Working on the text
Text 1 :
Man: You have to feel sorry for referees. [1] I mean, they’re under terrible pressure throughout the game, with players shouting at them, and cheating and all that. And of course, the fans of both sides give them a hard time – they just can’t win. Sure, they make mistakes, plenty of them, but they’re only human. They don’t go out there thinking, ‘I’m going to do really badly today’, they’re doing their best. Some people think that there are referees who just want to draw attention to themselves, who think they’re as important as the players, but that’s not my view. I mean, who’d want their job, with all that criticism all the time?
Tarjima :
Erkak: Hakamlarga achinish kerak. [1] Aytmoqchimanki, ular o‘yin davomida dahshatli bosim ostida bo‘lishadi, o‘yinchilar ularga baqirishadi, aldash va hokazo. Va, albatta, har ikki tomonning muxlislari ularga qiyinchilik tug'diradi - ular shunchaki g'alaba qozona olmaydi. Albatta, ular xato qiladilar, ko'p, lekin ular faqat insondir. Ular u yerga “Bugun juda yomon ish qilaman” deb o‘ylashmaydi, qo‘llaridan kelganini qilishyapti. Ba'zilar o'zlariga e'tibor qaratmoqchi bo'lgan, o'zini futbolchilar kabi muhim deb hisoblaydigan hakamlar bor deb o'ylashadi, lekin bu mening fikrim emas. Aytmoqchimanki, kim o'z ishini doimo shunchalik tanqid qilishni xohlaydi?
Text 2 :
Chef: I had a bit of an odd week. I went to Birmingham to do a TV cookery show. I had to make my special recipe pancakes, but the pan they gave me in the studio wasn’t nearly big enough, so it made things all a bit difficult [2]. But it turned out all right in the end, they were just a bit smaller than usual! Later in the week I was on a radio show answering listeners’ questions about cooking, and then I did a few interviews about my new book.
Tarjima :
Oshpaz: Bir oz g'alati hafta o'tkazdim. Men Birmingemga televizorda pazandachilik ko'rsatish uchun bordim. Men o'zimning maxsus retseptim bo'yicha krep tayyorlashim kerak edi, lekin ular menga studiyada bergan idish unchalik katta emas edi, shuning uchun hamma narsani biroz qiyinlashtirdi [2]. Ammo oxir-oqibat hammasi yaxshi bo'ldi, ular odatdagidan biroz kichikroq edi! Haftaning oxirida men tinglovchilarning ovqat pishirish haqidagi savollariga javob beradigan radio ko'rsatuvida bo'ldim va keyin yangi kitobim haqida bir nechta intervyu berdim.
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