Mix design approaches
Mix design can be defined as “the process of choosing the ingredient of concrete and
determining their quantities with the object of producing as
economically as possible of
certain concrete of certain minimum properties such as consistence, strength, and durability”
(Neville, 1995).
During past decades several attempts were made on formulating the mix design. One of the
most common approaches to mix design is based on the concept
of particle packing density
first introduced by Feret (1892). The aim of particle packing density concept is to minimize
the inter-particle voids between the constituents of concrete in order to reduce the paste
demand. Packing density is the ratio of the volume of solids to the
bulk volume of the solid
particles (De Larrard, 1999). Several researchers tried to develop Feret’s model further,
research conducted by Powers (1968) on the interaction of different components in mixture
gave another dimension to the knowledge of particle packing. In 1999, De Larrard (De
Larrard, 1999) introduced a multi component packing model
that included interaction
between the particles. With the introduction of computers, packing softwares were developed
to do more detailed and complex calculations for estimation
of particle packing, e.g. Europack
(Idorn, 1995), Rene-LCPC (lcpc.fr), and 4C packing (dti.dk).
Another approach to maximizing the packing is by means of developing a method to design
an ideal particle size distribution curve as in the works of Fuller amd Thompson (1907) and
Andreasen and Andersen (1930). Figure 3.1. (adopted form Kumar V and Santhanam, 2003)
shows some of packing models and their relation to each other.
The mix design approaches
are listed in three main categories i.e. ideal curves, models based on packing theory and also
layer theories. The ideal curve approach can be also categorized under packing theory as they
eventually change the sieving curve to result in a higher packing. However, since
the effect on
the packing density is implemented indirectly, the ideal curve approaches were listed
separated from packing theory branch. Moreover, some of the models such as 4C
works based
on combination of ideal curve and packing theory approaches. Under the Multi-phase
approach branch, models that consider concrete as separated liquid and solid phases are listed.
More information on each category can be found in Sections 3.1 to 3.3.