The – aniq artiklining turdosh otlar bilan ishlatilishi
23. Boshqalaridan ajratib ko’rsatilgan turdosh otlar the bilan ish-di: Aziz, give me the book that I gave you yesterday. The apples on this tree are very red and big.
24. Vaziyatdan bizga ma’lum va xona ichidagi narsalarga the artikli ish-di: Open the door. Turn off the light. Turn on the light. Give me the salt, please.
25. “of” predlogi bilan kelgan turdosh otlar the b-n ish-di: The music of this film is very pleasant. Lekin: I like music.
26. the police, the fire-brigade, the army, the bank, the post office, the doctor, the dentist so’zlari vaziyatga ko’ra asosan the bilan ish-di: I must go to the bank to change some money. Lekin, alohida bino yoki shaxs nazarda tutilganda a/an ishlatiladi: There was a bank next to our house. I saw a doctor in the yard.
27. Oldin gapirilgan ot qayta takrorlanganda the bilan ish-di: For lunch I had a sandwich and an apple. The sandwich wasn’t very nice, but the apple was very nice.
28. Dunyoda yagona narsalar oldidan the ish-di: the moon, the world, the sun, the universe-koinot.
29. Sifatning orttirma darajalari oldida boshqa ko’rsatgichlar bo’lmasa deyarli hamisha the ish-di: The longest river in the world is the Nile. Dunyoda eng uzun daryo Nil daryosidir. Boshqa ko’rsatgichlar (my, his, their, some, any, much) bo’lsa artikl ishlatilmaydi. My best friend. Her eldest son.
30. the sea, the sky, the ground, the countryside the country so’zlari deyarli hamisha the bilan ish-di: The sky is very far from. Lekin dengizga sayohatga borish, sayohatda bo’lish ma’nolarida sea so’zi bilan artikl ishlatilmaydi: I go to sea every year. Men har yili dengiz sayohatiga boraman. I am at sea now. Men hozir dengiz sayohatidaman. I am going to sea. Men dengiz sayohatiga borayapman. Lekin: I am going to the sea. Men dengizga borayapman (balki piyoda). I am at the sea. Men dengizning yonida turibman.
31. Space- 1) so’zi “fazo” ma’nosida artiklsiz ishlatiladi, sanalmaydi: There are millions of stars in space. 2) “joy” ma’nosida artikl bilan ishlatiladi: He tried to park his car but the space wasn’t big enough.
32. Cinema, theatre so’zlari odamlar yig’iladigan jamoat joyi sifatida ishlatilsa the bilan ish-di: I am going to the cinema now. I don’t usually go to the theatre . Lekin bino nazarda tutilsa bir5likda a/an bilan ishlatiladi: There was a cinema near our house.
33. Radio- so’zi aloqa vositasi ma’nosida the bilan ish-di: I heard the news on the radio. Men yangiliklarni radiodan eshitdim. Jihoz nazarda tutilganda a bilan ish-di: I have a radio at home.
34. Television- 1) so’zi televideniye, ko’rsatuvlar va dasturlar vositasi sifatida olinsa, shuningdek to watch fe’li bilan kelsa artiklsiz ishlatiladi: I am watching TV now. I watched the film on TV. 2) Agar u jihoz ma’nosida olinsa the bilan ish-di: Can you turn off the television, pleace? Iltimos Televisorni o’chirib yuborasizmi. Turn on the TV set. Televizorni qo’ying.
Lekin, og’zaki nutqdagi the telly so’zi the artikli bilan ish-di: I am watching the telly.
35. Dunyodagi yoki biror joydagi va vaziyatdagi narsa va shaxslarning hammasini ifodalamoqchi bo’lsak otni the bilan ishlatamiz: He teaches English to the students of our Institute. U institutimizning barcha talabalariga inglizcha o’qitadi. He teaches English to students of our Institute. U institutimizning ba’zi bir talabalariga inglizcha o’qitadi.
36. Butun bir guruhni ifodalab kelgan birlikdagi so’zlar oldidan the ish-di: The giraffe is the tallest of all animals. Lekin ko’plik shaklida butun bir guruhni ifodalab kelsa artiklsiz ish-di: Giraffes are the tallest of all animals. Oranges are green until they are ripen. Apelsinlar pishguncha yashil bo’ladi.
37. Kashf qilingan ba’zi mashina va jihoz turlari the bilan ish-di: The bicycle is an excellent means of transport.
38. Musiqa asboblari nomlari oldidan the ish-di: Musiqiy asboblar ohang taratuvchi vosita sifatida olinganda yoki to play fe’li bilan kelganda the bilan ishlatiladi: The piano is my favourite musical instrument. He is playing the violin. U g’ijjak chalayapti. Lekin: Musiqa asboblari alohida jihoz ma’nosida olinganda a/an artikllari ishlatiladi: I have a guitar. Menda gitara bor. I love playing the violin (the pipe, the guitar)
39. Ba’zi sifatlar gapda ot bilan kelmasdan yolg’iz kelib the bilan ish-di va ma’nosi hamisha ko’plikda bo’ladi, ya’ni sifatlar otlashadi: the rich-boylar, the poor-kambag’allar, the old-keksalar, the young-yoshlar, the blind-ko’rlar, the deaf-karlar, the sick-kasallar, the dead-marhumlar, the disabled-nogironlar, the unemployed-ishsizlar, the injured-yaradorlar. The rich live in luxurious houses. The poor are living in slums. Lekin yolg’iz bir kishi ifodalanganda sifatlar oldidan a/an ish-di: a rich man, a blind woman, a poor girl.
40. Millat va xalq nomlari oldidan the ish-di va ma’nosi ko’plikda bo’ladi: the British- Britaniyaliklar, the English, the Welsh, the Irish, the Spanish, the French, the Dutch-Gollandlar, the Swiss-shetsariyaliklar.
41. –ese qo’shimchasi bilan tugaydigan millat nomlari ham the bilan ishlatiladi: the Japanese, the Chinese.
42. Ko’pgina millat nomlari the bilan kelib –s qo’shimchasini oladi: the Russians, the Italians, the Scots, the Arabs, the Turks.
43. Most so’zi sifatning orttirma darajasini ifodalab “eng, juda” ma’nolarida kelsa the bilan ish-di: the most interesting film. Lekin most so’zi “ko’pgina” ma’nosida kelsa artiklsiz ishlatiladi: Most people like English. Most dogs bite.
44. Aniq bir joydagi narsa nomlari oldidan the ish-di: I like your garden. The flowers are especially beautiful. Lekin umumiy ma’noda kelgan otlar artiklsiz ish-di: I like flowers. I like music.
45. Tartib sonlar oldidan the ish-di: the first, the second, the third, the fourth… The office is on the second floor. The second course – ikkinchi ovqat, Lekin boshqa ko’rsatgichlar bilan kelgan tartib sonlar artiklsiz ishlatiladi: My second book is about war. Oybek’s first lesson.
Agar tartib son predmet yoki shaxsning tartibini bildirmasdan “yana bir, ikkinchi bir” ma’nolarida kelsa a/an bilan ish-di: A third man entered the room. I looked at a second book.
Agar tartib son daraja yoki o’rinni ifodalab kelsa a/an bilan ish-di: A firs prize, A first-class driver, A first night-birinchi kungi primiyera.
46. Sanoq son bilan kelgan otlar artiklsiz ish-di: Two men entered the room. Lekin sanoq son bilan kelgan ot bizga ma’lum bo’lsa the ishlatiladi va u “o’sha” deb tarjima qilinadi: I met two men in the garden. The two men entered my room. Men bog’da ikki kishini uchratdim. O’sha ikki kishi xonamga kirib keldi. The two missing explorers were found safe and sound. Ikkita yo’qolgan tadqiqotchi soppa-sog’ topildi.
47. Quyidagi so’zlar ushbu ma’nolarda hamisha the bilan ish-di: the same-bir xil, the next-keyingi, the last-oxirgi, the very-aynan, the following-kelgusi, the only-yagona, the proper-mos, the previous-oldingi, the opposite-teskari, the necessary-kerakli, the so-called. Aziz is the only boy in his family. This is the very person I need. Menga kerakli odam aynan shu.
Lekin next va last so’zlari “kelasi va o’tgan”deb tarjima qilinib, vaqtni ifodalab kelsa artiklsiz ish-di: next week, last week, next month, last month, last year, next year, last time, last night, next winter, …
48. Rest – so’zi “dam, dam olish” ma’nosida kelsa a artikli bilan ish-di. U to have a rest birikmasida ham ish-di: I am having a rest now. Lekin Rest so’zi “qolganlari, boshqalari” ma’nosida hamisha the bilan ish-di: The rest of my books are at home.
47. The telephone-telefon so’zi “telefonda gaplashmoq” birikmasida kelganda the bilan ishlatiladi: He is speaking on the telephone. U telefonda gaplashyapti. Lekin on the telephone/on the phone birikmalarining “telefon tarmog’iga ulangan bo’lmoq ma’nosi ham mavjud”
48. Fan-texnikaga oid Atamalar the artikli bilan ishlatiladi: The subject, The predicate,
49. Tabiat hodisalari nomlari oldidan quyidagicha birikmalarda the ishlatiladi: in the cold-sovuqda, in the rain-yomg’irda, in the snow-qorda, in the wind-shamolda. in the sun-quyoshda.
50. Fan-texnikaga oid atamalar the artikli bilan ishlatiladi: the subject, the object, the predicate, the mind,
51. Quyidagi birikmalarda va vaziyatdan ma’lum tabiat hodisalariga the artikli ishlatiladi: in the sun, in the wind, in the cold, in the rain, the rain. The wind is increasing. Shamol kuchayayapti.
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