 2011

West Prairie North Elementary School, Good Hope, IL

Science & Math Night – fingerprinting activity

May 2011

St. Paul School, Macomb, IL

Resources of the WIU Science Education Center

May 2, 2011

Eugene Field Elementary, Rock Island, Illinois

Science Fair Judge

May 24, 2011

George O. Barr Elementary, Silvis, Illinois

Wolves, Presentation to 3rd Grade

June 2011

Skip-A-Long Child Development Center, Moline, IL

Print Referencing Workshop

June -July 2011

Rockford School District

Workshops for Elementary and Middle School Teachers on Physical Science and Technological Design

Sept- 2011

St. Paul School, Macomb

Monster Project - global collaborative project for grades K-7 involving technology, social studies, and forming learning networks

Sept. 2011

Lincoln School, Macomb

Monster Project - global collaborative project for grades K-7 involving technology, social studies, and forming learning networks

Sept. 2011

Lincoln School, Canton

Monster Project - global collaborative project for grades K-7 involving technology, social studies, and forming learning networks

Sept.-Oct. 2011

Lincoln Academy, Davenport, IA

Workshops - Behavior Management

Hyperstudio 5 Research


Mc Donough County Child Development Council – Wee Care Center Board of Directors, Macomb, IL

Regular meetings – 5 times a year


Educational Leadership Department Including the Principal, Superintendency, and Alternative Certification Superintendency Programs
April 17, 2008 Program Advisory Committee

October 16, 2008 Program Advisory Committee

October 1, 2009 Macomb Area Program Advisory Committee and Quad Cities Area Program Advisory Committee

October 8, 2009 MSEd Program Development Team

November 12, 2009 MSEd Program Development Team

December 3, 2009 MSEd Program Development Team

February 4, 2010 MSEd Program Development Team

February 18, 2010 MSEd Program Development Team

March 25, 2010 MSEd Program Development Team

April 8, 2010 MSEd Program Development Team

April 21, 2010 Quad Cities Area Program Advisory Committee

April 22, 2010 Macomb Area Program Advisory Committee

May 5, 2011 EdS Program Development Team

School Counseling Program


Date of Activity



Who was Served

Dr. Holly Nikels

September, 2010

Lavender Crest Winery

Colona, Illinois

School Counselor Academy Presentation

50 school counselors

Dr. Holly Nikels

September, 2011

Kewanee Community Schools

Kewanee, IL

Administrator in-service training

All district administrators

Dr. Holly Nikels

August, 2011

Annawan Community Schools

Annawan, IL

Teacher in-service

All faculty, staff and administrators

Dr. Holly Nikels

February, 2011

Kewanee Community Schools

Kewanee, IL

On-line safety training for student

All Kewanee High School students (approx 500)

Dr. Holly Nikels

May 2010

Heartland Montessori Teacher Center

Moline, IL

Diversity training for teachers

Teachers grades Pre-K through 6

Dr. Holly Nikels

March 2010

Silvis Community Schools

Silvis, IL

Teacher in-service

All faculty, staff and administrators

Dr. Holly Nikels

February, 2010

Annawan Community Schools

Annawan, IL

Teacher in-service

All faculty, staff and administrators

Dr. Holly Nikels

February, 2010

Annawan Community Schools

Annawan, IL

Student training

All Annawan High School Students (approx 200)

Dr. Holly Nikels

January 2010

Kewanee Community Schools

Kewanee, IL

Teacher in-service

All faculty, staff and administrators

Dr. Holly Nikels

December, 2009

Counselor Academy

Moline, IL

On-line safety training

Regional School Counselors

Dr. Holly Nikels

April 2009

Bettendorf Community Schools

Bettendorf, IA

Teacher in-service

Grant Wood elementary teachers and staff

Dr. Holly Nikels

February 2008

Geneseo Community Schools

Geneseo, IL

Teacher inservice

All teachers, staff and administrators

Dr. Holly Nikels

February 2008

Geneseo Community Schools

Geneseo, IL

Parent training

District parents

Dr. Holly Nikels

October, 2008-present

Rock Island Community Schools

Rock Island, IL

PACERS Program management

Daily contact with teachers, staff and students thru the PACERS program

Dr. Holly Nikels

November, 2010


Chicago, IL

Presentation at conference

Schools board members, school administrators and ISBE members

Dr. Holly Nikels

October 2008


Erie, IL

Presentation at conference

Regional School Board members

Dr. Holly Nikels

January 2011

Quad City Youth Conference

Moline, IL


Local middle and high school students

Dr. Holly Nikels

February 2010

Quad City Youth Conference

Moline, IL


Local middle and high school youth

Dr. Holly Nikels

January 2009

Quad City Youth Conference

Moline, IL


Local middle and high school youth

Dr. Holly Nikels

January 2008

Quad City Youth conference

Moline, IL


Local middle and high school youth

School Psychology Program

  1. On April 8, 2011 a workshop for local school psychologists from the area was held in Macomb for CPDU credits. The workshop presented two presentations: “CORE Reading Assessment” and “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered & Questioning (LGBTQ) Youth who are Bullied”

  2. Practicum students have helped with benchmarking for reading and math in local school districts. Students are also assigned to schools for practicum and expected to help with benchmarking and interventions for P-12 students.

  3. During their internships, graduate students have presented inservice activities for school staff as part of their research requirement for graduation. The following topics have been covered over the last 3 years: Positive Behavior Intervention Support, Anxiety in Children, Bullying in Schools, Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder, Evidence Based Interventions, Autism, Guided Reading, K-PALS, Operational Definition for Behavioral Concerns, Managing the General Education Initiative, Cross Battery Assessment, Response to Intervention with Math, Limited English Proficient Students and the RtI Process, Phonemic Awareness, Use of Jolly Phonics with Cognitively Impaired Students, Wilson Reading Program, and Psychopharmacology Treatments. Each of these students presented an hour long inservice to their respective internship sites and were evaluated following the presentations. The topics are chosen in consultation with the internship site to meet the training needs of the site.

  4. One graduate student, along with the help of undergraduate students, collected data for a research project on negative mood regulation among youth in 10 schools served by a special education cooperative.

Technology Specialist Program
K12 Schools and Regional Offices of Education
Developed and taught courses and workshops on effective strategies for blended and online course development, teaching, and assessment, as well as technology integration techniques. K12 sites include: United Township High School (Moline, IL), Kewanee High School (Kewanee, IL), Abington High School (Abington, IL), United High School (Monmouth, IL), DuPue High School (DuPue, IL).
Conduct training sessions to Illinois K12 administrators, staff, and teachers on cyber bullying appropriate school-friendly solution for dealing with cyber bullying issues. Sites include Mt. Vernon Regional Education Board (Mt. Vernon, IL), Association of Illinois Rural and Small Schools (Delavan, IL), Pere Marquette Regional Board of Education (Grafton, IL), Regional Office of Education #26 (Macomb, IL), Regional Office of Education #28 (Atkinson, IL), Northwest Indiana Education Service Center (Highland, IN), Southern Indiana Education Center (Jasper, IN), Lake County Education Service (Grayslake, IL), SIUE Charter High School (St. Louis, IL), Dallas City Elementary School (Dallas City, IL)
Colleges of Education (National and International)
(2011, Oct. 3). Localizing a basic online course shell: Experiences from China, Indonesia, and United States. 24th ICDE World Conference on Open and Distance Learning. Univesita Terbuka, Bali, Indonesia.

(2011, Sept. 30). Designing blended components. Invited workshop presenter. Ganesha University of Education, Bali-Indonesia.

(2011, Sept. 30). Encouraging learning through technology integration in the classroom. Invited Closing Ceremony presenter. Ganesha University of Education, Bali-Indonesia.

(2011, Sept. 29). Overview to Moodle tools for designing modules. Invited workshop presenter. Ganesha University of Education, Bali-Indonesia.

(2011, Apr. 6). Cross-cultural activities using virtual worlds and other emerging technologies. Presentation to the WIU TESOL Computer-Assisted Language Learning class.

(2010, Dec. 30). Instructional design and technology: Western Illinois University. College of Teacher Education, Zhejiang Normal University. Jinhua, China.

(2010, Dec. 29-30). Virtual words for education. Workshop. College of Teacher Education, Zhejiang Normal University. Jinhua, China.

(2010, Oct. 8). Responses to Cyber bullying: What's an administrator to do? Administrators' Roundtable of Western Illinois.  Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL.

(2008, Jan. 2-6), Second Life and education. Workshop. Hebei University, Baoding, China.

(2007-2008, Dec. 30-Jan. 1), Moodling in the classroom: Online instructional strategies that work. Workshop. Hebei University, Baoding, China.

(2007, Dec. 29), Learning together: Cross-cultural discussion of social, ethical, and human technology issues in K12 schools. Invited speaker. Educational College, Hebei University, Baoding, China.

2007, Dec. 25-28). K12 technology integration standards and issues in the U.S. Invited keynote speaker. Heibi Annual AECT Conference. Shijiazhang, China. Presented three times (general AECT members, undergraduate students, and graduate students).

(2007, Dec. 29).  Encouraging learning through technology integration in the classroom. Educational College, Hebei University, Baoding, China. Presented twice, once to Hebei graduate faculty members and their students and once to Hebei undergraduate faculty members and their students.

2007, Dec. 25).  Practicing online K12 instructional strategies.  Invited keynote presenter. Hebei AECT Conference, Hebei Normal University, Shijiazhuang, China.
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Do'stlaringiz bilan baham:

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ma'muriyatiga murojaat qiling

kiriting | ro'yxatdan o'tish
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Бугун юртда
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Эшитмадим деманглар
битган бодомлар
Yangiariq tumani
qitish marakazi
Raqamli texnologiyalar
ilishida muhokamadan
tasdiqqa tavsiya
tavsiya etilgan
iqtisodiyot kafedrasi
steiermarkischen landesregierung
asarlaringizni yuboring
o'zingizning asarlaringizni
Iltimos faqat
faqat o'zingizning
steierm rkischen
landesregierung fachabteilung
rkischen landesregierung
hamshira loyihasi
loyihasi mavsum
faolyatining oqibatlari
asosiy adabiyotlar
fakulteti ahborot
ahborot havfsizligi
havfsizligi kafedrasi
fanidan bo’yicha
fakulteti iqtisodiyot
boshqaruv fakulteti
chiqarishda boshqaruv
ishlab chiqarishda
iqtisodiyot fakultet
multiservis tarmoqlari
fanidan asosiy
Uzbek fanidan
mavzulari potok
asosidagi multiservis
'aliyyil a'ziym
billahil 'aliyyil
illaa billahil
quvvata illaa
falah' deganida
Kompyuter savodxonligi
bo’yicha mustaqil
'alal falah'
Hayya 'alal
'alas soloh
Hayya 'alas
mavsum boyicha

yuklab olish