Wednesday, june 30, 2004

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CALL TO ORDER: The Regular Meeting of the Leechburg Area Board of School Directors was called to order at 8:04 PM in the J. D. Orr Board Room of the Parker D. Baker Building by Mr. Kevin Daugherty, President.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: The Pledge of Allegiance was recited in unison.
ROLL CALL: Mr. Neill Brady, Mr. Richard Cappo, Mr. Kevin Daugherty, Mr. Alfonso DeCapite, Mr. Terry Knepshield, Mr. David Matuscin, Mr. William Salem and Mr. Ernie Sipolino.
Mr. Bruce Predebon was absent due to work commitments.
Also present were: Mrs. Cynthia Portman, Elementary Principal, Mr. Gary Shepler, Business Manager, Mr. Matthew Kruluts, School Psychologist/Special Programs Coordinator, Mr. Robert Cinpinski, Solicitor, Dr. Blair Kucinski, School District Consultant, Mr. James Budzilek, Acting Superintendent, and Ms. Patricia Camp, Board Secretary.

Public Work Session Minutes - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 05/12/04

Regular Monthly Board Meeting Minutes - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 05/26/04
President Daugherty requested comments, corrections and additions to the Minutes. Hearing none, on a motion by Mr. Salem, seconded by Mr. DeCapite the Minutes were approved as presented.

Mr. Daugherty Votes tonight will be recorded as Voice Votes. If you are voting nay or abstaining, please bring it to our attention at that time. Otherwise, it will be recorded as an affirmative Roll Call Vote.

Voice Vote – Motion Carried.

All Ayes.


Date: Time:

06/02/04 6:00 PM FULL BOARD – Personnel Issues/Real Estate Issues/Legal Issues

Superintendent’s Office

06/30/04 6:30 PM FULL BOARD – Personnel Issues/Real Estate Issues/Legal Issues

Superintendent’s Office


Date: Time:

06/02/04 7:00 PM Public Work Session

J. D. Orr Board Room


  1. ARIN Intermediate Unit Report – Mr. Bruce Predebon: None.

  2. Lenape Monthly Report - Mr. Terry Knepshield and Mr. David Matuscin: None-Mr. Knepshield and Mr. Matuscin were unable to attend.


Mr. James Budzilek-Introduction of Mrs. Cynthia Portman, Elementary Principal, to Board and public. Mrs. Portman has already been very active in the district with interviewing teachers and jumping in with both feet and very glad to have her here in our district.
Mr. James Budzilek – Professional Employee Contracts for Ms. Jeanine Bono, Ms. Wendy Musachia, Ms. Kathleen Wilson, Ms. Nicolette Diani, Ms. Kristin Intrieri, Mr. Frank Ippolito and Mr. Mark Jones. These employees will be receiving Professional Employee Contracts and will no longer be considered Temporary Professional Employees.
Mr. Jon Turiak-High School Roofing Project Update: Mr. Budzilek reported Mr. Turiak on assignment at new Alternative Education site. Mr. Shepler reported on maintenance update. Roof replacement 40 percent complete, approximately two additional weeks to complete. Additional items included during roof replacement including four new roof drains, plywood replacement, firewalls and smooth surface for attachment of roof membrane. Library carpeting due for delivery on July 1, 2004, beginning installation on July 6, 2004 and anticipated completion by July 13, 2004. In house installation of carpet and tile arrived on June 30, 2004, beginning week of July 6, 2004. Weight room ceiling to begin week of July 6, 2004, assuming equipment removed from area. Furniture and carpet cleaning approximately 80 percent complete. Classroom waxing approximately 60 percent complete. Elementary painting almost complete in hallways and ramp leading to middle school. Painting at middle and high school level complete.
Mr. Gary Shepler/Mr. Matthew Kruluts-Veterans’ Memorial Field Wall: Mr. Kruluts requested committee discuss $24,000 Community Service Grant usage at Veterans’ Memorial Field. Deadline September 2005. Options for use of grant funds will be presented by Mr. Kruluts and Mr. Shepler at Public Work Session to be held in July. Mr. Jay Johnston, Architect, has been contacted by Mr. Shepler-awaiting return call.
Mr. Kruluts reported that Mr. Turiak and his staff are doing an excellent job at the new Alternative Education site. Mr. Budzilek suggested that a tour for the Board be planned in the near future of the site prior to the July Board meeting.
Mr. Matthew Kruluts-The Grable Foundation Grant: Awarded $10,000 for 2004-2005 school year. Will provided a more detailed report at Public Work Session. Mr. Matuscin commended Mr. Kruluts, a worthwhile program.
Mr. James Budzilek-PSBA Educational Publications Contest: Ms. Camp submitted Annual School District Report Card developed by her and Dr. Kucinski, at the suggestion of Dr. Sasala. District awarded a certificate of Honorable Mention. Commended Ms. Camp and Dr. Kucinski for the Honorable Mention in the PSBA Educational Publications Contest.
Mr. Gary Shepler-2004-2005 Final Budget Presentation: Mr. Shepler reported final figure of $10,638,349, with $25,000 cut, reducing to $10,613,339 for 2004-2005. Cuts determined by Budget Managers and detailed on handouts presented to the Board and do not effect any programs. Millage changed due to updated STEB rates received today, June 30, 2004, including Armstrong millage from 1.27 to 1.23 reduction and Westmoreland millage from 1.08 received .84 increase, adjustments must be made to action on tonight’s agenda.

Visitors are welcome to comment on any agenda items at this time, provided it is understood that all remarks from the floor are subject to the same parliamentary procedure followed by the Board under the direction of the president. Discussion from the floor will not be entertained while action is being taken on agenda items by the Board. Completed forms (pink forms for agenda items) will be collected for district records and will be used by the president in recognizing each speaker.

No visitors wishing to address the Board at this time.


  1. Mr. Salem made a motion, seconded by Mr. Knepshield to approve the following Supplemental Positions for the 2004-2005 School Term:



Toni Nicastro

School Yearbooks Advisor

Naomi Canella

Drama Club Sponsor

Nancy Sheehan

Assistant Drama Club Sponsor

Voice Vote – Motion carried.

All Ayes.

Mr. Predebon absent due to work commitments.

        1. Mr. Knepshield made a motion, seconded by Mr. DeCapite to approve the creation of a 7th/ 8th grade girls’ basketball coaching position for the 2004-2005 season, at a salary of $1,136.23 and to hire Ms. Emily McKim to the position of 7th/8th grade assistant girls’ basketball coach. It is understood that a minimum of 18 players must participate in 7th/ 8th Grade Program for this position to be active. No 7th/ 8th grade players may be cut if this additional coach is a member of the Girls’ Basketball Staff for the 2004-2005 Girls’ Basketball Season.

Voice Vote – Motion Carried.

All Ayes.

Mr. Predebon absent due to work commitments.

  1. Mr. Salem made a motion, seconded by Mr. DeCapite to set Administrative Salaries for the 2004-2005 school term.

Voice Vote – Motion Carried.

All Ayes.

Mr. Predebon absent due to work commitments.

  1. Mr. Salem made a motion, seconded by Mr. Knepshield to approve the Assistant Business Manager Job Description as presented in (Exhibit A).

Voice Vote – Motion Carried.

All Ayes.

Mr. Predebon absent due to work commitments.

  1. Mr. Salem made a motion, seconded by Mr. DeCapite to approve the Memorandum of Agreement between the Service Employees International Union and the Leechburg Area School District replacing all references to SEIU Local 585 with SEIU Local 3 as presented in (Exhibit B).

Voice Vote – Motion Carried.

All Ayes.

Mr. Predebon absent due to work commitments.



  1. Mr. Salem made a motion, seconded by Mr. Knepshield to approve the following Supplemental Positions for the 2004-2005 School Term:



Mr. Jeff Bowser

Senior Class Advisor

Ms. Denise Cechvala

Senior Class Advisor

Ms. Denise Cechvala

School Newspaper (trottyveck) Advisor/Editor

Voice Vote – Motion Carried.

All Ayes.

Mr. Predebon absent due to work commitments.

  1. Mr. Salem made a motion, seconded by Mr. Cappo to hire Ms. Jill Horvatic to the position of Assistant Business Manager, subject to terms and conditions of the Assistant Business Manager Compensation Package.

Roll Call Vote – Motion Carried.

All Ayes.

Mr. Predebon absent due to work commitments.

  1. Mr. Salem made a motion, seconded by Mr. Cappo to hire Ms. Janessa Petro to the position of Elementary Physical Education Instructor at Step I of Collective Bargaining Agreement Teacher Salary Schedule.

Roll Call Vote – Motion Carried.

All Ayes.

Mr. Predebon absent due to work commitments.



  1. Mr. Knepshield made a motion, seconded by Mr. DeCapite to accept the Grable Foundation Grant in the amount of $10,000, to fund the After-School Tutoring Program as presented in (Exhibit A1).

Voice Vote – Motion Carried.

All Ayes.

Mr. Predebon absent due to work commitments.


  1. Mr. Knepshield made a motion, seconded by Mr. Salem to approve the Leechburg Area School District Final Budget and related schedules for the 2004-2005 school year in the amount of $10,613,339.

Voice Vote – Motion Carried.

All Ayes.

Mr. Predebon absent due to work commitments.

  1. Mr. Salem made a motion, seconded by Mr. DeCapite to approve the following Real Estate Taxation Method and the Appropriate Millage as amended as follows:


  1. Real Estate Taxes

RESOLVED, that the Board of School Directors of the Leechburg Area School

District set millage for the 2004-2005 school year at 49.65 49.69 mills for real estate in Armstrong County and 83.81 83.57 mills for real estate in Westmoreland County. The rate of taxation is $4.965 $4.969 on each one hundred dollars of assessed valuation of taxable real estate in Armstrong County and $8.381 $8.357 on each one hundred dollars of assessed valuation of taxable real estate in Westmoreland County.

  1. Earned Income Tax

RESOLVED, that the Board of School Directors of the Leechburg Area School

District readopt without change, the 1963 resolution as reenacted in 1969,

imposing a tax of one-half (1/2) of one percent on salaries, wages, commissions

and other compensation earned by residents of Gilpin Township, Leechburg

Borough and West Leechburg Borough and one-half (1/2) of one percent of net

profits earned by businesses, professions, and other activities conducted by the

residents of Gilpin Township, Leechburg Borough and West Leechburg Borough.

  1. Occupation Tax

RESOLVED, that the Board of School Directors of the Leechburg Area School

District readopt without change, the resolution originally adopted on June 8, 1963,

and reenacted on June 26, 1968, as follows:
An annual occupation tax of ten dollars for general school purposes is hereby

levied and assessed under the authority of the Act of the General Assembly

approved December 31, 1965, P.L. 511, known as the Local Tax Enabling Act,

and its supplements and amendments, upon each resident or inhabitant of the

territorial limits of the Leechburg District at the age of eighteen (18) years and

over, including full-time students, which tax shall be in addition to all other taxes

levied and assessed by the Leechburg Area School District pursuant to any other

laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

  1. Real Estate Transfer Tax

RESOLVED, that the Board of School Directors of the Leechburg Area School

District readopt without change, the January 21, 1987 resolution No 1.00,

imposing a tax of one percent of the true value of consideration for each and every

transfer of real estate or interest in real estate situated within the boundaries of the

Leechburg Area School District, Armstrong and Westmoreland Counties, PA,

regardless of where the documents making the transfer took place, for the purpose

of providing sufficient funds for general school district purposes, with the

exception of Leechburg Borough and Gilpin Township in Armstrong County and

West Leechburg Borough in Westmoreland County, whereas one-half (1/2) of one

percent will be utilized by the School District.

  1. Per Capita Tax - Act 511

RESOLVED, that the Board of School Directors of the Leechburg Area School

District readopt without change, the 1963 Resolution, as reenacted in 1969,

providing for the levy, assessment and collection of a per capita tax of five dollars

($5.00) on each resident and inhabitant of Gilpin Township, Leechburg Borough

and West Leechburg Borough, eighteen (18) years of age and over. (Act 511)

  1. Per Capita Tax - Act 679

RESOLVED, that the Board of School Directors of the Leechburg Area School

District readopt without change, the 1963 Resolution, as reenacted in 1969,

providing for the levy, assessment and collection of a per capita tax of five dollars

($5.00) on each resident and inhabitant of Gilpin Township, Leechburg Borough

and West Leechburg Borough, eighteen (18) years of age and over. (Act 679)

  1. Occupation Privilege Tax

RESOLVED, that the Board of School Directors of the Leechburg Area School

District readopt without change, the 1966 Resolution as reenacted in each year

thereafter assessing a tax of ten dollars ($10.00) on all persons gainfully employed

in Gilpin Township, Leechburg Borough and West Leechburg Borough, said tax

to be known as the Occupation Privilege Tax.

Mr. Cinpinski Suggested motion reestablishing other taxes. Millage only one that is changed; but, motion should be made to approve the following real estate taxation method and appropriate millage. Still going to levy the other taxes. Need motion to adopt other taxes as set forth in the agenda.

Mr. Knepshield made a motion, seconded by Mr. Salem to adopt remaining taxes set forth in the agenda.

Voice Vote – Motion Carried.

All Ayes.

Mr. Predebon absent due to work commitments.

  1. Mr. Salem made a motion, seconded by Mr. DeCapite to authorize the Business Administrator to make the necessary budgetary transfers to close the 2003-2004 school year.

Voice Vote – Motion Carried.

All Ayes.

Mr. Predebon absent due to work commitments.

  1. Mr. Salem made a motion, seconded by Mr. DeCapite to approve the annual membership dues of $840.00 for continuation of enrollment in the Pennsylvania Association of Rural and Small Schools (PARSS) as presented in (Exhibit C).

Discussion ensued regarding Mr. Knepshield’s question regarding district benefit of PARSS membership. Mr. Budzilek reported that updates on legislative issues received via PennLink and newsletters regarding issues concerning small schools. PARSS lobbies for small school district in Harrisburg. Dr. Kucinski reported on PDE’s removal of Small School Subsidy from state funding of LEAs a few years ago, PARSS lobbied to have monies returned to funding. District receives approximately an additional $80,000 to $100,000 per year because of PARSS lobbing efforts. Also, lead in funding and equity issues in Pennsylvania.

Voice Vote – Motion Carried.

All Ayes.

Mr. Predebon absent due to work commitments.

  1. Mr. Salem made a motion, seconded by Mr. DeCapite to approve the recommendation of the Administration for the Annual Performance Review and Evaluation of the following Professional/At-Will Service Providers as presented in (Exhibit D):

      1. Local Auditor: Grapier, McVey and Company, P.C.

      2. Insurance Broker/Agent: Stan Jerich Insurance Company

Voice Vote – Motion Carried.

All Ayes.

Mr. Predebon absent due to work commitments.

  1. Mr. Salem made a motion, seconded by Mr. DeCapite to approve the Tax Abatement Review Committee's Recommendations regarding applications for Real Estate Tax Abatements under Policy 605.3 Residential Tax Abatement-New Construction (Unimproved Property-Non-Deteriorated Neighborhood/Areas) as presented in (Exhibit E). Condition and subject to the terms and conditions of the appropriate policy.

Voice Vote – Motion Carried.

All Ayes.

Mr. Predebon absent due to work commitments.

  1. Mr. DeCapite made a motion, seconded by Mr. Salem to approve an Agreement with the ARIN Intermediate Unit 28 to provide an After-School Drivers Education Program for the 2004-2005 and 2005-2006 school years as presented in (Exhibit F).

Voice Vote – Motion Carried.

All Ayes.

Mr. Predebon absent due to work commitments.

  1. Mr. Salem made a motion, seconded by Mr. DeCapite to approve the following Financial Reports:

a. Treasurer's Report -- (Exhibit G)

b. Athletic Fund Report -- (Exhibit H)

c. Expenditure Report -- (Exhibit I)

d. ACCESS Report -- (Exhibit J)

e. Tax Collectors' Report -- (Exhibit K)

f. Investment Report -- (Exhibit L)
Voice Vote – Motion Carried.

All Ayes.

Mr. Predebon absent due to work commitments.

  1. Mr. Salem made a motion, seconded by Mr. DeCapite to approve the payment of bills from the General Fund Account (Exhibit M).

Voice Vote – Motion Carried.

All Ayes.

Mr. Predebon absent due to work commitments.

  1. Mr. DeCapite made a motion, seconded by Mr. Salem to approve the payment of bills from the Capital Improvement Fund (Exhibit N).

Voice Vote – Motion Carried.

All Ayes.

Mr. Predebon absent due to work commitments.


        1. Mr. Salem made a motion, seconded by Mr. Sipolino to approve the Field Trip Request from Mr. Michael Chambers on behalf of the LHS Marching Band/Colorguard/Majorettes to participate in a field trip to Kennywood Park on August 18, 2004 as presented in (Exhibit O).

Discussion ensued regarding Mr. Salem and Mr. Sipolino’s questions regarding whether Mr. Chambers aware that August 18, 2004 will not be Leechburg Community Day. Mr. Budzilek responded that he was aware of that fact and wished to march in Fall Fantasy Parade.

Voice Vote – Motion Carried.

All Ayes.

Mr. Predebon absent due to work commitments.

  1. Mr. Sipolino made a motion, seconded by Mr. Salem to approve the Fund Raising Requests for the 2004-2005 school year as presented in (Exhibit P).

Voice Vote – Motion Carried.

All Ayes.

Mr. Predebon absent due to work commitments.


    1. Mr. Salem made a motion, seconded by Mr. Sipolino to accept the donation of the Central Blood Bank Scholarship Award in the amount of $1,000.00 as presented in (Exhibit Q).

Voice Vote – Motion Carried.

All Ayes.

Mr. Predebon absent due to work commitments.


      1. Mr. Salem made a motion, seconded by Mr. DeCapite to approve the Second Reading of the following policy for the School District Policy Manual:

SECOND READING: Maintenance of Fund Balance – Policy 620 (Exhibit R)

Voice Vote – Motion Carried.

All Ayes.

Mr. Predebon absent due to work commitments.


  1. Mr. Sipolino made a motion, seconded by Mr. Salem to adopt the Essentials of Music Theory, Alfred Publishing Company, Inc., Copyright 2005- Music Theory/Music Appreciation.


Mr. Budzilek This is one of the classes that was added late at the secondary level by Mrs. Sheehan, Music Theory. Not actually a textbook, more like a workbook. Total cost $268.95 for entire class.
Voice Vote – Motion Carried.

All Ayes.

Mr. Predebon absent due to work commitments.

Mr. Cinpinski Mr. Daugherty, I would suggest that Terry (Board Vice President) may wish to exercise his prerogative and take remarks from visitors and perhaps announcements, other than adjournment. Otherwise, if you resign at this point you cannot continue to serve as President.


Visitors are welcome to make comments relating to topics not covered on the agenda, within reasonable limits of time, and under the rules pertaining to parliamentary procedure as provided in the district policy. Completed forms (gold forms for non-agenda items) will be collected for district records and will be used by the president in recognizing each speaker.

Ms. Barb Turiak

LEA President

215 First Street

Leechburg, PA 15656

On behalf of the LEA, I would like to thank you for your years of service and your relationship as a member of the Leechburg School Board Mr. Daugherty. The amount of time spent on the School Board often goes unnoticed. We realize that you are all in a volunteer situation, developing programs for the kids and we really do appreciate that time. We appreciate all the time you’ve spent and the Association would like to thank you and wish the very best for you and your family.


        1. Mr. DeCapite made a motion, seconded by Mr. Knepshield to approve the one year extension of the current contract with Stoebner Studio for the 2004-2005 school year yearbook photograph services at no price increase.

Voice Vote – Motion Carried.

All Ayes.

    1. Mr. Salem made a motion, seconded by Mr. Knepshield to authorize the administration to advertise the School Board Seat vacancy. Application due date July 21, 2004.

Voice Vote – Motion Carried.

All Ayes.

  1. Mr. DeCapite made a motion, seconded by Mr. Knepshield to accept the resignation of Mr. Kevin Daugherty from the position of Leechburg Area School Director as presented in (Exhibit S).


Mr. Budzilek I wanted to take the opportunity to thank you, Kevin, for your four years of School Board Service in the Leechburg Area School District and I would also, at this time, like to present you with this traditional bell commemorating your years of service.
Kevin was sworn into the office of School Board President on December 5, 2001 and has been a stabilizing force on this Board. I have had the opportunity to know Kevin, not just as an Acting Superintendent but also as a Principal. Throughout his tenure, he has presided effectively over meetings and most importantly, has ensured that every board member has had an opportunity to express their opinion and to argue their position. With that in mind, don’t forget the words, “Hurry up, it’s West Wing”.
He always did what he thought was in the best interest of our school, community, taxpayers, teachers and most importantly, our students. Kevin told me a few times that anytime he had to make a tough decision, he always voted for what was best for our students and he should be commended for that.
Kevin took great pleasure in presenting diplomas to our graduating students and also to his daughter, Erin, a few years back during her graduation ceremonies. He was always active in the schools, always willing to participate by providing speeches, attending awards assemblies and in the Homecoming Parade. I know for a fact, that we are going to ask you again to use your Mustang this coming October for the Homecoming Parade.
In conclusion, Kevin, thank you very much for your years of service. I would like to echo the words that Barb said from LEA, the administration will miss you, and the school district will miss you.

Blair A. Kucinski Kevin came to us back in 2001 from the military. The military is a little different from the School Board. He came from the rigid military hierarchy, where orders are given and orders are followed. It wasn’t quite the same here in Leechburg, was it Kevin? He ends up coming here on a political Board, where most issues are debated and there is a struggle to come to some conclusion, consensus or to even get a majority-quite a difference from the military. A lot of people have difficulty when they leave as career military adjusting to civilian life. Kevin didn’t have that problem. He made an excellent transition and, in fact, not only did he thrive on the School Board, he became the School Board President. And, he came to the Board for all the right reasons. He wanted to support education, he wanted to provide a quality program to all the kids in Leechburg, to keep our school district independent, to have a good product for our kids and to make Leechburg as good as it can be. He has been a leader, a mediator, a referee and a graduation speaker. I didn’t know he was in the parade or I would have added that in there, too. He has interacted directly with our kids, especially in the arts, something that doesn’t happen in too many school districts. He has nurtured his own daughter through the system and he had the pleasure of presenting her with her diploma. His work on the Board should serve as a model for all of you and those who follow him.

Personally, Kevin, I want to thank you for being a friend and a confidant to me. Sometimes, it’s tough to be a Superintendent and it’s nice to be able to talk to your Board President in an open and frank way about the issues. That doesn’t happen in many school districts, either. That’s because of you and your leadership. I want to thank you also for supporting our students, for leading our Board and for your time and effort. But, most of all, I want to thank you for promoting quality public education, for being the leader that Leechburg needed at a time of transition in our school district and for being there for everybody in our school district, in our community and in our schools. You have done a great job, in my opinion, and I want to thank you for what you’ve done for the school district.

Mr. Daugherty For me, it has been a unique four years. I came in a time I didn’t know much about being on a School Board. In talking to the belated, dear Mr. Nigro, he said after my first meeting-“when it comes down to a decision, you do what is best for the kids education, everything else will follow.” He said, “you have to protect the taxpayers, you have to protect the community but you also have to protect the kids. That’s what you are there for, you have to do what is best for them.” It has been a struggle to do that some times; but I think that we consistently have done the right thing. There is not one thing I can remember in four years where it hasn’t come down to we did the best thing for the kids education. We’ve found the money, we found the resources, we found the teacher, we found whatever it took to do the right thing and I think we should all be proud of that.

It has been an interesting four years. We have had some unique Board meetings, some lasting until after midnight, some being adjourned or continued because we ran out of time, I won’t miss those. I will say that in the last year or so, I think these have gotten significantly better. The meetings have gotten more concise, we’ve gotten to the point and we’ve made decisions and we’ve move on. It has been one of my Montrose’s. There is no need for us to sit here and argue for an hour, when our minds were made up after five minutes. I would hope that the Board would continue with that. If I have any words of wisdom for the Board or the ones to follow, it’s that we, as a board, as a district, have hired excellent administrators. We have hired excellent teachers. We hire the best that our money can afford. We, as a Board, need to remember that these are the experts in the field. Let them do their job and let us not micromanage them. We are not, most of us here, are not professional educators. Let the educators make the education decisions and let us support them. Let us protect the public and support our kids; but support your administration.
It is bittersweet, my leaving. I have enjoyed it. There have been times that I’ve pounded my against the wall and there’s times I’ve gone home in tears, but I have enjoyed these four years. I have particularly enjoyed talking to the kids, being involved in the school and I plan on continuing with that. Homecoming Parade was one of the things on my mind that I wanted to do, so I’m glad the offer was extended. Mostly, I want to thank all of you for supporting me, supporting the school, etc. Thank you very much.
Voice Vote – Motion Carried.

All Ayes.


1. Recessed/Reconvened Meetings-

    1. Committee Meetings –

Public Work Session

Wednesday, July 7, 2004 –

3. Regular Monthly Board Meeting-

Wednesday, July 21, 2004 - 7:00 PM

J. D. Orr Board Room/Parker D. Baker Building

ADJOURNED: On a motion by Mr. Knepshield, seconded by Mr. Salem the Regular Board Meeting of June 30, 2004 adjourned at 8:50 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia R. Camp

Board Secretary

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