1 Measures the amount of Jj compounds based on the
5 masses.
' Involves chemical reactions Involves chemical which can change the ’ reactions which can
’ colour of the sample (or an "■ precipitate the desired indicator). f compound.
______- ....___■ -j. -
L (litres). mL. m3 or dm3 mg. g and kg.
Volumetric vs Gravimetric Analysis
■ •*.1 •
Volumetric Analysis ц Gravimetric Analysis
,*L '
A type of quantitative I A type of quantitative
analysis in which we can ■ analysis in which we can measure the amount of an В determine the weight of an unknown compound using 3 unknown compound in a its volume. 1 sample.
Volumetrik tahlil nima?
Volumetrik tahlil - bu noma'lum birikmaning miqdorini uning hajmidan foydalanib o'lchash mumkin bo'lgan miqdoriy tahlilning bir turi. Biz bu maqsadda titrlashdan foydalanishimiz mumkin. Shuning uchun biz bu tahlilni "titrimetrik tahlil" deb ataymiz. Titrlashda biz namunada mavjud bo'lgan noma'lum birikma hajmini aniqlash uchun ikkinchi eritma yoki reagentdan foydalanamiz. Noma'lum hajmni aniqlab, biz bu birikmaning namunadagi konsentratsiyasini aniqlashimiz mumkin.
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