Tie up loose ends / come to light / give something a shot / get to grips with something
What are the definitions of the following idioms? Give some examples.
make do / to be on the safe side / wave a magic wand / get to the bottom of something
Write a passage about “ Power and authority” by using idioms on this topic.
What are the meanings of the following idioms? Give some examples.
A hidden agenda / a spin doctor / bend the rules / go to the polls.
Write a passage about “ Arguments” by using idioms on this topic.
What are the meanings of the following idioms? Give some examples.
Tie yourself (up) in knots / be brought to account/ give someone the benefit of the doubt/ go round in circles/ won’t budge an inch
Write a passage about “ Life” by using idioms on this topic.
Write a passage about “ Praise” by using idioms on this topic.
Write a passage about “ Criticism” by using idioms on this topic.
What are the meanings of the following idioms? Give some examples.
Have a lot to answer for/ something is not all it’s cracked up to be/ leave a lot to be desired/ have all the makings of
Write a passage about “ Behaviour” by using idioms on this topic.
Write a passage about “Attitudes” by using idioms on this topic.
What are the meanings of the following idioms? Give some examples.
Look right through someone/ leave someone in the lurch/ keep a lid on something/ let (yourself) go/ blow something out of (all) proportion
Write a passage about “ Danger” by using idioms on this topic.
What are the meanings of the following idioms? Give some examples.
Have a narrow escape/ do something by the skin of your teeth/ rather or too close for comfort/ cut things fine
What are the meanings of the following idioms? Give some examples.
something sets alarm bells ringing/ take your life in(to) your hands/ your life is in someone’s hands/ hanging by a thread/ on a knife-edge
Write a passage about “ Effort” by using idioms on this topic.
What are the meanings of the following idioms? Give some examples.
Give something your all/ go all out/ go out of your way to do something/ pull your weight/ by hook or by crook
Write a passage about “Probability” by using idioms of this topic
Write a passage about “Luck” by using idioms on this topic.
Write a passage about “Social status” by using idioms on this topic.
Write a passage about “Human relationships” by using idioms on this topic.
Write a passage about “ Money” by using idioms on this topic.
What are the meanings of the following idioms? Give some examples.