What is stopping you?
Are you too tired?
Didn’t get enough sleep?
Don’t have enough energy?
Don’t have enough time?
Is that what’s stopping you right now?
Don’t have enough money?
Is that the thing?
Or is the thing that’s stopping you
Excuses sound best to the person who is making them up.
Stop feeling sorry for yourself.
Get off the pity potty telling everybody you are sad and sob stories, trying to get people to show up to your pity parties and your pity parades.
If you ever see me in a rolls Royce a 6 or 7 star hotel living my life to the fullest don’t get jealous of me.
Because I worked my ass off to get it.
Nobody handed me nothing.
Wake your ass up.
Awaken the beast inside.
It’s game on.
It’s go season.
It’s time for you to take advantage of the access and the resources that you have in your country and your community.
You got a problem with your life?
You got a problem with your enviroment?
Do something about it.
If you want it go get it.
Recognize the excuses are not valid.
Thera are conjured up, they are fabricated, they are lies.
And how do you stop the lies?
You stop the lies with the truth.
And the truth is you have time, you have the skill, you have the knowledge and the support and the willpower and the discipline to get it done.
The fruit of everything good in life begins with a challenge.
Everything is uphill that is worthwhile.
And it is not going to come to you and it is not going to fall in your lap, and it is not going to be something that, oh my gosh it just was so simple, it is always going to be difficult.
If you want it, you gotta go get it.
This is your chance.
This is your shot.
This is your moment.
This is your time.
This is your place.
This is your opportunity.
This is my time this is my moment, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow
Ain’t no such thing as tomorrow we only got today.
It is your dream if you are going to have it get your butt up and make it happen, if you are going to have it rise and grind.
You still got work to do stay on that basketball court, stay on that football field, it is grind season homie.
Sizga nima xalaqit bermoqda?
Siz juda charchadingizmi?
Etarli darajada uxlamadingizmi?
Sizda kuch yo'qmi?
Vaqtingiz yetmaydimi?
Sizga hozir nima xalaqit bermoqda?
Pulingiz yetmaydimi?
Bu narsa?
Yoki sizni to'xtatadigan narsa
Uzrlar uydirayotgan odamga yaxshi eshitiladi.
O'zingizga achinishni to'xtating.
Hammangizga achinayotganingizni va xafagarchilik haqida hikoya qiladigan achinarli idishdan tushing, odamlarni sizning rahm-shafqatli kechalaringizga va sizning rahm-shafqatli paradlaringizga ko'rsatishga harakat qiling.
Agar meni Royl 6 yoki 7 yulduzli mehmonxonada hayotimda to'liq hayot kechirayotganini ko'rsangiz, menga hasad qilmang.
Chunki men uni olish uchun eshagimni ishladim.
Hech kim menga hech narsa bermadi.
Eshagingizni uyg'oning.
Ichidagi yirtqichni uyg'ot.
Bu o'yin davom etmoqda.
Mavsum tugadi.
Sizning mamlakatingizda va sizning jamoangizda mavjud bo'lgan kirish va resurslardan foydalanish vaqti keldi.
Sizning hayotingiz bilan bog'liq muammo bormi?
Atrofingiz bilan bog'liq muammo bormi?
Bu haqda biror narsa qiling.
Agar xohlasangiz, oling.
Uzrlarni tan oling, yaroqsiz.
Uydirma bor, ular to'qima, ular yolg'on.
Va yolg'onni qanday to'xtatish kerak?
Siz yolg'onni haqiqat bilan to'xtatasiz.
Haqiqat - bu sizning vaqtingiz bor, sizda mahorat bor, siz buni amalga oshirish uchun bilim va qo'llab-quvvatlashga, iroda kuchiga va intizomga egasiz.
Hayotda yaxshi bo'lgan har bir narsaning mevasi qiyinchilik bilan boshlanadi.
Hammasi tepalikka to'g'ri keladi.
Va bu sizning oldingizga kelmaydi va sizning tizzangizga tushmaydi va bu shunchaki sodda edi, har doim qiyin bo'lib qoladigan narsa bo'lmaydi.
Agar xohlasangiz, borishingiz kerak.
Bu sizning imkoniyatingiz.
Bu sizning zarbangiz.
Bu sizning vaqtingiz.
Bu sizning vaqtingiz.
Bu sizning joyingiz.
Bu sizning imkoniyatingiz.
Bu mening vaqtim bu mening lahzam, ertaga, ertaga, ertaga
Ertaga biz bugun olganimiz kabi narsa emas.
Agar siz dumbaingizni ko'tarib, uni amalga oshirishni xohlasangiz, uni ko'tarib maydalashni xohlasangiz, bu sizning orzuingiz.
Siz hali ham o'sha basketbol maydonchasida qolish uchun ishingiz bor, o'sha futbol maydonida qoling, bu mavsum mavsumi uyi.
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