Agreement between circulating igf-i, igfbp-1 and igfbp-3 levels measured by current assays versus unavailable assays previously used in epidemiological studies

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Crainich P, Jenny NS, Tang Z, Arnold AM, Kuller LH, Manolio T, Sharrett AR, Tracy RP. Lack of association of the plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 4G/5G promoter polymorphism with cardiovascular disease in the elderly. J.Thromb.Haemost., Aug., 2003. Vol. 1, issue 8, pp. 1799-1804. PM:12911596.

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Folsom AR, Cushman M, Heckbert SR, Rosamond WD, Aleksic N. Prospective study of fibrinolytic markers and venous thromboembolism. J.Clin.Epidemiol., June, 2003. Vol. 56, issue 6, pp. 598-603. PM:12873656.

Fried LF, Shlipak MG, Crump C, Bleyer AJ, Gottdiener JS, Kronmal RA, Kuller LH, Newman AB. Renal insufficiency as a predictor of cardiovascular outcomes and mortality in elderly individuals. J.Am.Coll.Cardiol., Apr. 16, 2003. Vol. 41, issue 8, pp. 1364-1372. PM:12706933.

Heckbert SR, Hindorff LA, Edwards KL, Psaty BM, Lumley T, Siscovick DS, Tang Z, Durda JP, Kronmal RA, Tracy RP. Beta2-adrenergic receptor polymorphisms and risk of incident cardiovascular events in the elderly. Circulation, Apr. 22, 2003. Vol. 107, issue 15, pp. 2021-2024. PM:12682000.

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Shlipak MG, Fried LF, Crump C, Bleyer AJ, Manolio TA, Tracy RP, Furberg CD, Psaty BM. Elevations of inflammatory and procoagulant biomarkers in elderly persons with renal insufficiency. Circulation, Jan. 7, 2003. Vol. 107, issue 1, pp. 87-92. PM:12515748.

Smith NL, Psaty BM, Rutan GH, Lumley T, Yanez D, Chaves PH, Kronmal RA. The association between time since last meal and blood pressure in older adults: the cardiovascular health study. J.Am.Geriatr.Soc., June, 2003. Vol. 51, issue 6, pp. 824-828. PM:12757570.

Tsai AW, Cushman M, Tsai MY, Heckbert SR, Rosamond WD, Aleksic N, Yanez ND, Psaty BM, Folsom AR. Serum homocysteine, thermolabile variant of methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR), and venous thromboembolism: Longitudinal Investigation of Thromboembolism Etiology (LITE) . Am.J.Hematol., Mar., 2003. Vol. 72, issue 3, pp. 192-200. PM:12605391.

Wong TY, Klein R, Sharrett AR, Manolio TA, Hubbard LD, Marino EK, Kuller L, Burke G, Tracy RP, Polak JF, Gottdiener JS, Siscovick DS. The prevalence and risk factors of retinal microvascular abnormalities in older persons: The Cardiovascular Health Study. Ophthalmology, Apr., 2003. Vol. 110, issue 4, pp. 658-666. PM:12689883.

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Diehr P, Newman AB, Jackson SA, Kuller L, Powe N. Weight-modification trials in older adults: what should the outcome measure be? Curr.Control Trials Cardiovasc.Med., Jan. 7, 2002. Vol. 3, issue 1, pp. 1. PM:11985775.

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Folsom AR, Cushman M, Tsai MY, Aleksic N, Heckbert SR, Boland LL, Tsai AW, Yanez ND, Rosamond WD. A prospective study of venous thromboembolism in relation to factor V Leiden and related factors. Blood, Apr. 15, 2002. Vol. 99, issue 8, pp. 2720-2725. PM:11929758.

Folsom AR, Aleksic N, Wang L, Cushman M, Wu KK, White RH. Protein C, antithrombin, and venous thromboembolism incidence: a prospective population-based study. Arterioscler.Thromb.Vasc.Biol., June 1, 2002. Vol. 22, issue 6, pp. 1018-1022. PM:12067914.

Folsom AR, Cushman M, Tsai MY, Heckbert SR, Aleksic N. Prospective study of the G20210A polymorphism in the prothrombin gene, plasma prothrombin concentration, and incidence of venous thromboembolism. Am.J.Hematol., Dec., 2002. Vol. 71, issue 4, pp. 285-290. PM:12447958.

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Hindorff LA, Heckbert SR, Tracy R, Tang Z, Psaty BM, Edwards KL, Siscovick DS, Kronmal RA, Nazar-Stewart V. Angiotensin II type 1 receptor polymorphisms in the cardiovascular health study: relation to blood pressure, ethnicity, and cardiovascular events. Am.J.Hypertens., Dec., 2002. Vol. 15, issue 12, pp. 1050-1056. PM:12460700.

Jenny NS, Tracy RP, Ogg MS, Luong lA, Kuller LH, Arnold AM, Sharrett AR, Humphries SE. In the elderly, interleukin-6 plasma levels and the -174G>C polymorphism are associated with the development of cardiovascular disease. Arterioscler.Thromb.Vasc.Biol., Dec. 1, 2002. Vol. 22, issue 12, pp. 2066-2071. PM:12482836.

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Kapur VK, Redline S, Nieto FJ, Young TB, Newman AB, Henderson JA. The relationship between chronically disrupted sleep and healthcare use. Sleep, May 1, 2002. Vol. 25, issue 3, pp. 289-296. PM:12003159.

Klein R, Marino EK, Kuller LH, Polak JF, Tracy RP, Gottdiener JS, Burke GL, Hubbard LD, Boineau R. The relation of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease to retinopathy in people with diabetes in the Cardiovascular Health Study. Br.J.Ophthalmol., Jan., 2002. Vol. 86, issue 1, pp. 84-90. PM:11801510.

Kop WJ, Gottdiener JS, Tangen CM, Fried LP, McBurnie MA, Walston J, Newman A, Hirsch C, Tracy RP. Inflammation and coagulation factors in persons > 65 years of age with symptoms of depression but without evidence of myocardial ischemia. Am.J.Cardiol., Feb. 15, 2002. Vol. 89, issue 4, pp. 419-424. PM:11835923.

Kuller L, Arnold A, Tracy R, Otvos J, Burke G, Psaty B, Siscovick D, Freedman DS, Kronmal R. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of lipoproteins and risk of coronary heart disease in the cardiovascular health study. Arterioscler.Thromb.Vasc.Biol., July 1, 2002. Vol. 22, issue 7, pp. 1175-1180. PM:12117734.

Lemaitre RN, Psaty BM, Heckbert SR, Kronmal RA, Newman AB, Burke GL. Therapy with hydroxymethylglutaryl coenzyme a reductase inhibitors (statins) and associated risk of incident cardiovascular events in older adults: evidence from the cardiovascular health study. Arch.Intern.Med., June 24, 2002. Vol. 162, issue 12, pp. 1395-1400. PM:12076239.

Longstreth WT, Jr., Dulberg C, Manolio TA, Lewis MR, Beauchamp NJ, Jr., O'Leary D, Carr J, Furberg CD. Incidence, manifestations, and predictors of brain infarcts defined by serial cranial magnetic resonance imaging in the elderly: the Cardiovascular Health Study. Stroke, Oct., 2002. Vol. 33, issue 10, pp. 2376-2382. PM:12364724.

Lumley T, Kronmal RA, Cushman M, Manolio TA, Goldstein S. A stroke prediction score in the elderly. validation and Web-based application. J.Clin.Epidemiol., Feb., 2002. Vol. 55, issue 2, pp. 129-136. PM:11809350.

Lyketsos CG, Lopez O, Jones B, Fitzpatrick AL, Breitner J, DeKosky S. Prevalence of neuropsychiatric symptoms in dementia and mild cognitive impairment: results from the cardiovascular health study. JAMA, Sept. 25, 2002. Vol. 288, issue 12, pp. 1475-1483. PMID:12243634.

Mackey RH, Sutton-Tyrrell K, Vaitkevicius PV, Sakkinen PA, Lyles MF, Spurgeon HA, Lakatta EG, Kuller LH. Correlates of aortic stiffness in elderly individuals: a subgroup of the Cardiovascular Health Study. Am.J.Hypertens., Jan., 2002. Vol. 15, issue 1 Pt 1, pp. 16-23. PM:11824854.

Manolio TA, Gottdiener JS, Tsang TS, Gardin JM. Left atrial dimensions determined by M-mode echocardiography in black and white older (>/=65 years) adults (The Cardiovascular Health Study). Am.J.Cardiol., Nov. 1, 2002. Vol. 90, issue 9, pp. 983-987. PMID:12398966.

McClelland RL, Kronmal RA. Regression-based variable clustering for data reduction. Stat.Med., Mar. 30, 2002. Vol. 21, issue 6, pp. 921-941. PM:11870825.

Newman AB, Naydeck BL, Whittle J, Sutton-Tyrrell K, Edmundowicz D, Kuller LH. Racial differences in coronary artery calcification in older adults. Arterioscler.Thromb.Vasc.Biol., Mar. 1, 2002. Vol. 22, issue 3, pp. 424-430. PM:11884285.

Newman AB, Naydeck BL, Sutton-Tyrrell K, Edmundowicz D, O'Leary D, Kronmal R, Burke GL, Kuller LH. Relationship between coronary artery calcification and other measures of subclinical cardiovascular disease in older adults. Arterioscler.Thromb.Vasc.Biol., Oct. 1, 2002. Vol. 22, issue 10, pp. 1674-1679. PM:12377748.

Psaty BM, Manolio TA, Smith NL, Heckbert SR, Gottdiener JS, Burke GL, Weissfeld J, Enright P, Lumley T, Powe N, Furberg CD. Time trends in high blood pressure control and the use of antihypertensive medications in older adults: the cardiovascular health study. Arch.Intern.Med., Nov. 11, 2002. Vol. 162, issue 20, pp. 2325-2332. PMID:12418946.

Quan SF, Griswold ME, Iber C, Nieto FJ, Rapoport DM, Redline S, Sanders M, Young T. Short-term variablility of respiration and sleep during unattended nonlaboratory polysomnogaphy--the Sleep Heart Health Study. Sleep, Dec., 2002. Vol. 25, issue 8, pp. 843-849. PM:12489889.

Rautaharju PM, Zhang ZM. Linearly scaled, rate-invariant normal limits for QT interval: eight decades of incorrect application of power functions. J.Cardiovasc.Electrophysiol., Dec., 2002. Vol. 13, issue 12, pp. 1211-1218. PM:12521335.

Runchey SS, Folsom AR, Tsai MY, Cushman M, McGovern PD. Anticardiolipin antibodies as a risk factor for venous thromboembolism in a population-based prospective study. Br.J.Haematol., Dec., 2002. Vol. 119, issue 4, pp. 1005-1010. PM:12472581.

Shlipak MG, Fried LF, Crump C, Bleyer AJ, Manolio TA, Tracy RP, Furberg CD, Psaty BM. Cardiovascular disease risk status in elderly persons with renal insufficiency. Kidney Int., Sept., 2002. Vol. 62, issue 3, pp. 997-1004. PM:12164883.

Smiles AM, Jenny NS, Tang Z, Arnold A, Cushman M, Tracy RP. No association of plasma prothrombin concentration or the G20210A mutation with incident cardiovascular disease: results from the cardiovascular health study. Thromb.Haemost., Apr., 2002. Vol. 87, issue 4, pp. 614-621. PM:12008943.

Smith NL, Savage PJ, Heckbert SR, Barzilay JI, Bittner VA, Kuller LH, Psaty BM. Glucose, blood pressure, and lipid control in older people with and without diabetes mellitus: the Cardiovascular Health Study. J.Am.Geriatr.Soc., Mar., 2002. Vol. 50, issue 3, pp. 416-423. PM:11943034.

Smith NL, Barzilay JI, Shaffer D, Savage PJ, Heckbert SR, Kuller LH, Kronmal RA, Resnick HE, Psaty BM. Fasting and 2-hour postchallenge serum glucose measures and risk of incident cardiovascular events in the elderly: the Cardiovascular Health Study. Arch.Intern.Med., Jan. 28, 2002. Vol. 162, issue 2, pp. 209-216. PM:11802755.

Steffens DC, Krishnan KR, Crump C, Burke GL. Cerebrovascular disease and evolution of depressive symptoms in the cardiovascular health study. Stroke, June, 2002. Vol. 33, issue 6, pp. 1636-1644. PM:12053004.

Tsai AW, Cushman M, Rosamond WD, Heckbert SR, Polak JF, Folsom AR. Cardiovascular risk factors and venous thromboembolism incidence: the longitudinal investigation of thromboembolism etiology. Arch.Intern.Med., May 27, 2002. Vol. 162, issue 10, pp. 1182-1189. PM:12020191.

Tsai AW, Cushman M, Rosamond WD, Heckbert SR, Tracy RP, Aleksic N, Folsom AR. Coagulation factors, inflammation markers, and venous thromboembolism: the longitudinal investigation of thromboembolism etiology (LITE). Am.J.Med., Dec. 1, 2002. Vol. 113, issue 8, pp. 636-642. PM:12505113.

Walston J, McBurnie MA, Newman A, Tracy RP, Kop WJ, Hirsch CH, Gottdiener J, Fried LP. Frailty and activation of the inflammation and coagulation systems with and without clinical comorbidities: results from the Cardiovascular Health Study. Arch.Intern.Med., Nov. 11, 2002. Vol. 162, issue 20, pp. 2333-2341. PM:12418947.

Wong TY, Hubbard LD, Klein R, Marino EK, Kronmal R, Sharrett AR, Siscovick DS, Burke G, Tielsch JM. Retinal microvascular abnormalities and blood pressure in older people: the Cardiovascular Health Study. Br.J.Ophthalmol., Sept., 2002. Vol. 86, issue 9, pp. 1007-1013. PM:12185128.

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Young T, Shahar E, Nieto FJ, Redline S, Newman AB, Gottlieb DJ, Walsleben JA, Finn L, Enright P, Samet JM. Predictors of sleep-disordered breathing in community-dwelling adults: the Sleep Heart Health Study. Arch.Intern.Med., Apr. 22, 2002. Vol. 162, issue 8, pp. 893-900. PM:11966340.

Aurigemma GP, Gottdiener JS, Shemanski L, Gardin J, Kitzman D. Predictive value of systolic and diastolic function for incident congestive heart failure in the elderly: the cardiovascular health study. J.Am.Coll.Cardiol., Mar. 15, 2001. Vol. 37, issue 4, pp. 1042-1048. PM:11263606.

Baldwin CM, Griffith KA, Nieto FJ, O'Connor GT, Walsleben JA, Redline S. The association of sleep-disordered breathing and sleep symptoms with quality of life in the Sleep Heart Health Study. Sleep, Feb. 1, 2001. Vol. 24, issue 1, pp. 96-105. PM:11204058.

Barzilay JI, Spiekerman CF, Kuller LH, Burke GL, Bittner V, Gottdiener JS, Brancati FL, Orchard TJ, O'Leary DH, Savage PJ. Prevalence of clinical and isolated subclinical cardiovascular disease in older adults with glucose disorders: the Cardiovascular Health Study. Diabetes Care, July, 2001. Vol. 24, issue 7, pp. 1233-1239. PM:11423508.

Barzilay JI, Abraham L, Heckbert SR, Cushman M, Kuller LH, Resnick HE, Tracy RP. The relation of markers of inflammation to the development of glucose disorders in the elderly: the Cardiovascular Health Study. Diabetes, Oct., 2001. Vol. 50, issue 10, pp. 2384-2389. PM:11574423.

Bernick C, Kuller L, Dulberg C, Longstreth WT, Jr., Manolio T, Beauchamp N, Price T.

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