6. MAKE fe’li bilan ko’p ishlatiladigan otlar: to make (- an announcement, an application, an arrangement, an attempt, a choice, a comment, a contribution, a decision, a difference, a discovery, an enquiry, an excuse, a habit of doing smth, a list, a journey, a mistake, money, a phone call, a plan, a point, a promise, a remark, a sound, a speech, a suggestion)
7. MAKE fe’li kishilarga nisbatan ishlatilib ularning biror ish yoki mavqeda muvaffaqiyat qozonishini bildiradi: He will make a good teacher. U yaxshi o’qituvchi bo’ladi. He will make an excellent prime minister. U ajoyib bosh vazir bo’lib yetishadi. The old table will make a good place to put the television. Bu eski stol televizorni qo’yish uchun yaxshi joy hosil qiladi.
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