What are securities? Securities are valuable papers which can bring profit to their owner. Securities can be shares, bonds and derivatives. Shares are usually issued by joint-stock companies and can be ordinary shares and preference shares. Bonds are issued by the government when they have debt. Securities are traded on the Stock Exchange.
What is the Stock exchange? Stock exchange is a market where securities are traded. One of the biggest stock exchange in the world New Stock Exchange, Nasdaq stock exchange, London stock exchange and etc.
What is the share? Shares are certificates representing part ownership of a company. There are two types of shares: ordinary shares and preference shares. Ordinary shares – with this type, the dividend owner receive can change depending on the company's performance or how much of the profits that the management of a company wants to keep and not give in dividends. Preference share - the owner of them is paid a fixed dividend by the company.
Who is a shareholder? Shareholder is a person who own shares in a company, which means you are a part owner of the company and can vote on who manages or directs the company.
Who is a stockbroker? Stockbroker is a person who trade stocks and shares (which means to buy or sell stocks and shares) on stock exchanges.
What is a bear market and bull market? Bear market occurs when overall share prices are falling.
Bull market occurs when overall share prices are increasing.
Investments Investments are placements of free funds in different assets to get profit. Investments can be direct and portfolio investments.
Foreign investments divide into 2 types: FDI and FII. Foreign direct investment (FDI) happens when individuals or legal entities of one country get managerial control of economic activities in some other countries. Foreign indirect investment (FII) orportfolio investment is the process of supplying capital to a foreign institution, through a loan or purchase of securities
An investor is an individual or legal entities who places his funds in assets, mainly in securities.
What is the FDI? Foreign direct investment (FDI) happens when individuals or legal entities of one country get managerial control of economic activities in some other nation.
What is the FII (foreign indirect investment)? The process of supplying capital to a foreign institution, through a loan or purchase of securities is foreign indirect investment (portfolio investment).