With the rapid development of computer technology and the improvement of the value of the information society, it is undergoing dramatic changes in relation to the acquisition of knowledge

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With the rapid development of computer technology and the improvement of the value of the information society, it is undergoing dramatic changes in relation to the acquisition of knowledge. These dramatic changes brought about by ICT have brought a new paradigm to education. Currently, multimedia technology, network technology and satellite technology transfer, as a representative of information technology, is developing very rapidly. Modern educational technologies based on information technologies play an important role in promoting the modernization of education. Modern educational technologies will have a significant impact on ideas, forms, process, teaching methods and education management. Applying modern education technologies to teach English will be the driving force behind continuing education innovations. Using the modern theory of education and modern information technologies will allow to achieve the effective development of teaching a foreign language. New educational innovations have already arrived in Uzbekistan. For example, computer technology has allowed teachers to make their lessons more interactive and therefore more interesting and useful; this method has also been shown to improve student performance, as lessons are more memorable, and therefore students are able to more effectively store information. Teachers, like students, can also find a range of resources on the Internet that can provide inspiration and advice for classes; teachers can also recommend good resources for students to further encourage and stimulate their learning. In addition to computers, many schools and colleges use new technology methods to enhance learning experiences; they include digital television channels, DVDs, digital radio, and sophisticated forms of communication technology. Digital radio and television allow students to access a huge variety of channels that span the time range of various subjects, including languages, science, history and geography, to name just a few. Students got used to the new technology as they grew up with it; Therefore, it is undoubtedly beneficial that they have the opportunity to use it to increase their ability to learn and to defend their interests. Programmers and educational tackles are now widely available for download to your computer or MP3 player; This makes education more modern and multifaceted. With the invention of new technologies, students can be exposed to more English text in a multimedia language environment. In the fast-paced 21st century, various innovative technologies are being introduced to teach English in classrooms. The knowledge base is quickly double and triple in such a short time. In order to cope with this trend, we must use modern technology to teach students English in Uzbekistan. Students should update their knowledge using modern technology. Otherwise, they will be lowered in the labor market. The Vestra number of reading on any topic and in many languages ​​is now available on the Internet, and the opportunity to participate in discussions with people from all walks of life is a motivation for many students. [1:13] More than a process of communication, trade and transactions, today the technology is widely used in the educational sectors. Despite the fact that technology cannot play the teacher’s vital words, it can be used as an additional tool to enhance classroom teaching methods. Like an ordinary chalk and the way of speaking, it seems monotonous and boring for students, teachers, emphasis on the latest technology for teaching subjects. Various types of software and modern technology are being introduced to enable students to access using their subjects easily. Every day, people get access to some new technologies that connect their hand with teaching English. As traditional teaching methods, such as chalk and the talk method, seem outdated, these technologies can be used to complement the teaching of the classroom to have a vibrant classroom atmosphere. This hour’s need is to integrate modern technology in order to increase the level of teaching English. Modern technology relax students' minds to get into this topic with full participation, rather than calm it is difficult to do. New technologies in language learning with multiple intelligences and mixed abilities are replaced by front-end teaching methods. In a community of diverse cultures, four core skills are inculcated in learning with diversity and novelty

Therefore, they are enthusiastic in learning the language. The language may have been known by imitation. Therefore, one needs to hear more sense to develop / her listening skills. Naturally, they try to speak in empty styles as we are learning our native language. The use of the Internet has brought enormous changes in the field of teaching and enhancing the teaching of English. This contest holds that people forget about everything within three days after they hear. [2:19] Using new technologies. Transporters of language and literature always involved technology, since far back in time, like music, masks and performance materials, complemented by oral narration and early drama. Of course, the print press, books, and libraries are technologies of tremendous influence that we now take as Givens for teaching English. Recently, the production of films, television, radio, as well as the media have been the focus of “Technology and Training” courses. In 2007, using computers in English language courses for word processing was more than a generation of practice and research. Last year, dramatic advances in computers, in digital memory in Internet resources, in audio and visual transmission in virtual visualization, and in wireless communications created an intrigue for new opportunities for using technology in teaching English. WebPublishing, digital archives, digital video, electronic conferences, blogs, wikis, podcasting, RealSimpleSyndication channels, online games, virtual reality worlds are potential new tools for teaching and learning English. Listening is defined as a process identifies and understands the speech of speakers. It involved an understanding of the speaker’s accent or pronunciation, the speaker’s grammar and vocabulary, and an understanding of the meaning. The listener should be able to do these four things in empty time. Thus, listening is very important in the process of a second language education. Listening is seen as the main language of excellence. Through Listening, people can acquire most of their education, their information, their ideas and their understanding of the world. As an input skill, listening plays a vital role in developing a student’s language. There are several technical ways to improve the listening abilities of an ELL student, such as computers, broadcasts, CD players, hockey, etc. Recordings and [3: 288] Using computers to listen to problems gives students visual and voice inputs that can enhance their information. and ideas, and develop your listening skills. Listening-based computer tests are very important in building an understanding of listener skills. CD-ROM based training can also provide significant advantages over traditional methods. And finally, the Internet voice chatting using a second language can also help student communication capabilities. Listening to radio programs in the educational language of television is another technical way to develop understanding ability. However, students listening should be careful in choosing specific programs that are suitable for his / her needs. News satellite television channels, like the BBC, are also useful for practicing with audio and video media. Using a CD player device is another modern tool for listening to CD players are electronic devices used specifically for working with audio CD-ROM. Lectures and listening examinations can be stored on these audio CDs for later use by an ELL student. Hockey recorders are one of the oldest technical means of listening, and their use is rapidly declining at the present time. References: Block C. C. Presley. M., ed. Instruction Comprehension: Research-Based Best Practices. New York, NY: GuilfordPress, 2002. Joyce B. Weil. M., and Rains, B. 1992. Models Training, 4th ed. Boston: Allin and Bacon. Salberry M.R. (2001). Using Technology for a Second Language Learning and Learning: Retrospective. Modern language. Journal 85 (i).

Please do not forget to correctly quote:

Khojaeva, Sh. A. Innovative technologies of teaching a foreign language / Sh. A. Khojaeva. - Text: direct, electronic // Young scientist. - 2016. - No. 25 (129). - S. 603-605. - URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/129/35705/ (accessed date: 04/28/2020).

Further training and retraining


Social progress, the development of economic and political institutions directly affect the educational sphere. On how quickly the education system responds to changes, its effectiveness depends. A new era gives rise to a demand for a new education or innovative education. It is no accident that innovative education is considered to be a step towards an enlightened society.

At the present stage, one of the priority areas of informatization of education in the Republic of Uzbekistan is the implementation of the didactic capabilities of multimedia technologies in the process of teaching various educational subjects.

The organization of a retraining and advanced training system for teaching staff teaching foreign languages ​​requires close attention in the context of fundamental changes in the framework of the Decree of the first President of Uzbekistan “On measures to further improve the system of studying foreign languages” of December 10, 2012 and the Decree of the first President “On measures to further improve the system of retraining and advanced training of leading and pedagogical personnel of higher educational institutions ”from 12 and June 2015. This was a turning point and a catalyst for measures to improve the level of teaching foreign languages ​​at all levels of the educational system.

The strategy for updating the content of education puts the study of foreign languages ​​among the priorities of its development. Good knowledge of foreign languages ​​is necessary for every person to enter the open information space, to ensure socialization in a modern multicultural environment. The requirements for a modern teacher of foreign languages ​​imply mobility, supported by a compulsory knowledge of not only a foreign language, but also the latest achievements and innovations in the taught discipline, as well as modern methods of organizing the educational process.

One of the most important tasks of reforming the system of retraining and advanced training of teachers is a radical update of qualification requirements, taking into account international best practices. These changes are aimed at the integration of science, education and practice, which is a key factor in ensuring the quality of training of qualified specialists.

The Innovation Center introduced the final practice-oriented qualification project for the system of retraining and advanced training of teachers of a foreign language, which is important for individual professional development and self-motivation of a teacher, aimed at solving complex problems associated with the creation of basic conditions for the realization of its leading goals:

Ensuring the innovative nature of teacher education by updating the content and technologies of education, ensuring a balance of fundamentality and competency-based approach, developing the variability of educational programs, improving the forms of practical training;

Creation of a modern system of training and retraining of teaching staff.

This final qualification project contains a detailed lesson plan-outline of the lesson, conducting “Micro-teaching”, as well as criteria for evaluating and analyzing video presentations and written documentation. Micro-teaching includes a demonstration of a part of the lesson using modern information and communication technologies with a constructive analysis of the teaching methodology used.

The requirements developed by the Innovation Center for this project were tested in the course of teaching practice. In the course of testing the lessons, a number of goals and objectives were set. First of all, check how the multimedia lesson will affect student motivation. Secondly, to find out whether this teaching approach contributes to a better mastery of language material. Thirdly, to determine the rationality of planned lessons using a computer and new information technologies.

To achieve the best result, students study methodological approaches to teaching a foreign language, taking into account the age characteristics and real conditions of the place of study, and also use various techniques. The methodology, of course, is based on the general principles of didactics and the theory of education, correlating with them as a particular with general ones, for didactics and the theory of education formulate laws, principles, and rules of instruction and education in general.

Each work performed must have practical significance for the field of science to which it is devoted. Working on the practical part of the project, new methods are identified and tested in practice, their effectiveness is checked. The practical significance of the design work lies in the possibility of using the research results to solve practical problems.

The student when writing the design work should:

substantiate the relevance of the chosen scientific topic;

clarify the purpose of the study and its practical significance;

to analyze the results of the study and the prospect of further development of the selected topic;

show the ways of practical application of the theoretical provisions of the work;

 draw appropriate conclusions and give an objective assessment of the results.

A video presentation of the lesson is prepared by the project participant himself, taking into account technical and methodological requirements.

The practice-oriented final qualification project (video-oriented lesson) for the retraining and advanced training system will ensure the introduction of theoretical knowledge into the practical process of organizing foreign language lessons, will help the teacher to summarize and identify priority areas for his own lesson. Being one of the types of qualification activities, the final qualification project is considered an important indicator of the level of mastery of theoretical and practical knowledge, as well as the degree of professional preparedness based on the intensification of the educational process using interactive forms and teaching methods, modern information and communication technologies.

The key condition for the effectiveness of this project will be not only improving the quality of retraining and continuing education programs, which should be brought to the level of advanced international standards, but also creating mechanisms to stimulate both teachers and leaders to constantly improve their skills. The growing importance of updating qualifications and competencies suggests the creation of a system of professional support for working teachers. This, first of all, should be expressed in the great practical orientation of the teachers' continuing education system, in creating incentives for their constant professional growth. Modern educators should be ready to constantly improve their skills and retrain, learn new educational technologies, and a continuing education system should be ready to provide these processes, providing modern and popular educational services.

Thus, we can conclude that the integrated use of computer tools in teaching foreign languages ​​will make the lesson not only interesting, but also effective. With this approach, students will be able to master both language and information skills. It is the new formation that shapes the country's future, the prospects for its development in the long term. Modern education requires a significant accumulation of funds and resources, and most importantly a competent managerial approach, strategic planning, control. An innovative education, which includes the latest techniques, the maximum integration of digital technologies, is not a distant tomorrow, but a reality that has already come. Innovation in education is a step towards a successful and educated society.

Annotation: recently, the modernization of the learning process has forced every teacher to look for such pedagogical technologies that could interest students, motivate them to study the subject. Such technologies, along with modern pedagogical technologies, include information and communication technologies.

Key words: foreign language, innovative technologies, information technologies, use, efficiency.

Recently, when our society is gradually becoming open, when market relations and international relations are developing, a significant part of the population, including middle-aged youth, has a practical interest in quickly and efficiently mastering a foreign language, primarily English [3, p. . 75]. In order for the teaching and learning of a foreign language to be effective, the use of innovative technologies is necessary. The development and widespread in recent years of computer technology, communications, network communications (Internet) has led to the fact that knowledge of the English language is necessary not only for many types of professional activities, but to a large extent for orientation in modern everyday life. English proficiency for young people entering into life is becoming increasingly important, influencing their social status [4, p. 26]

It is known that the use of innovative technologies as an effective method in teaching English has long been used in world practice [2, p. 104]. Innovative technologies in education are, first of all, information and communication technologies, inextricably linked with the use of computerized learning. The use of Internet technologies in classes in a foreign language is an effective factor for the development of motivation of students and their use today is quite wide. It can be correspondence by e-mail; participation in international Internet conferences, seminars and other network projects of this kind; creation and placement on the network of sites and presentations, etc.

The use of information technology in teaching reading and writing in English classes helps to increase the effectiveness of the learning process, its individualization, active pedagogical interaction of the teacher and students, creates optimal opportunities and conditions for the creative use of information in the independent cognitive activity of students [1, p. 60]. The World Wide Web presents a unique opportunity for students of a foreign language to use authentic texts, creating a natural language environment and shaping the ability for intercultural interaction.

Using the information resources of the Internet, it is possible to more effectively solve a number of tasks such as the formation of reading and reading skills, using network materials of varying degrees of complexity; improving listening skills based on authentic audio texts of the Internet and prepared by the teacher; improving the skills of monologic and dialogical statements based on a problematic discussion of network materials;

vocabulary replenishment, both active and passive, with the vocabulary of the modern foreign language; familiarization with the features of speech behavior, culture and traditions of the country of the studied language.

We can say that information technology is a tool with the functionality of interactivity and immediate feedback, computer visualization of information, access to vast amounts of information and automation of its search, as well as automation of processing the results of a student’s scientific activity, one of the main advantages of which is its availability [ 5, p. 104].

Introduction Increasingly, in the education system, one can hear about multimedia technologies, online learning, or distance learning. The advantage of using multimedia technologies in teaching a foreign language is that they allow you to more effectively train all types of speech interaction, as they combine text, sound, audiovisual and graphic information.

Main part. Currently, there are five main possibilities of using multimedia technologies in foreign language classes: multimedia textbooks and electronic dictionaries, training programs, communication tasks on the Internet, search and research on the Internet, and copyright programs of teachers.

All modern textbooks on teaching a foreign language, both colloquial and professional, to one degree or another contain elements of multimedia technologies. An integral part of the training course is a disk with audio and video materials. Thanks to this, students have the opportunity to hear real speech by native speakers, to experience dialects and phonetic features, to create an atmosphere of real foreign language communication in the lesson.

In training programs, there are mainly simulators for learning and training in the use of linguistic constructions, mainly grammatical phenomena, such as conjugation of verbs, the use of articles or declensions of nouns and adjectives. With a good interface, they


On some aspects of the use of multimedia technologies in teaching a foreign language

assist in learning the language and offer exercises to consolidate the material and homework. Most of these simulators are a source of additional exercises and exempt the teacher from correcting mistakes, as they do it themselves and have feedback in evaluating the result, but focus mainly on several language structures [1].

In addition, there are a number of game learning programs for memorizing vocabulary. They introduce a certain element of diversity into the process of learning a language. The Quia website contains over 2000 games and quizzes for learning the German language, bescherelle.com offers exercises and games for all levels of the French language. Quizlet is an online service that helps you quickly remember the English vocabulary you need to take the TOEFL exam.

More complex and interesting are tutorials structured in the form of a book. They contain hyperlinks to various topics and allow the student to control the process of learning the language himself. In hypertexts, words, grammatical structures, and regional geographic explanations can be related. Thus, along with reading and working on the text, you can get additional information. These programs include the German language program Lina und Leo, created by the Goethe Institute, or the Interaktive Sprachreise course.

When choosing a training program, you should pay attention to whether it is suitable for students with a specific level of training and whether individual characteristics of students are taken into account. You also need to consider the following points: 1) whether the structure of the course is understandable and visible; 2) whether she offers training by native speakers of a foreign language in various aspects; 3) is it possible to save completed tasks; 4) whether there are intermediate tests to evaluate the material passed and reflection.

Internet resources provide an opportunity to implement communication tasks in more or less authentic situations. For this you can use, for example, e-mail, forums, chatting. Such tasks can be performed both outside the classroom learning process and directly in the classroom when accessing the Internet. In the network you can find various joint projects where students from different countries exchange information, for example, on hobbies or intercultural differences [2]. Students have the opportunity

the ability to communicate with native speakers, to feel your level of knowledge of a foreign language, to notice shortcomings and gaps that impede communication. The following sites are available for communicating on the network and learning a foreign language on the network:

- Livemocha is a popular social network for all who study foreign languages. Training is based on the principle of "help you - help you." Lessons and exercises are offered, the correctness of which is tested by native speakers. And here you can just chat with other users in German;

- Busuu is a virtual community for learning German and other foreign languages. On the site or in the mobile application, you can learn words, video chat with other members of the social network;

- MyLanguageExchange - the site provides an opportunity to find a foreign interlocutor who is interested in learning your native language. Further with him you can talk on any topic in a text or voice chat

- Lang-8 - here native speakers will help to correct mistakes in written speech: you write the text, and foreign users correct errors and comment. Useful when preparing presentations and important letters.

Internet resources are an inexhaustible source of information for learning a foreign language. They are mainly used to study country-specific aspects (from studying traditions to planning travel and ordering tickets). In addition, students can create their own sites and publish their materials on the Internet. Most publishers on their websites for modern interactive and multimedia textbooks for the purpose of learning a foreign language publish additional materials online (for example, http: //elt.oup .com / student / englishfile or http://www.schubert-verlag.de/aufgaben / arbei tsblaetter).

YouTube is a storehouse of authentic video clips for classes in a foreign language. Short clips can be used to create a foreign language atmosphere, as a reason to start a conversation, introduction to a topic, etc. YouTube offers two options that can be used for teaching a foreign language: notes, explanations, and subtitles built into the clip. The use of subtitles is recommended in classes with students with an initial level of knowledge of the language. If there are students in the study group with different levels of training, you can instruct the stronger ones to create scripts for the videos to facilitate understanding on the part of less prepared students. This will help, on the one hand, to differentiate teaching, and on the other, to realize that subtitles in a foreign language contribute much more to the study of this language than in Russian.

In order to consolidate knowledge and its further deepening, various educational and training and creative tasks can be performed. For teaching foreign languages ​​using information and communication technologies (ICT), these tasks are of great importance, thus emphasizing the stage of consolidating the information received.

The main difference between educational and training tasks from tests is that when they are carried out, certification of knowledge is not carried out

students. Each user has the right to an unlimited number of educational tasks, can call a hint and use basic and additional materials [3

Conclusion One of the main conditions for the successful use of ICT in the educational process is the presence of an information-educational environment. The actual training software and information resources of the global network constitute the information-content part of this environment, which includes educational and methodological materials, training systems, test knowledge control systems, databases and information and reference systems, i.e., all necessary basic knowledge specialty "Foreign language" with the ability to access global resources
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