Variant-1 1. Which is important in speaking, fluency or accuracy? Fluency
2. Why are role plays important? role play provides scope for use of functional language[apologising, refusing, disagreeing, and denying]
3. Find common communicative activitivities?
4. Find the correction work after a fluency work write up a number of sentences used during the activity and discuss them with the students. 2) write a number of sentences on the board . ask the students to come up to the board correct the sentences 3) invent and write out a story that includes a number of errors you overhead during the activity hand out the story the next day and the students, in pairs or as a whole group find the errors and correct them
5. What is simulation? Simulation is really large-scale of role play.Role cards are normally used but there is often quite a lot of other printed and recorded background information as well newspaper articles graphs memos news flashes,etc which may come at the start of the simulation or appear while the simulation is unfolding
6. Find the stages of writing continuum in the classroom - copying, doing exercises guided writing process writing and unguided writing
7. In which step of planning classroom writing work, students use notes, sketches or cut-up cards to start organizing a possible shape for the text – in the 9th stage plan the text
8. long term projects_____ are good way of integrating writing with other work. The aim could be a file or book at the end
9. Why is writing on computer important? It is readable(no hand writing jungles) multiple copies can be printed out for as many readers as needed suggestions and edits can be written on to hard copies and then editing can be done on the computer- no need to rewrite from scratch it can be emailed directly to other students or to you
10. Realia .....
11. which pen should teachers use while checking writing use a green or a blue pen
12. Find the guidelines of task-circle feedback grade the task, not the material, task first- then recording, process rather then product
13. Why do students hypothesize specific issues that might be raised in listening ? predict the specific content
14. in which listening activity, teacher should find ten interesting short jokes, stories, advertisement or poems and record themselves reading them? The gallery ( a variation on jigsaw listening)
15. in which activity students get to listen to real people speaking in class rather than to recordings? Live listening
16. Find inefficient reading I don’t know enough vocabulary I need the dictionary all the time it’s very slow it takes ages to get through a few sentences
17. Tasks that are based on ___ are likely to involve a more complex process
18. Written discourse is ________ while spoken discourse is _______
19.What is the difference between activities for advanced and less advanced reading?
20. why do teachers use simplified texts?
21. What affects the speed of reading
22. Do we need to perceive and decode letters in order to read
23. In which reading activity, text was a story and learners might suggest what happened before?
24. Which area of classroom management involves maintaining appropriate discipline? Critical moments
25. Which of them is not classroom grouping ? grouping includes forming grouping, arranging and rearranging seating, deciding where you will stand or sit, reforming class as a whole group after activities
26. In which seating option, people change groups occasionally? Buzz groups
27. How can teacher be sure that students are doing exercises after instruction? Check our students have understood what to do
28. In which lesson plan, teacher lists inherit challenges in each teaching points for students?
29. Find the restricted output speaking and writing
30. classroom management______ involves seating arrangement?