Unit 2
Travel and transport
Topic vocabulary in contrast
voyage / journey / trip / travel / excursion - dengiz sayohati, safar, sayohat
fare / ticket / fee - to'lov, chipta
live / stay - yashamoq, turmoq
view / sight - manzara, ko'rinish
miss / lose - o'tkazib yubormoq, yutqazmoq
border / edge / line - chegara, chet, chiziq
world / earth - dunyo, yer
take / bring / go - olib bormoq, keltirmoq, bormoq
length / distance - uzunlik, masofa
area / territory - hudud
book / keep - buyurtma bermoq, saqlamoq
guide / lead - yo'l boshlamoq
season / period - mavsum, davr
arrive / reach - yetib kelmoq
native / home - mahalliy
catch up with - yetib olmoq
pick up stop in a vehicle to give someone a lift - olib ketmoq
check in register at a hotel or an airport - ro'yxatdan o'tmoq
pull in stop by the side of the road in a car - yo'l chetiga to'xtamoq
check out leave a hotel; - ro'yxatdan chiqmoq, o'rganmoq
run over hit with a car - bosib ketmoq
drop off let someone get out of a vehicle; - tashlab o'tmoq
fall asleep - uxlab qolmoq
see off go to a train station, etc, to see someone leave - kuzatmoq
get back return from a place - qaytmoq
set out / off start a journey - sayohatga chiqmoq
go away go on holiday - ketmoq
take off leave the ground - uchmoq
keep up with stay at the same point / level as - orqada qolmaslik
turn round go back in the opposite direction - ortga qaytmoq
make for go in the direction of - yo'l olmoq
Phrases and collocations
have an accident; - baxtsiz hodisaga uchramoq
be (involved) in an accident; - baxtsiz hodisa ishtirokchisi bo'lmoq
do sth by accident - behosdan
in advance; - oldindan
advance to / towards a place - tomonga yurmoq
go straight ahead; - to'g'riga yurmoq
go ahead; - davom etmoq
be ahead of sth / sb - oldida bo'lmoq
a change of direction; - yo'nalishni o'zgartirmoq
in the direction of sth; - tomonga
in this / that direction - u/bu tomonga
off the top of your head; - yoddan
head for / towards a place; - biror yerga yo'l olmoq
head over heels (in love) - sevib qolmoq
go / be on holiday; - tatilga chiqmoq
have / take a holiday; - tatil olmoq
bank holiday - dam olish kuni
go / turn / etc left; - chapga qayrilmoq
on the left; - chap tomonda
on the left-hand side; - chap tomondagi
in the left-hand corner; - chap burchakda
left-handed - chapaqay
plan your / a route; - yo'nalishni rejalashtirmoq
take a route - yo'l olmoq
see the sights - tomosha qilmoq
go sightseeing - aylanishga chiqmoq
at (high / full / etc) speed; - yuqori tezlikda
a burst of speed; - tezlikni oshirish
speed limit - tezlik chegarasi
go on / take a tour of / (a)round somewhere; - biror yerni aylanmoq
tour a place; - biror yerni aylanmoq
tour guide - yo'lboshchi
business trip; - mehnat safari
school trip; - ekskursiya
go on a trip; - safarga chiqmoq
take a trip (to a place) - safar qilmoq
lose / make / find your way; - yo'lni yo'qotmoq / ochmoq / topmoq
in a way; - biroz
on the way; - yo'lda
go all the way (to sth / swh) - butun yo'l bo'ylab yurmoq
Word patterns
afraid of sth / sb / doing; - dan qo'rqmoq
afraid to do - ga qo'rmoq
invite sb to do - ga taklif qilmoq
appear to be - bo'lib ko'rinmoq
keen to do; - ga hayrixoh
keen on sth / sb / doing - ga qiziqmoq
arrange sth (with sb); - ni rejalashtirmoq
arrange for sb to do - kimdir uchun nimanidir rejalashtirmoq
live in / at a place; - da yashamoq
live on / for sth; - ga yashamoq
live here / there - shu / u yerda yashamoq
arrive in / at a place; - ga yetib kelmoq
arrive here / there - shu / u yerga yetib kelmoq
regret (not) doing; - qilganidan afsuslanmoq
regret sth; - biror narsadan afsuslanmoq
regret to tell / inform you - aytishdan afsuslanmoq
continue sth / doing; - biror narsani davom ettirmoq
continue to do; - qilishda davom etmoq
continue with sth - bilan davom ettirmoq
think of / about sth / sb / doing -
differ from sth / sb - kim / nimadandir farq qilmoq
write about sth / sb / doing; - kimdir/nimadir/biror ish harakati haqida yozmoq
write (sth) (to sb); - kimgadir nimadir yozmoq
write sb sth; - kimgadir nimadir yozmoq
write sth down - nimanidir yozib qo'ymoq
dream about / of sth / sb / doing - kimdir / nimadir / biror ish harakati haqida orzu / xayol qilmoq
arrange rearrange, arrangement - tartib bilan qo'ymoq
direct indirect,direction,director, (in)directly - to'g'ri
recognise (un)recognisable, recognition - tanimoq
arrive arrival - yetib kelmoq
distant distantly, distance - uzoq
time timetable - vaqt
broad breadth, broaden - keng
enter entrance - kirmoq
tour tourism, tourist - sayoxat
culture cultural(ly), (un)cultured - madaniyat
inhabit inhabitant - yashamoq
world worldwide - dunyo
differ different(ly), difference - farq qilmoq
photograph photography, photographer, photographic - surat
Unit 4
Hobbies, sport and games
Topic vocabulary in contrast
pitch / track / court / course / ring / rink - futbol / yugurish / tennis / golf / boks / muz maydoni
umpire / referee - tennis / futbol hakami
sport / athletics - sport / atlatika
win / beat / score - yutmoq / mag'lub qilmoq / ball olmoq
final / finale / end / ending - so'ngi / spektakl so'ngi / nihoya / oxir
interval / half time - tanaffus
play / game - o'yin
bat / stick / rod / racket - beyzbol tayog'i / tayoq / uzun tayoq / raketka
draw / equal - teng
spectator / viewer - tomoshabin
amateur / professional - havaskor / professional
competitor / opponent - raqib
bring forward change the date / time of an event so it happens earlier - oldinga surmoq
knock out defeat and remove from a competition; - chiqarib yubormoq
carry on continue - davom ettirmoq
look out be careful - ehtiyot bolmoq
get round to start (after planning to do sth for a long time) - uzoq o'ylangan ishni boshlamoq
pull out stop being involved in an activity - chiqib ketmoq
get up to do; do sth you should not do - reja qilmoq
put off delay, postpone - ortga surmoq
go in for enter (a competition, etc); like - qo'shilmoq
put up with tolerate - chidamoq
go off stop liking - ko'ngli qolmoq
take to start (as a habit) - boshlamoq
join in participate,take part - qo'shilmoq
take up start (a hobby, sport, etc); fill an amount of space / time - boshlamoq, egallamoq
Phrases and collocations
make the best of sth; - uddalamoq
do your best; - qo'lidan kelganicha harakat qilmoq
the best at sth / doing - biror ishning mutaxassisi
have / take / get a chance to do; - imkoniyatga ega bo'lmoq
have a chance of doing; - imkoniyati bor bo'lmoq
some / little / etc chance of (your) doing; - imkoniyati kam bo'lmoq
the chances of (your) doing; - ehtimoli bo'lmoq
take a chance (on sth); - imkoniyatdan fotdalanmoq
chance of a lifetime - bir marta beriladigan imkoniyat
your go; - sizning navbat
have a go - boshlamoq
in height; - balandligi
afraid of heights; - balandlikdan qo'rqmoq
height of sth - biror narsaning balandligi
mad about / on sth / sb / doing; - biror kishi / narsa / harakatdan jaxli chiqqan
go / become mad - aqildan ozmoq
take pleasure in sth / doing - biror narsa / harakatdan zavq olmoq
gain / get pleasure from sth / doing - biror narsa / harakatdan zavq olmoq
popular with / among - orasida mashxur
(on) the opposite side; - qarama-qarshi tomon
(on) the far side; - uzoq burchak
side with sb; - tarafdor bo'lmoq
on the winning / losing side - g'olib / mag'lub tomonda bo'lmoq
have a talent (for sth / doing); - qobiliyatga ega bo'lmoq
talent contest - talant shou
on time; - o'z vaqtida
(just) in time; - o'z vaqtida
the whole time; - hamma vaqt
high / about time; - vaqt bo'ldi
take your time (doing); - shoshilma
take time to do; - biror ishni qilishga vaqt ketadi
sth takes up (your) time; - biror narsa vaqingizni oladi
spend time doing; - biror ish qilib vaqt o'tkazmoq
spend time on; - biror narsaga vaqt sarflamoq
at / for a certain time; - malum bir vaqtda / vaqt davomida
time passes; - vaqt o'tadi
find time to do; - biror ish qilishga vaqt topmoq
make / find time for; - biror narsaga vaqt ajratmoq
for the time being; - hozircha
have a good / nice time (doing); - vaqtini choq o'tkazmoq
tell the time; - vaqtni aytmoq
free / spare / leisure time - bo'sh vaqt
turn (a)round / away; - qayrilmoq
turn sth over; - biror narsani teskari qilmoq
in turn; - evaziga
take turns; - navbat olmoq
take it in turn(s) (to do); - biror ishni navbat bilan bajarmoq
your turn (to do) - sizning navbatingiz
Word patterns
compete against / with sb; - ga qarshi bellashmoq
compete for / in sth - biror narsa uchun bellashmoq
listen to sth / sb - biror kishi / narsani eshitmoq
concentrate on sth / doing - biror narsa / harakatga diqqatini qaratmoq
love sth / sb / doing; - biror narsa / kishi / harakatni yaxshi ko'rmoq
love to do - biror ishni qilishni yaxshi ko'rmoq
difficult to do; - bajarish qiyin
find sth difficult; - biror narsada qiynalish
find it difficult to do - biror ishni bajarishga qiynalish
mean to do; - bajarishni nazarda tutmoq
it / this means that; - bu shuni anglatadiki
it / this means sth / doing - bu biror narsa / harakatni anglatadi
fond of sth / sb / doing - biror narsa / kishi / ish harakatini yoqtirmoq
prefer to do (rather than [to] do); - biror ish qilishdan ko'ra boshqasini afzal ko'rmoq
prefer sth (rather than sth); - biror narsadan ko'ra boshqasini afzal ko'rmoq
prefer sth / doing (to sth / doing) - biror narsa / harakatni boshqasidan afzal bilmoq
free to do; - bemalol qilsa bo'ladi
free from / of sth; - biror narsadan xoli
free for sth - biror narsaga vaqti bor
stop sth / doing; - biror narsa / harakatdan to'xtamoq
stop to do; - biror ish qilish uchun to'xtamoq
stop sb from doing - kimnidir biror ish qilishdan to'xtatmoq
interested in sth / doing - biror narsa / ish harakatiga qiziqmoq
sure / certain
make / be sure / certain that; - ishonchi komil bo'lmoq, ishonch hosil qilmoq
sure / certain to do; - biror ish harakati sodir bo'lishi aniq
be sure / certain of sth - biror narsaga ishonchi komil bo'moq
involve sth / doing; - biror narsa / harakatni o'z ichiga oladi
involved in sth / doing - biror narsa / harakatga bog'liq bo'lmoq
Word formation
allow disallow, allowance, allowable - ruxsat bermoq
fortune misfortune, (un)fortunate(ly) - omad, boylik
medal medallist, medallion - medal, nishon
associate disassociate, association, (un)associated - bog'lamoq
interest (un)interesting(ly) - qiziqmoq
oppose opposition, opponent, opposite, opposing - qarshi bo'lmoq
compete competition,competitor, competitive(ly) - bellashmoq
know knowledge, (un)knowledgeable - bilmoq
practice practise, (im)practical(ly) - mashq qilmoq
enjoy enjoyment, enjoyable - rohatlanmoq
lose lost, loss - yo'qotmoq
train retrain, trainer - shug'ullanmoq
equip equipment, equipped - jihozlamoq
maintain maintenance - saqlamoq
Unit 6
Science and technology
Topic vocabulary in contrast
artificial / false - suniy
aim / cause / reason - maqsad, sabab
progress / development - rivojlanish
natural / physical - tabiiy, jismoniy
estimate / calculate - baholamoq, hisoblamoq
modern / new - zamonaviy, yangi
true / accurate - to'g'ri, aniq
electric / electronic - elektr, elektron
industry / factory - sanoat, zavod
method / way - uslub, yo'l
invent / discover - yaratmoq, kashf qilmoq
award / reward - saovrin, mukofot
engine / machine / motor - motor, qurilma
research / experiment - tadqiqot, tajriba
take place / occur - bo'lib o'tmoq, uchramoq
break down stop working (for a machine, etc) - ishdan chiqmoq
give off produce sth such as heat or a smell - taratmoq
carry out perform an experiment, etc - olib bormoq
narrow down reduce the number of possibilities - qisqartirmoq
come off succeed - amalga oshmoq
plug in connect to the electricity supply - elektr tokiga ulamoq
come on develop or make progress - rivojlanmoq
put through connect by phone - ulab bermoq
come up with think of (an idea, a plan, etc) - o'ylab topmoq
turn into change into sth different - biror narsaga aylantirmoq
cut off stop the supply of sth - uzib qo'ymoq
turn off stop a machine working - o'chirib qo'ymoq
find out discover information, etc - bilib olmoq
work out find the solution to a problem, etc - hisoblab topmoq
Phrases and collocations
make an attempt (at sth / doing / to do); - urinib ko'rmoq
attempt to do; - biror ish qilishga harakat qilmoq
in an attempt to do - biror ish qilish maqsadida
on average - o'rtacha
in the beginning; - boshida
at the beginning (of sth) - biror narsaning boshida
beginning with - bilan boshlamoq
at / on the bottom (of sth) - tagida
(be / find / look for / etc) the cause of sth - biror narsaning sababi (bo'lmoq / ni topmoq / ni qidirmoq)
come to / reach the conclusion (that); - xulosaga kelmoq
in conclusion - xulosa qilib aytganda
do / perform / carry out an experiment (on sth); - tajriba o'tkazmoq
experiment with sth / doing - biror narsa / harakat ustida tajriba olib bormoq
in fact; - haqiqatda
as a matter of fact; - haqiqat shundaki
the fact (of the matter) is (that); - haqiqat shundaki
face the facts - haqiqatga yuzlanmoq
with the introduction of sth; - biror narsaning paydo bo'lishi bilan
an introduction to sth / sb - biror narsaga kirish
phone call
make / receive / get a phone call - qong'iroq qilmoq / ga javob bermoq / bo'lmoq
take a photo (of sth / sb) - suratga olmoq
carry out / do research (on / into sth) - tadqiqot olib bormoq
Word patterns
cause sth (to do) - biror narsaga sabab bo'lmoq
look at / for sth / sb; - biror narsa / kishiga qaramoq / ni qidirmoq
look forward to sth / doing - biror narsa / harakatni intizorlik bilan kutmoq
consider sth / doing; - biror narsa / harakatni o'ylab ko'rmoq
consider if / whether; - biror holatni o'ylab ko'rmoq
consider sb for sth; - kimnidir nimadir deb o'ylamoq
consider it strange, etc (for sb to do) - g'alati deb bilmoq
manage to do - biror harakatni uddalamoq
discuss sth / doing (with sb) - biror narsa / harakatni muhokama qilmoq
plan sth; - biror narsani rejalashtirmoq
plan to do - biror ishni qilishni rejalashtirmoq
explain that; - buni tushuntirib bering
explain sth (to sb) - kimgadir nimanidir tushuntirib berish
possible (for sb) to do; - kimdir biror ishni qilishi mumkin
find sth possible; - biror narsaning imkonini topmoq
find it impossible to do - biror ishni qilish imkoni yo'q
intend to do / doing - biror ishni bajarishni istamoq
result of sth / doing; - biror narsa / harakatning natijasi
result in sth; - biror narsaga sabab bo'lmoq
result in (your) doing; - (kimdir) biror ishni qilishga sabab bo'lmoq
result from sth / doing; - biror narsa / harakat natijasi bo'lmoq
as a result of sth - biror narsaning natijasida
know (about) sth / doing; - biror narsa / harakat haqida bilmoq
know of sb; - kimnidir tanimoq
be known as sth - biror narsa sifadida ko'rilmoq
wonder about sth / doing; - biror narsa / harakat haqida o'ylamoq
wonder if / whether / why - nega shunday / shunaqamikan deb o'ylamoq
Word formation
appear appearance, apparently - paydo bo'lmoq
introduce introduction, introductory - taqdim etmoq
research researcher - tadqiqot
build builder, building - qurmoq
invent inventor, invention - yaratmoq
revolution revolutionary - revolyutsiya
discover discovery - kashf qilmoq
observe observer, observation - kuzatmoq
science scientist, (un)scientific(ally) - ilm fan
explain explanation - tushuntirmoq
possible impossible, (im)possibility, (im)possibly - imkoni bor
technology technological(ly), technical(ly); technician, technique - texnologiya
important unimportant, importance, importantly - muhim
psychology psychologist, psychological(ly) - psixologiya
wood wooden - yog'och
Unit 8
The media
Topic vocabulary in contrast
deny / refuse - rad qilmoq
talk show / quiz show / game show - tele shou
press / media - matbuot, ommaviy axborot
agree / accept - rozi bo'lmoq, qabul qilmoq
announcer / commentator - boshlovchi
programme / program - dastur
headline / heading - sarlavha
tabloid / broadsheet - lavha
channel / broadcast - kanal, efirga uzatmoq
feature / article - ko'rsatuv, maqola
journalist / columnist - jurnalist, muharrir
bulletin / newsflash - axborot, muhim xabar
Phrasal verbs
bring up start discussing a subject - muammoni olib chiqmoq
look up try to find information in a book or list, etc - ro'yxatdan qidirmoq
come on start to be broadcast - efirga chiqmoq
make out pretend that something is true; - yolg'on xabarni to'g'ri deb korsatmoq, tushunishga qiynalmoq
come out be published - nashrdan chiqmoq
make up invent an explanation, excuse, etc; - bahona / hikoya o'ylab topmoq
fill in add information in the spaces on a document - to'ldirmoq
put forward suggest - taklif qilmoq
flick through turn and look at the pages of a magazine, etc quickly - ko'zdan kechirmoq
see through recognise that sth is not true and not be tricked by it - yolg'onni sezmoq
go into deal with sth in detail - chuqurlashmoq
stand out be easy to see because of being different - ajralib turmoq
hand out give things to people in a group - tarqatmoq
turn over turn a page so that the other side is towards you - teskari qilmoq
Phrases and collocations
in control (of sth); - boshqarmoq
take control (of sth); - boshqaruvni qo'liga olmoq
under control; - boshqaruv ostida
under the control of sb; - biror kishining boshqaruvi ostida
out of control - boshqaruvni yo'qotmoq
give a description of sth / sb - biror narsa / kishini tariflamoq
make a difference (to sth / sb); - tasirga ega bo'lish
tell the difference (between); - farqlamoq
there's no / some / little / etc difference between - orasida hech qanday / biroz / kam farq bo'lmoq
take sth / sb for granted - biror narsa / kishini oddiy hol deb bilmoq
influence sth / sb; - biror narsa / kishiga tasir ko'rsatmoq
have / be an influence on sth / sb - biror narsa / kishiga tasiri bo'lmoq
on the Internet; - internetda
over the Internet; - internet orqali
surf the Internet - internetda bo'lmoq
in the news; - xabarlarda
on the news; - xabarlarda
hear the news; - yangilikni eshitmoq
newsflash; - muhim yangilik
newspaper - gazeta
take place; - bo'lib o'tmoq
in place of; - biror narsaning o'rniga
at a place - biror joyda
ask / answer a question; - savol so'ramoq / ga javob bermoq
question sth / sb; - biror narsaga / kishiga shubha bilan qaramoq
in question; - shubha ostida
question mark - so'roq belgisi
have / hold / take a view; - o'z qarashi bo'lmoq
be sb's view that; - biror kishining fikriga ko'ra
in my view; - mening fikrimcha
in view of; - biror narsa sabali
look at / see the view; - manzarani tomosha qilmoq
view of sth; - ning manzarasi
view from sth / swh - biror narsa / yerdan ko'rinadigan manzara
watch sth / sb; - biror narsa / kishini kuzatmoq
watch (out) for sth / sb; - biror narsa / kishidan ehtiyot bo'lmoq
keep watch - xabardor bo'lib turmoq
Word patterns
according to sb - kimningdir fikriga ko'ra
inform sb that; - kimgadir xabar bermoq
inform sb about / of sth - kimgadir biror narsa haqida xabar bermoq
announce sth (to sb); - kimgadir biror narsani e'lon qilmoq
announce that - deb e'lon qilmoq
likely to do; - biror ishni qilish ehtimoli bo'lmoq
likely that - biror narsaning ehtimoli bo'lmoq
believe sth; - biror narsaga ishonmoq
believe in sth; - biror narsaga ishonmoq
believe that; - deb ishonmoq
believe to be - bo'ladi deb ishonmoq
persuade sb to do; - kimnidir biror isni qilishga ko'ndirmoq
persuade sb that; - kimnidir ko'ndirmoq
persuade sb of sth - kimnidir biror narsaga ko'ndirmoq
comment on sth; - biror narsaga izoh bermoq
make a comment (to sb) about sth - kimgadir biror narsa haqida izoh bermoq
point (in) doing - biror isni qilishning foydasi
confuse sth / sb with sth / sb; - kimnidir / nimanidir kimdir / nimadir bilan adashtirmoq
confused about / by sth - biror narsada adashib ketmoq
send sb sth; - kimgadir biror narsa yubirmoq
send sth (to sb) - kimgadir biror narsa yubirmoq
correspond with sth / sb - kimnidir / nimanidir bilan mos kelmoq
by surprise; - kutilmaganda
surprised at / by sth - biror narsadan ajablanmoq
describe sth / sb as; - kimnidir / nimanidir ... sifatida tasvirlamoq
describe sth / sb to sb - biror kishiga biror narsa / kishini tasvirlab bermoq
tell sb sth; - biror kishiga biror narsani aytib bermoq
tell sb that; - kimgadir nimadir deb aytmoq
tell sb about sth / doing; - biror kishiga biror narsa / harakat haqida aytib bermoq
tell sb (not) to do - biror kishiga biror ishni qilishni (qilmaslikni) aytmoq
hear sth / sb; - kimnidir / nimanidir eshitmoq
hear about sth / sb; - biror kishi / narsa haqida eshitmoq
hear from sb - kimdandir xabar eshitmoq
Word formation
announce announcement, (un)announced - e'lon qilmoq
edit editor, editorial, edited - tahrirlamoq
power powerful(ly), powerless(ly), empower - kuch
belief disbelief, believe, (un)believable, (un)believably - ishonch
humour humorous, humourless - hajviya
ridicule ridiculous(ly), ridiculousness - masxara qilmoq
communicate communication, (un)communicative, communicator - aloqa qilmoq
inform information,(un)informed, (un)informative - xabar bermoq
second secondly, secondary - ikkinchi
convince convinced, (un)convincing - ko'ndirmoq
journal journalist, journalism, journalistic - jurnal
write writer, writing, wrote, (un)written - yozmoq
discuss discussion - muhokama qilmoq
politics political(ly), politician - siyosat
Unit 10 -
People and society
relationship / connection - munosabat, aloqa
support / assist - qo'llamoq, yordam bermoq
company / group - kompaniya
blame / fault - ayb
kind / polite - mehribon, odobli
popular / famous - ommabop, mashhur
old / ancient - eski, qadimiy
sympathetic / likeable - dardkash, yoqimli
typical / usual / ordinary - odatiy
crowd / audience - olamon, tomoshabinlar
nervous / bad-tempered - asabiy, jaxldor
close / near - yaqin
enjoy / please - zavqlanmoq, ko'nglini ko'tarmoq
sensitive / sensible - tasirchan, mulohazali
unknown / infamous - nomalum, yomon ishlari bilan tanilgan
ask after ask for news about - hol so'ramoq
make up become friends again after an argument - yarashmoq
bring up look after a child until he or she becomes an adult - tarbiyalamoq
pass away die - olamdan o'tmoq
fall for fall in love with; - oshiq bo'lmoq, ishonmoq
pick on keep treating someone badly or unfairly - jig'iga tegmoq
fall out (with) have an argument with and stop being friends - urushib qolmoq
put down criticise, make someone feel stupid - yerga urmoq
get on (with) have a good relationship (with) - chiqishmoq
settle down become calm after being upset,etc; - tinchlanmoq, o'rnashmoq
grow up become older - ulg'aymoq
stand up for support in an argument or fight - yonini olmoq
look down on think that you are better than - past nazarda qaramoq
take aback surprise (usually in passive voice) - hayratga tushmoq
look up to admire and respect - hurmat qilmoq
Phrases and collocations
show / give (your) approval of / for sth; - biror narsaga (o'zining) xayrixohligini bildirmoq
meet with sb's approval - kimdir kutganidek bo'lib chiqmoq
have an argument (with sb) (about sth / doing); - biror kishi bilan biror narsa / harakat ustida bahslashib qolmoq
win / lose an argument - bahsda g'olib / mag'lub bo'lmoq
take care (of sth / sb); - biror narsa / kishiga g'amxo'rlik qilmoq
care for / about sth / sb - biror narsa / kishiga qayg'urmoq
have the courage to do; - biror ishni qilish uchun jur'at topmoq
it takes courage to do - biror ishni qilish jur'at talab qiladi
in disguise; - niqob ostida
wear a disguise; - niqob taqmoq
disguise yourself; - o'zingizni yashirmoq
disguised as sth / sb - biror narsa / kishi kabi kiyinib olmoq
have a dream (about sth / sb / doing); - biror narsa / kishi / harakat haqida xayol surmoq
daydream; - xayol surmoq
dream of / about doing - biror ish qilish haqida orzu qilmoq
have / start a family; - oila qurmoq
nuclear family; - asosiy oila
extended family - katta oila
do / owe sb a favour; - biror kishiga yaxshilik qilmoq / qarz bo'lmoq
be in favour of - biror narsa / kishini qo'llamoq
make / become / be / stay friends (with sb); - do'stlashmoq, do'st bo'lib qolmoq
best friend - yaqin do'st
be / fall in love with sb - biror kishini sevib qolmoq
in a good / bad mood; - yaxshi / yomon kayfiyatda
in the right / wrong mood; - yaxshi / yomon kayfiyatda
in the mood for sth - biror narsaga kayfiyati bo'lmoq
pity sb; - biror kishiga achinmoq
take pity on sb; - rahmdillik qilmoq
feel pity for sb; - biror kishiga achinmoq
it's a pity (that) - bu achinarli holat
promise to do; - biror ish qilishga va'da bermoq
give / make sb a promise; - biror kishiga va'da bermoq
break a / your promise - va'dani buzmoq
agree with / on / to sth; - biror narsaga rozi bo'lmoq
agree with sb; - biror kishining fikriga qo'shilmoq
agree to do; - biror ishni qilishga kelishmoq
agree that - fikrga qo'shilmoq
force sb to do sth; - biror kishini biror ish qilishga majburlamoq
force sb into sth / doing - biror kishini biror ish qilishga undamoq
allow sb to do; - biror kishiga biror ishni qilishga ruxsat bermoq
allow sth - biror narsaga ruxsat bermoq
independent of / from sth - biror narsagan holi
approve of sth / doing; - biror isni qilishga ruxsat bermoq
approve sth - biror narsaga ruxsat bermoq
let sb do sth - biror kishini biror ish qilishga ruxsat bermoq
ask sb sth; - biror kishidan biror narsani so'ramoq
ask sb to do sth (for you); - biror kishidan (siz uchun) biror ish qilishni so'ramoq
ask about / for sth; - biror narsa haqida so'ramoq
ask if / whether - biror ishni imkoni borligini so'ramoq
object to sth / doing - biror narsaga / harakatga norozilik bildirmoq
attack sth; - biror narsaga hujum qilmoq
attack sb for sth / doing; - kimgadir biror ish / narsa uchun hujum qilmoq
an attack on sth / sb - biror narsa / kishiga hujum
pretend to be; - bo'lib ko'rsatmoq
pretend to do; - qilayotgandek ko'rsatmoq
pretend that - dek ko'rsatmoq
ban sb from sth / doing; - biror kishiga biror narsa / ishni taqiqlamoq
ban sth - biror narsani taqiqlamoq
rely on sth / sb - biror narsa / kishiga suyanmoq
convince sb (of sth); - biror kishini biror narsaga ko'ndirmoq
convince sb to do; - biror kishini biror ishni qilishga ko'ndirmoq
convince sb that - deb ko'ndirmoq
Word formation
able unable, (in)ability, disabled, disability - qobiliyati bor
happy unhappy,(un)happiness, (un)happily - xursand
obey disobey, (dis)obedient(ly), (dis)obedience - itoat qilmoq
achieve achievement - erishmoq
jealous jealousy, jealously - xasadgo'y
person (im)personal(ly), personality - kishi
argue argument,argumentative - bahslashmoq
kind unkind, (un)kindness, kindly - mehribon
polite impolite, (im)politely, (im)politeness - odobli
care careful(ly), careless(ly), (un)caring - g'amxo'rlik qilmoq
marry marriaqe, (un)married - turmush qurmoq
relate relative(ly), relation, relationship - bog'lamoq
correspond correspondence - mos kelmoq
nerve nervous(ly), nervousness - asab
willing unwilling, (un)willingness, (un)willingly - xayrixoh
friend friendship, (un)friendly - do'st
Unit 12
The law and crime
Topic vocabulary in contrast
proof / evidence - dalil
rule / law / justice / right - qoida, qonun, adolat, huquq
vandal / hooligan - bezori
suspect / arrest / charge - gumon qilmoq, xibsga olmoq, jarimaga solmoq
judge / jury - qozi, hakamlar hay'ati
sentence / imprison - qamoqqa olmoq
suspect / accused - gumondor, ayblanuvchi
prosecute / persecute - jazoga tortmoq, xo'rlamoq
innocent / guilty - aybsiz, aybdor
decision / verdict - qaror
capital punishment / corporal punishment - oliy jazo, jismoniy jazo
witness / bystander - guvoh
commit / break - sodir etmoq, buzmoq
robber / burglar / thief - kissovur, qulfbuzar, o'g'ri
lawyer / solicitor - advokat, yurist
back down stop demanding sth, stop saying that you will do sth - firidan qaytmoq
hand in give to a person in authority - taqdim etmoq
break out escape (from prison) - qamoqdan qochmoq
hold up rob while threatening violence; delay - qurolli bosqin uyushtirmoq, ortga surmoq
bring in introduce a new law or system - jore etmoq
let off give little or no punishment; - qo'yib yubormoq, bombani ishga tushurmoq
chase after follow sb / sth quickly in order to catch them - taqib qilmoq
look into investigate - o'rganmoq
come forward offer help or information - malumot / yordam bermoq
make off escape - qochmoq
get away with escape punishment for - qutulib qolmoq
take down write down what someone says - qayd etib bormoq
go off explode; - portlamoq, o'q uzilmoq
take in trick sb into believing sth that is not true - aldab ishontirmoq
Phrases and collocations
on account of; - tufayli
take into account; - inobatga olmoq
account for sth - biror narsaning sababi bo'lmoq
take advantage of sth / sb; - biror narsa / kishidan foydalanib qolmoq
have an advantage over sth / sb; - boshqa bir narsa / kishidan ustunlikka ega bo'lmoq
at an advantage; - ustunlikka ega bo'lmoq
an / one / etc advantage (of sth) - biror narsaning bir ustunligi
be to blame (for sth / doing); - biror narsa / harakatning sababchisi bo'lmoq
get / take the blame (for sth / doing); - aybni bo'yniga olmoq
put the blame on sth / sb; - biror narsa / kishini ayblamoq
blame sth (on sb); - biror narsada kimnidir ayblamoq
blame sb for sth / doing - biror kishini biror ish qilganlikda ayblamoq
do / cause damage (to sth) - zarar yetkazmoq
at fault - xato qilmoq
find fault with sth / sb - biror narsa / kishidan xato topmoq
have the / no intention of doing - biror ish qilish niyati bo'lmoq
make a mistake; - xato qilmoq
a mistake (to do); - biror ish qilishda xatolik
mistake sb for sb; - biror kishini boshqa bilan adashtirmoq
do sth by mistake - biror ishni behosdan qilmoq
necessary (for sb) to do - biror ishni qilish biror kishi uchun muhim bo'lmoq
in order; - tartib bilan
put sth in order; - biror narsani tartib bilan qo'ymoq
in order to do; - biror ishni qilish uchun
give an order (to sb) (to do) - biror kishiga biror ishni qilishni buyurmoq
give sb permission to do; - biror kishiga biror ish qilishga ruxsat bermoq
ask (sb) for permission to do; - biror kishidan biror ish qilish uchun ruxsat olmoq
have / ask for / get permission (from sb) to do - biror kishidan biror ish qilish uchun ruxsat so'ramoq / olmoq
do sth on purpose; - biror ishni atay qilmoq
purpose of sth - biror narsadan maqsad
reason why; - biror harakatning maqsadi
reason for sth; - biror narsaning maqsadi
reason with sb - to'g'ri yo'lga solmoq
have / find / think of / work out / come up with / figure out a solution (to sth) - yechim topmoq
do wrong; - noto'g'ri ish qilmoq
do the wrong thing; - noto'g'ri ishni qilmoq
the wrong thing to do; - biror ishni qilish noto'g'ri
go wrong; - noto'g'ri ish qilmoq
the wrong way up - noto'g'ri
accuse sb of sth / doing - biror kishini biror narsa / harakatda ayblamoq
doubt sth; - biror narsaga shubha qilmoq
doubt that; - shubha qilmoq
doubt if / whether - biror harakat sodir bo'lishiga shubha qilmoq
make sb do; - kimnidir majburlamoq
be made to do - biror ish qilishga majbur bo'lmoq
arrest sb for sth / doing - biror ish uchun biror kishini xibsga olmoq
forgive sb for sth / doing - biror kishini qilgan ishini kechirmoq
refuse to do sth; - biror ish qilishdan bosh tortmoq
refuse sth - biror narsadan bosh tortmoq
charge sb with sth - biror kishidan biror narsa uchun pul olmoq
glimpse sth; - biror narsaga ko'z qirini tashlamoq
catch a glimpse of sth - biror narsani payqab qolmoq
respect sth; - biror narsani hurmat qilmoq
respect sb for sth / doing; - biror kishini biror narsa harakat uchun hurmat qilmoq
have respect for sth / sb - biror narsa / kishiga hurmati bo'lmoq
claim to be / do - bo'lishga / bajarishga davo qilmoq
claim that - takidlamoq
guilty of sth / doing - biror narsa / harakatda aybdor
threaten to do - biror harakat bilan tahdid qilmoq
threaten sb with sth - biror narsa bilan tahdid qilmoq
deny sth / doing - biror narsa / harakatni rad qilmoq
legal (for sb) to do - biror kishi uchun ish harakati qonuniy bo'lmoq
Word formation
accuse accused, accusation - ayblamoq
honest dishonest, (dis)honesty, (dis)honestly - vijdonli, halol
prison prisoner, imprison(ed), imprisonment - qamoqxona
addict addicted, addictive, addiction - giyohvand
investigate investigative, investigation, investigator - o'rganmoq
prove proof, (un)proven, disprove - isbotlamoq
convict convicted, conviction - jinoyatchi
law lawyer, (un)lawful - qonun
rob robbery, robber - o'marmoq
crime criminal - jinoyat
murder murderer - qotil
secure insecure, (in)security - xavfsiz
evident evidence, evidently - yaqqol
offence offensive, offend, offender - jinoyat
theft thief - o'g'irlik
forge forgery, forger - qalbakilashtirmoq
Unit 14
Health and fitness
Topic vocabulary in contrast
prescription / recipe - retsept
thin / slim - oriq
infection / pollution - yallig'lanish, ifloslanish
operation / surgery - operatsiya
remedy / cure / therapy - davo
plaster / bandage - bint
sore / hurt / pain - og'riq
effect / result - tasir, natija
ward / clinic - kasalxona
illness / disease - kasallik
healthy / fit - sog'lom, baquvvat
dose / fix - me'yor
injured / damaged - jarohat olgan, zararlangan
examine / investigate - o'rganmoq
fever / rash - isitma, toshma
break out start suddenly (for a war, fire, etc) - to'satdan boshlanmoq
give up stop doing sth you do regularly - tashlamoq
bring on cause (an illness,etc) - keltirib chiqarmoq
look after take care of - g'amxo'rlik qilmoq
come down with start to suffer from a minor illness - aziyat chekmoq
pass out suddenly become unconscious - hushdan ketmoq
come round / to become conscious - o'ziga kelmoq
pull through survive (a serious illness, etc) - yengib o'tmoq
cut down (on) do less of (smoking, etc); - kamaytirmoq
put down kill (a sick / old animal) - o'ldirmoq
feel up to feel well enough to do - o'zini yaxshi his qilmoq
put on gain (weight) - vazn yig'moq
get over recover from (an illness, etc) - tuzalmoq
wear off stop being effective (for a drug, etc) - tasiri yo'qolmoq
Phrases and collocations
alternative medicine / therapy; - muqobil tabobat
find an alternative (to sth) - biror narsaga muqobilini topmoq
make / have / break an appointment - qabulga yozilmoq / bo'lmoq / bekor qilmoq
have / take a bath; - vanna qabul qilmoq
run a bath (for sb) - vannani to'ldirmoq
in danger,- xavf ostida
out of danger - xavfdan holi
do an exercise, do exercise; - mashq qilmoq
take / get (some) exercise - shug'ullanmoq
get / stay / keep / be fit; - chiniqmoq
fit and healthy - bardam-baquvvat
do sb good; - biror kishiga foydali bo'lmoq
sth does you good; - biror narsa sizga foyda beradi
good for sb (to do) - biror kishi uchin biror ish qilish foydali
in good / bad / poor / etc health; - sog'ligi yaxshi / yomon / achinarli
health centre; - sog'lomlashtirish markazi
health care - sog'likni saqlash
have an injection (for / against sth); - biror kasallikka qarshi ukol olmoq
give sb an injection - biror kishiga ukol qilmoq
take / prescribe medicine; - dori qabul qilmoq / yozib bermoq
practise / study medicine; - tabobatni o'rganmoq
the best medicine; - eng zo'r shifo
alternative medicine - muqobil davolash yo'li
get in / into shape; - formaga kelmoq
stay / keep in shape; - formada bo'lmoq
the shape of sth; - biror narsaning shakli
in the shape of - biror shaklda
spread sth; - biror narsani yoymoq
spread sth over / on sth; - biror narsa ustidan yoymoq
spread to a place - biror yerga tarqalmoq
Word patterns
addicted to sth - biror narsaga o'rganib qolmoq
need to do; - biror ishni qilishi kerak
need doing; - biror ish qilinishi kerak
in need of; - muhtoj bo'lmoq
no need for - zarurati yo'q
attempt to do - biror ish qilishga urinmoq
operate on sb / sth - biror narsa / kishi ustida jarrohlik amaliyotini amalga oshirmoq
benefit from sth; - biror narsadan foyda ko'rmoq
a benefit of sth - biror narsaning foydasi
suffer from sth; - biror narsadan aziyat chekmoq
suffer sth - biror narsani boshidan o'tkazmoq
complain (to sb) (about sth / sb doing); - biror kishiga biror narsa / harakat haqida shikoyat qilmoq
complain of sth - biror narsadan shikoyat qilmoq
tired of sth / doing - biror narsa / harakatdan charchamoq
cope with sth / doing - biror narsaga / harakatga bardosh bermoq
try to do; - biror ish qilishga urinmoq
try sth / sb / doing; - biror narsa / kishi / harakatni sinab ko'rmoq
try and do - harakat qilib ko'rmoq
inject sth into sth / sb - biror dorini tomirdan yubormoq
worry about sth / sb doing; - biror narsa / kishi harakatidan xavotirlanmoq
worried that; - xavotirda
worried about / by - biror narsadan xavotirda
lead to sth / (your) doing - biror narsa / harakatga sabab bo'lmoq
worth sth / doing - biror narsa / harakatga arziydi
likely to do; - biror ish qilish ehtimoli bor
it is (un)likely that - biror ish sodir bo'lish ehtimoli bor / kam
Word formation
allergy allergic - allergiya
fit unfit, fitness - baquvvat
poison poisonous, poisoning - zahar
aware unaware, awareness - xabardor
ill illness - kasal
recover recovery - tuzalmoq
benefit beneficial - foyda olmoq
inject injection - ukol qilmoq
strong strength, strengthen, strongly - kuchli
comfort discomfort, (un)comfortable, (un)comfortably - qulaylik
injure injury, injuries - jarohat olmoq
surgery surgeon,surgical(ly) - jarrohlik
emphasis emphasise, emphatic - urg'u
operate operation, operator, operating, cooperate, cooperation, (un)cooperative - ishlamoq,
treat treatment - davolamoq
Unit 16
Food and drink
Topic vocabulary in contrast
chop / slice / grate - maydalamoq, kesmoq, qirmoq
lunch / dinner - tushlik, kechki ovqat
freezer / fridge - muzxona, muzlatgich
bake / grill / fry / roast / boil - yopmoq, grillda pishirmoq, yog'da qovurmoq, olovda qovurmoq, qaynatmoq
plate / bowl / saucer / dish - tarelka, kosa, likopcha, idish
frozen / freezing - muzlagan, juda sovuq
cook / cooker / chef - oshpaz, gaz plitasi, bosh oshpaz
vegetable / vegetarian / vegan - sabzavot, vegetarian
mix / stir / whisk - aralashtirmoq, qo'zg'amoq,
oven / grill / hob - pech, grill,
fast food / takeaway - tez tayyor bo'ladigan taom
soft drink / fizzy drink - salqin / gazli ichimlik
kitchen / cuisine - oshxona
kettle / teapot - choynak
menu / catalogue - ro'yxat
drop in (on) visit unexpectedly - kirib o'tmoq
put off make sb not want to do or not like sth - ko'ngli qolmoq
get on for be almost a particular time, number, age, etc - borib qolmoq
run into meet by chance - duch kelmoq
go off be no longer fresh - aynib qolmoq
run out of not have any left - tugab qolmoq
go on continue happening or doing sth; - davom etmoq
take to begin to like; - yoqtirib qolmoq
go / come round go / come to sb's house to visit them - kirib o'tmoq
try out experiment with - sinab ko'rmoq
keep on continue doing sth - davom etmoq
turn out develop in a particular way or have a particular result - bo'lib chiqmoq
leave out not include - chetga surib qo'ymoq
turn up appear unexpectedly or without making a firm arrangement - qaydo bo'lmoq
Phrases and collocations
a good / great / etc cook; - yaxshi / ajoyib oshpaz
cook a meal / chicken / etc; - ovqat / tovuq pishirmoq
do the cooking - ovqat tayyorlamoq
make (sb) a drink; - ichimlik tayyorlamoq
have a drink (of sth); - biror ichimlikni ichmoq
drink sth; - biror ichimlikni ichmoq
drink to sb,- biror kishi uchun qadah ko'tarmoq
drink to sb's health; - biror kishining sog'ligi uchun ichish
drink a toast to sb - biror kishi uchun tost ko'tarmoq
feed an animal / etc; - biror jonzotni boqmoq
feed on sth - biror narsa bilan oziqlanish
fill sth (up); - biror narsani to'ldirish
filled with sth,- biror narsa bilan to'ldirilgan
full of sth - biror narsaga to'la
make / prepare / cook / serve food; - ovqat tayyorlamoq
fast / junk food; - tez tayyor bo'ladigan taom
pet food; - hayvonlar ovqati
health food - parxez taomi
make / cook / have a meal; - ovqat tayyorlamoq, ovqatlanmoq
go out for a meal - ovqatlangani chiqmoq
make / take / keep (a) note of sth; - biror narsani qayd etib bormoq
note sth (down) - qayd etib qo'ymoq,
on this / that occasion; - bu vaziyatda
on occasion; - bazida
on the occasion of sth; - qandaydir bir vaziyatda
special occasion - muhim vaziyat
follow a recipe; - retseptga rioya qilmoq
recipe book; - taomlar kitobi
recipe for disaster - falokatli bo'lishi ehtimoli bor
lay / set / clear the table; - dasturxon yozmoq, yig'ishtirmoq
book / reserve a table - stol buyurtma bermoq
wash the dishes; - idishlarni yuvmoq
wash one's hands; - qo'lni yuvmoq
do the washing-up; - idish yuvmoq
dishwasher; - idish yuvadigan mashina
washing machine - kir yuvadigan mashina
Word patterns
associate sth / sb with sth / sb - biror narsa / kishini boshqa narsa / kishi bilan bog'lamoq
regard sb as (being) sth - biror kishini qandaydir deb bilmoq
careful with / about / of sth - biror narsadan ehtiyot bo'lmoq
remember to do; - biror ishni qilishni eslamoq
remember sth / sb / doing; - biror narsa / kishi / harakatni eslamoq
remember that - biror holatni eslamoq
choose between; - birini tanlamoq
choose to do - biror ish qilishni tanlamoq
suggest sth / doing (to sb); - biror narsa / harakatni tavsiya qilmoq
suggest that - biror holarni tavsiya qilmoq
compliment sb on sth - biror kishini biror ish uchun maqtamoq
tend to do - biror ish qilishga moyil
full of sth - biror narsaga to'la
wait for sth / sb; - biror narsa / kishini kutmoq
wait (for sth) to do; - biror ish qilishni kutmoq
wait and see - nima sodir bo'lishini kutish
lack sth; - biror narsadan mosivo
lack of sth; - biror narsaning kamchiligi
lacking in sth - biror narsani yetishmovchiligi
willing to do - biror ishni qilishga xohishi bo'lmoq
offer sb sth; - biror kishiga biror narsani taklif qilish
offer sth (to sb); - biror kishiga biror narsani taklif qilish
offer to do - biror ish qilishni taklif qilmoq
Word formation
anxious anxiously, anxiety - xavotirda
grow growth, grown-up, growing, grown, home-grown, grower - o'smoq
safe unsafe, (un)safely, save, safety, saviour, saver - xavfsiz
appreciate (un)appreciative(ly), appreciation - qadrlamoq
mix mixed, mixture, mixer - aralashtirmoq
surprise (un)surprising(ly), surprised - ajablantirmoq
contain container, content(s) - tarkib topmoq
origin (un)original(ly),originate, originator - kelib chiqishi
sweet sweetly, sweetener, sweetness - shirin
create creative(ly), creation, creativity, creator - yaratmoq
prepare preparation, preparatory, (un)prepared - tayyorlamoq
thorough thoroughly, thoroughness - chuqur
disgust disgusting, disgusted - jirkanmoq
Unit 18
Education and learning
Topic vocabulary in contrast
take / pass - olmoq, uzatmoq
prefect / pupil / student - o'quvchi
lesson / subject - dars, fan
read / study - o'qimoq, o'rganmoq
qualifications / qualities - malaka sertifikati, sifati
achieve / reach - erishmoq
test / exam - sinov, imtihon
count / measure - sanamoq, o'lchamoq
task / effort - vazifa, harakat
primary / secondary / high - boshlang'ich, o'rta, yuqori
degree / certificate / results - daraja, sertifikat, natijalar
know / recognise - bilmoq, tanimoq
colleague / classmate - hamkasb, sinfdosh
speak / talk - gapirmoq, gaplashmoq
teach / learn - o'rgatmoq, o'rgatmoq
catch on understand - tushunmoq
get on with continue doing - davom etmoq
come (a)round (to) be persuaded to change your mind (about) - ko'nmoq
give in stop making an effort to achieve sth difficult - taslim bo'lmoq
cross out draw a line through sth written - ustidan chizmoq
keep up with stay at the same level as - bir maromda ketmoq
dawn on if something dawns on you, you realise it for the first time - tushunib yetmoq
sail through do something or deal with something very easily - osongina amalga oshirmoq
deal with handle, cope with - uddalamoq
set out explain, describe or arrange sth in a clear and detailed way - to'liq tushuncha bermoq
drop out (of) leave school, etc before you have finished a course - (maktab yoki kursni) tashlamoq
think over consider - o'ylab ko'rmoq
get at try to express - ifodalashga urinmoq
Phrases and collocations
pay attention (to sth / sb); - biror narsa / kishiga diqqat qaratmoq
attract (sb's) attention; - kimningdir diqqatini tortmoq
draw (sb's) attention to sth - kimningdir etiborini biror narsaga tortmoq
have / take a break (from sth / doing); - tanaffus qilmoq
lunch break; - katta tanaffus
tea break; - choyxo'rlik uchun tanaffus
commercial break; - reklama
give sb a break - kimgadir tanaffus bermoq
have a discussion (with sb) about / on sth / doing - biror narsa / harakat ustida biror kishi bilan munozara qilmoq
take / do / have / pass / fail an exam; - imtihon(dan) topshirmoq, o'tmoq, yiqilmoq
sit (for) an exam - imtihon topshirmoq
do your homework; - uyga vazifa bajarmoq
have homework (to do) - uyga vazifasi bo'lmoq
question an idea; - fikrga shubha qilmoq
have an idea; - fikrga ega bo'lmoq
bright idea; - ajoyib fikr
have no idea (about) - biror narsa haqida hech nimani bilmaslik
have a lot to learn about sth / doing; - biror narsa haqida ko'p narsani bilishi kerak
learn (how) to do - biror ishni (qanday) qilishni o'rganmoq
go to / have a lesson - darsga bormoq
double lesson; - juft dars
learn a / your lesson; - kimgadir biror narsa dars bo'ldi
teach sb a lesson - kimgadir dars berib qo'ymoq
make up your mind (about sth / doing); - biror narsa / harakat ustida bir fikrga kelmoq
bear (sth) in mind; - biror narsani yodda saqlamoq
in two minds about sth / doing; - biror narsa / harakat haqida ikkilanmoq
change your mind (about sth / doing); - (biror narsa / holat haqida) fikrni o'zgartirmoq.
cross your mind; - xayolingizga kelmoq
to my mind; - mening fikrimcha
(not) mind if - biror holatga qarshi bo'lmoq (bo'lmaslik)
in my opinion; - mening fikrimcha
give / express your / an opinion (of / about sth / doing); - biror narsa / hodisa haqida (o'z) fikrini aytmoq
hold / have an opinion (of / about sth / doing) - biror narsa / holat haqida qandaydir fikrda bo'lmoq
pass sth (over) to sb; - biror kishiga biror narsani uzatib yubormoq
pass an exam / test / etc; - test / imtihondan o'tmoq
pass a building / etc - bino yonidan o'tmoq
see / take sb's point (about sth / doing); - kimningdir fikrini tushunmoq
(see) the point in / of sth / doing; - biror ish qilishdan maqsadni tushunmoq
there's no point in sth / doing; - biror ish qilishdan naf yo'q
make a point (of doing) - biror ish qilishga jiddiy qaramoq
make sense of sth; - biror narsani tushunib yetmoq
it makes sense (to do); - tushunarli
sense of humour / taste / sight / etc - hazilni tishinish / tam bilish / ko'rish hissi
make / accept a suggestion - maslahat bermoq / maslahatga rozi bo'lmoq
able to do - biror ishni qila olish
fail to do - biror ishni uddalay olmaslik
similar to sth / sb / doing - biror narsa / harakat / kishiga o'xshamoq
admire sb (for sth / doing) - biror kishini biror narsa / harakat uchun hurmat qilmoq
hope to do; - biror ishni qilishga umid qilmoq
hope that - deb umid qilmoq
study sth; - biror narsani o'rganmoq
study for sth - biror narsa uchun o'qimoq
boast of / about sth / doing (to sb) - biror kishiga biror narsa haqida maqtanmoq
learn about sth / doing; - biror narsa haqida o'rganmoq
learn to do; - biror ishni qilishni o'rganmoq
learn by doing - biror ish orqali o'rganmoq
succeed in sth / doing - biror narsada muvoffaqqiyatga erishmoq
capable of doing - biror ish qo'lidan keladi
settle for / on sth - biror to'xtamga kelmoq
suitable for sth / doing; - biror narsaga mos kelmoq
suitable to do - biror ish qilishga mos keladi
congratulate sb on sth / doing - biror kishini biror narsada tabriklamoq
Word formation
academy academic, academically - akademiya
improve improvement, improved - oshirmoq
solve solution, (un)solvable - yechim topmoq
attend attention, (in)attentive(ly), attendance, attendant - qatnamoq
intense intensity, intensify, intensely - kuchli
study student, studies, studious - o'rganmoq
behave behaviour - o'zini tutmoq
literate illiterate, (il)literacy, literature - savodli
teach teacher, taught - o'qitmoq
certify certificate, certified - tasdiqlamoq
reason (un)reasonable, (un)reasonably, reasoning - sabab
think thought, (un)thinkable, thoughtful, thoughtless - o'ylamoq
educate education, educator, educational(ly) - talim bermoq
revise revision, revised - takorlamoq
understand (mis)understanding, (mis)understood, understandable, understandably - tushunmoq
fail failure, failing - muvoffaqqiyatsizlikka uchramoq
scholar scholarship, scholarly, scholastic - olim
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