ISSN 2072-8379
Вестник Московского государственного областного университета. Серия: Лингвистика
2021 / № 6
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Yazykovye preobrazovaniya
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Russkii yazyk i yazykovaya lichnost'
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Emotsional'nye kontsepty v nemetskoi i russkoi lingvokul'turakh
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13 . Podzolkova N . V .
Kontsept «odinochestvo» v nemetskoi i russkoi lingvokul'turakh: dis. … kand. filol.
[The concept of “loneliness” in German and Russian linguocultures:
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14 . Rozhkova N . V . [Images and symbols of childhood in the prose of Hermann Hesse] . In:
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17 . Terekhova T . V .
Problematika i osobennosti poetiki rannego tvorchestva Germana Gesse 1890-kh–1920-
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Yazykovoe modelirovanie kognitivnykh protsessov v angloyazychnoi psikhologicheskoi
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