8.3.1 Design and Development Overlays
Design and Development Overlays (DDO) regarding building height presently exist over the all of the study area except for land at the northern end of Laurens Street; in the vicinity of Munster Street and Stawell Street; and between La Trobe and Dudley Streets. Whilst the land between Dudley and La Trobe Streets has podium and separation controls in the Planning Scheme, it also does not have a maximum height limit.
The following table (and Figure 6) summarises the overlay controls and maximum building heights that will be appropriate to apply to the study area as a consequence of the recommendations of this structure plan. Building heights are expressed as either metres (for mandatory controls) or storeys (for discretionary controls) to conform with the format of the DDO in the Melbourne Planning Scheme. Other controls regarding setbacks and building design that will also need to be included in the DDOs, are contained in the detailed recommendations for each precinct set out previously in this report.
Figure 6: Design & Development Overlays
28 - North Melbourne Station
5 storeys
Existing control (discretionary) Boundary extended
As presently contained in the planning scheme.
29 - West Melbourne Central
4 storeys
Existing control (discretionary)
As presently contained in the planning scheme.
31 - North Melbourne Central
10.5 metres
Existing control (mandatory)
As presently contained in the planning scheme.
32 - North Melbourne Peripheral
10.5 metres
Existing control (mandatory) Boundary extended
As presently contained in the planning scheme.
New DDO-St James Old Cathedral Area (bounded by King/Dudley/Spencer/Batman Streets)
14 metres
New control (Mandatory)
Respect for the heritage characterisitics of the area.
Re-use of existing building stock.
Maintenance of the low built form scale of West Melbourne.
Built form that respects and strengthens the pedestrian scale and focus of the area.
Development that maintains the visual prominence and setting of St James Old Cathedral.
A consistent low scale building height on both sides of Dudley Street.
Maintenance of built form that accentuates the sense of arrival and open outlook towards the CBD along Dudley Street.
Development that does not overshadow Flagstaff Gardens between 11am and 2pm on 22 September and 22 March.
Maintenance of an open outlook from Flagstaff Gardens.
Strong urban edge with zero front setbacks at street level.
On consolidated sites building forms respect the original lot pattern.
33 - CBD Fringe Area (bounded by La Trobe, King Batman,Spencer, Dudley and Adderley, Streets)
40 metres
Modified control (Mandatory)
Maintenance of a clear contrast in built form scale between the central city and the lower built form scale of West Melbourne.
Built form that respects and strengthens the pedestrian scale and focus of the area.
Maintenance of an open outlook from Flagstaff Gardens.
Buildings designed to have active frontages, contributing to high levels of pedestrian amenity at street level.
Respect for the heritage characteristics of the area.
Strong urban edge with zero front setbacks at street level.
Maintenance of an open outlook from Flagstaff Gardens.
On consolidated sites building forms respect the original lot pattern.
Reuse of existing building stock.
| 9.1 Introduction
This section identifies more detailed policies and actions in relation to open space and civic improvements throughout the study area.
The overall objective in relation to open space and civic improvements is as follows:
To improve the appearance and amenity of West Melbourne as a place to live, work and visit. In particular to improve the quality of public spaces such as streets and parks, and to increase the amount open space and the greening of streets through the area.
Figure 7 summarises the key landscape improvements envisaged by the structure plan.
Figure 7: Landscape Framework Plan
9.2 Open Space and Civic Improvements
9.2.1 Provision of additional open space
There is currently little available open space within the study area, apart from small spaces with limited amenity. There are several small parks and widened centre-of-road medians such as at North Melbourne Station and along Hawke Street. However these are patches of green which are isolated by traffic and roads, rather than being quality open spaces.
The improvement in the availability of open space is an important part of establishing a strong sense of place within West Melbourne and assists in the provision of improved community meeting places. The current impression of West Melbourne is hard edged and urban, with few green or gathering places.
Investigations into the opportunities for provision of a more substantive open space in the study area has established that a municipal wide Open Space Strategy should be prepared to guide decision making with respect to the acquisition, investment, management and provision of open space.
An Open Space Criteria Study is the first step in preparing such a strategy; it will firstly define a set of criteria from which open space requirements can be determined throughout the City of Melbourne and will pilot these criteria in the North and West Melbourne area. It is anticipated that the study will include specific recommendations for open space in the North and West Melbourne area.
Other options for increasing open space include planning scheme provision to increase the amount and quality of private open space in new residential and non-residential developments throughout the study area, where such opportunities arises due to the redevelopment, or due to the requirement for public open space to be provided as part of the Local Government Act. The Local Government Act enables Council's to obtain 5% of the area of any land being subdivided, the cash equivalent. This contribution can be used to obtain land, to obtain funds that can be spent on the acquisition of land for open space, establishment new areas of open space, or upgrade existing areas of open space. The Open Space Strategy will also investigate this mechanism and how it can be effectively used in West Melbourne to facilitate the delivery of tangible open space of a high quality.
In providing open space, enhanced biodiversity and environmental sustainability is encouraged, consistent with Council's "Growing Green Strategy".
There are a number of high amenity open spaces on the periphery of the study area, such as the Flagstaff Gardens, Royal Park and the North Melbourne Recreation Reserve. However these parks are located at considerable distance from parts of the study area and are difficult to access because of major roads. Enhanced connections to these spaces should also be encouraged. Further development of open space along the Moonee Ponds Creek has the potential to create a green spine that would be useful for recreation on the edge of the study area.
There is an opportunity to configure a public open space near the entrance to the North Melbourne station. The current green space at the station is isolated by roads and fast moving traffic/trucks. Improving the open space around the station would improve the civic presence of the station and provide a patch of green to an area where there are currently few green spaces.
9.2.2 Options for a New Local Activity Centre - North Melbourne Station Node
Two concept plans have been prepared for the location of a local activity centre near the North Melbourne Station, firstly at the existing station entry and secondly, closer to Drybugh Street. The Department of Infrastructure (DoI) has advised that a station entry closer to the Dryburgh Street intersection would improve disability access to the station. The improvement would be aligned with Stage One improvements being made within the station, including improvement of access between platforms within the station by provision of stairs and lifts.
The development scenarios for the concept plans have been structured on a set of planning and urban design principles including:
Creating an urban village place, through the redesign of existing street places to form a strong pedestrian focus.
* Creating a street-based local activity centre with active street frontages framing the village place and reinforcing pedestrian linkages.
* Providing for a diversity of activities and spaces encompassing local stores and services, cafes and hospitality activities, residential and office activities and diversity of open space areas.
* Application of a built form scale consistent with the principles and intent of the Design and Development Overlay in the area (five storeys height control).
* Planning for effective and safe pedestrian linkages, connecting West Melbourne to neighbouring communities.
* Providing accessible roads for vehicles, buses, taxis, disabled patrons, commuters, service vehicle access, while reducing the impact of through truck traffic.
* Providing a framework that is feasible and capable of implementation
Option One (refer Figure 8) of the local centre is based on the existing station entry and creates a focus at the vicinity of the Railway Hotel. It proposes distinctive paving and upgrade of the existing forecourt area outside the station entry and the Railway Hotel to provide an attractive public realm. Most of the local activity centre to be developed would be located to the east of the station place area and primarily at the Dyrburgh/Adderley Street intersection. Thus, the village core would form a related but distinctive node to the station.
Figure 8: Option 1 - North Melbourne Station Place
Option Two (refer Figure 9) focuses on an integrated street-based village area around the proposed station entry at the vicinity of Dryburgh and Adderley Street. This option allows for efficient access by emergency buses, taxis and vehicular access for commuters and disabled patrons. Strong pedestrian/bicycle linkages have been developed between the relocated station entrance and the iconic Railway Hotel.
There is also an opportunity for land swap at Railway Place; in association with future redevelopment of the site at 118-140 Railway Place. Development could build onto part of Railway Place if the developer dedicated open space to Council at Ireland Street.
Also proposed are active street frontages comprising cafes and restaurants and a station forecourt area at the intersection of Railway Place and Dryburgh Street.
In order to identify a preferred Local Activity Centre option, a final decision will have to be made by the Department of Infrastructure on whether it will pursue a new entry point to the station. The possible relocation has been mooted by Dol and led to the development of the two options. Should the station entry be relocated, it is likely that the existing station entry would no longer be used. It is appropriate that a local activity centre be as close as possible to the station entry.
Following a decision by the DoI, further works would need to be carried out to progress the creation of this local activity centre. The results of these further works will enable Council to determine whether it should proceed with, or modify, a particular option.
Figure 9: Option 2 - North Melbourne Station Place
Further works to be undertaken include:
* The preparation of a Local Area Traffic Management Plan to manage traffic circulation, including truck traffic, and pedestrian amenity, in the area.
* The preparation of an economic impact statement for the local retail, café and boutique supermarket proposals to ensure these uses are viable and will not adversely impact on the Errol Street shopping precinct.
* Detailed assessment of financial costs and property valuation implications of the possible land swap at Railway Place in return for the provision of public open space at the Dryburgh and Ireland Street intersection (if Option Two was pursued).
* Business and marketing options to actively promote and encourage a land-use mix and built form outcomes in the vicinity of North Melbourne Station.
9.2.3 Greening of Main Streets
Green main streets so that primary connections have a distinctive "landscaped" character. Main streets for greening treatment are Spencer Street, King Street, Hawke Street, Dudley Street, Arden Street, Dryburgh Street and Adderley Street south of Dudley Street.
* Greening of main streets should be in keeping with Council's Precinct Tree Planting Design for North & West Melbourne, August 2002 with recommended tree species and street profiles and Council's Growing Green Strategy.
* Definition of key streets as major connections and pedestrian routes through tree planting enhances the whole area and communicates key links through the area.
* Greening treatment like street trees in general will soften the built edge and infrastructure in the future.
9.2.4 Greening of Local Streets
* Introduce additional landscaping to achieve the greening of the radial streets of Rosslyn Street, Stanley Street, Roden Street, Abbotsford Street and Adderley Street (north of Dudley Street).
* Introduce additional street trees to improve the street environment and the impression of green space in the 30m wide streets, as shown in the following diagram.
This will require some reduction in the "centre of the road" car parking.
* Identify sites for widened centre-of-road medians so that the all areas have access to a green space within at least a 200m radius. Options for locating these green spaces include within wider streets (30m), at changes in direction of roads, at intersections and at midpoints along 30m streets. The following two diagrams show how this can be achieved in streets such as Rosslyn Street, Stanley Street, Roden Street, Hawke Street, and Abbotsford Street. A detailed design of the kerb extensions should take into consideration commercial vehicle movements associated with existing/new businesses.
An example of kerb extension in Abbotsford Street
An example of kerb extension in Abbotsford Street
Cross section of mid point of widened centre-of-road median
* The widened centre-of-road median at the mid point along streets is most appropriate located away from main roads so that the green space is not significantly impacted upon by traffic noise etc. Pedestrian/ bicycle paths features such as raised roadway linked to these medians will assist in their accessibility and will slow traffic (refer to North and West Melbourne Street Tree Planting Scheme street profiles).
* Widened centre-of-road medians designed as illustrated above, would have the added effect of slowing traffic and visually enclosing streets.
Examples of widened centre-of-road medians at end of streets
9.2.5 North Melbourne Laneways
Encourage pedestrian friendly streetscape improvements in the Provost Street, Baillie Street, Lothian Street areas, including the "Little" streets (Little Dryburgh, Little Lothian, Little Provost and Little Baillie). Treatments to include:
- Street lighting -wall lights attached to buildings -distinctive for North Melbourne (Refer Council's Lighting Strategy).
- Signage associated with commercial building to be attached to buildings and of a limited size.
- Buildings encouraged to front onto Laneway space (zero setback) with active street frontages wherever possible.
- Street trees in some lanes -refer North and West Melbourne Tree Planting Scheme.
- Paving feature squares around trees to let in water and create feature (refer Council's Technical notes on paving).
- Opportunities for public art and public space contribution in lanes e.g. seats, art walls for individual exhibitions.
* These lanes represent an unusual urban design form and are currently poorly presented. They are valuable public spaces that offer considerable potential for design and amenity improvements.
* The intensification of residential activity in the area i.e. by way of rear extensions and new dwellings at the rear of lots fronting onto the laneways, warrants an improvement in the amenity of these spaces.
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