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  1. M.X.Hakimov,S.M.Gaynazarov. Berilganlar bazasini boshqarish tizimlari.

  2. M.Z.Babamuxamedova A.K.Ergashev Operatsion tizimlar va axborotlarga birlamchi ishlov berish.

  3. Kamilov M.M., Babamuhamedova M.Z. Kompyuter va avtomatlashtirilgan tizimlarning dasturiy ta‟minoti .

  4. Raxmonkulova I., Gulomov S.S., Zayniddinov X.N. IBM PC shahsiy komyuteridan foydalanuvchilar uchun oquv qollanma, 1994-yil.






#pragma endregion


private: System::Void button1_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) {

MyForm ^f= gcnew MyForm(); f->Show();

f->Text="Bazaga ma`lumot qo`shish";


private: System::Void button2_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) {

dataSet1->Clear(); oleDbDataAdapter1->Fill(dataSet1); label1->Visible=true;

textBox1->Visible=true; textBox1->Focus();

// pictureBox3->Visible=true;


private: System::Void Form1_Load(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) {


private: System::Void textBox1_TextChanged(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) {

oleDbDataAdapter1->SelectCommand->CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Mashinalar WHERE Mashina_nomi LIKE '%"+textBox1-

>Text+"%' ";

//oleDbDataAdapter1->SelectCommand- ExecuteNonQuery();

DataTable ^dt= gcnew DataTable(); oleDbDataAdapter1->Fill(dt); dataGridView1->DataSource = dt;


private: System::Void dataGridView1_CellContentClick(System::Object^ sender, System::Windows::Forms::DataGridViewCellEventArgs^ e) {

MyForm1^ inf = gcnew MyForm1;












inf->name->Text +=

Convert::ToString(dataGridView1[1, e->RowIndex]->Value);

inf->label2->Text +=

Convert::ToString(dataGridView1[2, e->RowIndex]->Value);

inf->label3->Text +=

Convert::ToString(dataGridView1[3, e->RowIndex]->Value);

inf->label4->Text +=

Convert::ToString(dataGridView1[5, e->RowIndex]->Value);

inf->label5->Text +=

Convert::ToString(dataGridView1[8, e->RowIndex]->Value);

inf->label6->Text +=

Convert::ToString(dataGridView1[7, e->RowIndex]->Value);



private:System::Void chiqishToolStripMenuItem_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) {



private:System::Void dasturHaqidaToolStripMenuItem_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) {

MyForm2 ^f = gcnew MyForm2(); f->Show();


private:System::Void saqlashToolStripMenuItem_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) {

DataTable ^dt= gcnew DataTable();

// oleDbDataAdapter1->DeleteCommand=; oleDbDataAdapter1->Update(dataSet1-


private: System::Void panel1_Paint(System::Object^ sender, System::Windows::Forms::PaintEventArgs^ e) {


private:System::Void saqlashToolStripMenuItem_Click_1(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) {



dataSet1->Clear(); oleDbDataAdapter1->Fill(dataSet1);




using System;

using System.Collections;

using System.Collections.Concurrent;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Collections.ObjectModel;

using System.Configuration;

using System.Configuration.Assemblies;

using System.ComponentModel;

using System.Data;

using System.Data.Common;

using System.Data.ProviderBase;

using System.Data.Sql;

using System.Data.SqlTypes;

using System.Diagnostics;

using System.Globalization;

using System.IO;

using System.Linq;

using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;

using System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution;

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

using System.Runtime.Remoting;

using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters;

using System.Text;

using System.Threading;

using System.Threading.Tasks;

using System.Security;

using System.Security.Permissions;

using System.Reflection;

using System.Runtime.Versioning;

using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;

using System.Security.Principal;

using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;


public sealed partial class SqlConnection: DbConnection, ICloneable {

static SqlConnection() {

SqlColumnEncryptionEnclaveProviderConfigurationSection sqlColumnEncryptionEnclaveProviderConfigurationSection = null;

try {

sqlColumnEncryptionEnclaveProviderConfigurationSection = (SqlColumnEncryptionEnclaveProviderConfigurationSection)ConfigurationManager.GetSection("SqlColumnEncryptionEnclaveProviders");

} catch (ConfigurationErrorsException e) {

throw SQL.CannotGetSqlColumnEncryptionEnclaveProviderConfig(e);


sqlColumnEncryptionEnclaveProviderConfigurationManager = new SqlColumnEncryptionEnclaveProviderConfigurationManager(sqlColumnEncryptionEnclaveProviderConfigurationSection);


static private readonly object EventInfoMessage = new object();

static internal readonly SqlColumnEncryptionEnclaveProviderConfigurationManager sqlColumnEncryptionEnclaveProviderConfigurationManager;

// System column encryption key store providers are added by default

static private readonly Dictionary _SystemColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders

= new Dictionary(capacity: 1, comparer: StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)


{SqlColumnEncryptionCertificateStoreProvider.ProviderName, new SqlColumnEncryptionCertificateStoreProvider()},

{SqlColumnEncryptionCngProvider.ProviderName, new SqlColumnEncryptionCngProvider()},

{SqlColumnEncryptionCspProvider.ProviderName, new SqlColumnEncryptionCspProvider()}



/// Custom provider list should be provided by the user. We shallow copy the user supplied dictionary into a ReadOnlyDictionary.

/// Custom provider list can only supplied once per application.


static private ReadOnlyDictionary _CustomColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders;

// Lock to control setting of _CustomColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders

static private readonly Object _CustomColumnEncryptionKeyProvidersLock = new Object();


/// Dictionary object holding trusted key paths for various SQL Servers.

/// Key to the dictionary is a SQL Server Name

/// IList contains a list of trusted key paths.


static private readonly ConcurrentDictionary> _ColumnEncryptionTrustedMasterKeyPaths

= new ConcurrentDictionary>(concurrencyLevel: 4 * Environment.ProcessorCount /* default value in ConcurrentDictionary*/,

capacity: 1,

comparer: StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);






static public IDictionary> ColumnEncryptionTrustedMasterKeyPaths




return _ColumnEncryptionTrustedMasterKeyPaths;




/// Defines whether query metadata caching is enabled.


static private bool _ColumnEncryptionQueryMetadataCacheEnabled = true;






static public bool ColumnEncryptionQueryMetadataCacheEnabled




return _ColumnEncryptionQueryMetadataCacheEnabled;




_ColumnEncryptionQueryMetadataCacheEnabled = value;




/// Defines whether query metadata caching is enabled.


static private TimeSpan _ColumnEncryptionKeyCacheTtl = TimeSpan.FromHours(2);






static public TimeSpan ColumnEncryptionKeyCacheTtl




return _ColumnEncryptionKeyCacheTtl;




_ColumnEncryptionKeyCacheTtl = value;




/// This function should only be called once in an app. This does shallow copying of the dictionary so that

/// the app cannot alter the custom provider list once it has been set.


/// Example:


/// Dictionary customKeyStoreProviders = new Dictionary();

/// MySqlClientHSMProvider myProvider = new MySqlClientHSMProvider();

/// customKeyStoreProviders.Add(@"HSM Provider", myProvider);

/// SqlConnection.RegisterColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders(customKeyStoreProviders);


/// Custom column encryption key provider dictionary

static public void RegisterColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders(IDictionary customProviders)


// Return when the provided dictionary is null.

if (customProviders == null)


throw SQL.NullCustomKeyStoreProviderDictionary();


// Validate that custom provider list doesn't contain any of system provider list

foreach (string key in customProviders.Keys)


// Validate the provider name


// Check for null or empty

if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(key))


throw SQL.EmptyProviderName();


// Check if the name starts with MSSQL_, since this is reserved namespace for system providers.

if (key.StartsWith(ADP.ColumnEncryptionSystemProviderNamePrefix, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))


throw SQL.InvalidCustomKeyStoreProviderName(key, ADP.ColumnEncryptionSystemProviderNamePrefix);


// Validate the provider value

if (customProviders[key] == null)


throw SQL.NullProviderValue(key);



lock (_CustomColumnEncryptionKeyProvidersLock)


// Provider list can only be set once

if (_CustomColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders != null)


throw SQL.CanOnlyCallOnce();


// Create a temporary dictionary and then add items from the provided dictionary.

// Dictionary constructor does shallow copying by simply copying the provider name and provider reference pairs

// in the provided customerProviders dictionary.

Dictionary customColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders =

new Dictionary(customProviders, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

// Set the dictionary to the ReadOnly dictionary.

_CustomColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders = new ReadOnlyDictionary(customColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders);




/// This function walks through both system and custom column encryption key store providers and returns an object if found.


/// Provider Name to be searched in System Provider diction and Custom provider dictionary.

/// If the provider is found, returns the corresponding SqlColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProvider instance.

/// true if the provider is found, else returns false

static internal bool TryGetColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProvider(string providerName, out SqlColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProvider columnKeyStoreProvider) {

Debug.Assert(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(providerName), "Provider name is invalid");

// Initialize the out parameter

columnKeyStoreProvider = null;

// Search in the sytem provider list.

if (_SystemColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders.TryGetValue(providerName, out columnKeyStoreProvider))


return true;


lock (_CustomColumnEncryptionKeyProvidersLock)


// If custom provider is not set, then return false

if (_CustomColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders == null)


return false;


// Search in the custom provider list

return _CustomColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders.TryGetValue(providerName, out columnKeyStoreProvider);




/// This function returns a list of system provider dictionary currently supported by this driver.


/// Combined list of provider names

static internal List GetColumnEncryptionSystemKeyStoreProviders() {

HashSet providerNames = new HashSet(_SystemColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders.Keys);

return providerNames.ToList();



/// This function returns a list of custom provider dictionary currently registered.


/// Combined list of provider names

static internal List GetColumnEncryptionCustomKeyStoreProviders() {

if(_CustomColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders != null)


HashSet providerNames = new HashSet(_CustomColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders.Keys);

return providerNames.ToList();


return new List();


private SqlDebugContext _sdc; // SQL Debugging support

private bool _AsyncCommandInProgress;

// SQLStatistics support

internal SqlStatistics _statistics;

private bool _collectstats;

private bool _fireInfoMessageEventOnUserErrors; // False by default

// root task associated with current async invocation

Tuple, Task> _currentCompletion;

private SqlCredential _credential; // SQL authentication password stored in SecureString

private string _connectionString;

private int _connectRetryCount;

private string _accessToken; // Access Token to be used for token based authententication

// connection resiliency

private object _reconnectLock = new object();

internal Task _currentReconnectionTask;

private Task _asyncWaitingForReconnection; // current async task waiting for reconnection in non-MARS connections

private Guid _originalConnectionId = Guid.Empty;

private CancellationTokenSource _reconnectionCancellationSource;

internal SessionData _recoverySessionData;

internal WindowsIdentity _lastIdentity;

internal WindowsIdentity _impersonateIdentity;

private int _reconnectCount;

// Transient Fault handling flag. This is needed to convey to the downstream mechanism of connection establishment, if Transient Fault handling should be used or not

// The downstream handling of Connection open is the same for idle connection resiliency. Currently we want to apply transient fault handling only to the connections opened

// using SqlConnection.Open() method.

internal bool _applyTransientFaultHandling = false;

public SqlConnection(string connectionString) : this(connectionString, null) {


public SqlConnection(string connectionString, SqlCredential credential) : this() {

ConnectionString = connectionString; // setting connection string first so that ConnectionOption is available

if (credential != null)


// The following checks are necessary as setting Credential property will call CheckAndThrowOnInvalidCombinationOfConnectionStringAndSqlCredential

// CheckAndThrowOnInvalidCombinationOfConnectionStringAndSqlCredential it will throw InvalidOperationException rather than Arguemtn exception

// Need to call setter on Credential property rather than setting _credential directly as pool groups need to be checked

SqlConnectionString connectionOptions = (SqlConnectionString) ConnectionOptions;

if (UsesClearUserIdOrPassword(connectionOptions))


throw ADP.InvalidMixedArgumentOfSecureAndClearCredential();


if (UsesIntegratedSecurity(connectionOptions))


throw ADP.InvalidMixedArgumentOfSecureCredentialAndIntegratedSecurity();


if (UsesContextConnection(connectionOptions))


throw ADP.InvalidMixedArgumentOfSecureCredentialAndContextConnection();


if (UsesActiveDirectoryIntegrated(connectionOptions))


throw SQL.SettingCredentialWithIntegratedArgument();


Credential = credential;


// else

// credential == null: we should not set "Credential" as this will do additional validation check and

// checking pool groups which is not necessary. All necessary operation is already done by calling "ConnectionString = connectionString"



private SqlConnection(SqlConnection connection) { // Clone



_connectionString = connection._connectionString;

if (connection._credential != null)


SecureString password = connection._credential.Password.Copy();


_credential = new SqlCredential(connection._credential.UserId, password);


_accessToken = connection._accessToken;



// This method will be called once connection string is set or changed.

private void CacheConnectionStringProperties() {

SqlConnectionString connString = ConnectionOptions as SqlConnectionString;

if (connString != null) {

_connectRetryCount = connString.ConnectRetryCount;

// For Azure SQL connection, set _connectRetryCount to 2 instead of 1 will greatly improve recovery

// success rate

if (_connectRetryCount == 1 && ADP.IsAzureSqlServerEndpoint(connString.DataSource))


_connectRetryCount = 2;







// used to start/stop collection of statistics data and do verify the current state


// devnote: start/stop should not performed using a property since it requires execution of code


// start statistics

// set the internal flag (_statisticsEnabled) to true.

// Create a new SqlStatistics object if not already there.

// connect the parser to the object.

// if there is no parser at this time we need to connect it after creation.







public bool StatisticsEnabled {

get {

return (_collectstats);


set {

if (IsContextConnection) {

if (value) {

throw SQL.NotAvailableOnContextConnection();



else {

if (value) {

// start

if (ConnectionState.Open == State) {

if (null == _statistics) {

_statistics = new SqlStatistics();

ADP.TimerCurrent(out _statistics._openTimestamp);


// set statistics on the parser

// update timestamp;

Debug.Assert(Parser != null, "Where's the parser?");

Parser.Statistics = _statistics;



else {

// stop

if (null != _statistics) {

if (ConnectionState.Open == State) {

// remove statistics from parser

// update timestamp;

TdsParser parser = Parser;

Debug.Assert(parser != null, "Where's the parser?");

parser.Statistics = null;

ADP.TimerCurrent(out _statistics._closeTimestamp);




this._collectstats = value;




internal bool AsyncCommandInProgress {

get {

return (_AsyncCommandInProgress);


[ReliabilityContract(Consistency.WillNotCorruptState, Cer.Success)]

set {

_AsyncCommandInProgress = value;



internal bool IsContextConnection {

get {

SqlConnectionString opt = (SqlConnectionString)ConnectionOptions;

return UsesContextConnection(opt);




/// Is this connection using column encryption ?


internal bool IsColumnEncryptionSettingEnabled {

get {

SqlConnectionString opt = (SqlConnectionString)ConnectionOptions;

return opt != null ? opt.ColumnEncryptionSetting == SqlConnectionColumnEncryptionSetting.Enabled : false;




/// Get enclave attestation url to be used with enclave based Always Encrypted


internal string EnclaveAttestationUrl {

get {

SqlConnectionString opt = (SqlConnectionString)ConnectionOptions;

return opt.EnclaveAttestationUrl;



// Is this connection is a Context Connection?

private bool UsesContextConnection(SqlConnectionString opt)


return opt != null ? opt.ContextConnection : false;


private bool UsesActiveDirectoryIntegrated(SqlConnectionString opt)


return opt != null ? opt.Authentication == SqlAuthenticationMethod.ActiveDirectoryIntegrated : false;


private bool UsesAuthentication(SqlConnectionString opt) {

return opt != null ? opt.Authentication != SqlAuthenticationMethod.NotSpecified : false;


// Does this connection uses Integrated Security?

private bool UsesIntegratedSecurity(SqlConnectionString opt) {

return opt != null ? opt.IntegratedSecurity : false;


// Does this connection uses old style of clear userID or Password in connection string?

private bool UsesClearUserIdOrPassword(SqlConnectionString opt) {

bool result = false;

if (null != opt) {

result = (!ADP.IsEmpty(opt.UserID) || !ADP.IsEmpty(opt.Password));


return result;


internal SqlConnectionString.TransactionBindingEnum TransactionBinding {

get {

return ((SqlConnectionString)ConnectionOptions).TransactionBinding;



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