Task 2 02.02.2021 Agree/Disagree
Topic: The government investment in arts, music and theatre is a waste of money. Governments should invest these funds in public services instead. To what extant do you agree with this statement?
In the highly competitive era of today, investing money by authority in arts, music, and theatre has become more popular comparing to public services. A group of advocates claim that investment of government is more needed to public services than arts. This essay will advocate why paying attention to public services is entirely necessary. (54)
On the one hand, most of the people (many people) have always emphasized (present perfect zamon g’alati ishlatilgan bu yerda) that government’s attention to arts and music is worthless because they cannot help to solve urgent problems such as nursing patients or teaching young generations (generation o’zi doim young bo’ladi-ku. Young people de undan ko’ra). Indeed, in 2007, a group of political scientists from different countries discovered that attention of authority to arts affected to development of country negatively, for example; many mathematic teachers or builders lost their jobs because of less attention, it means hundreds of families become hungry or poor (became bo’lmaydimmi? Chunki tepada lost isshlattinggku). Poverty never brings good development. These few instances (o’zi bittagina misol keltirding xolos-ku. Few instances ddeyapsan?) have revealed that spending money on arts by government resulted (shu yyerga in kerak. Chunki result in buuladi) little income. (103)
On the other hand, government should allocate a large (part, piece, share – shu so’zlardann bbirroonntassii shu yerda turishi kerak) of its budget on urgent needs of the society. This economic sector determines overall (bu yerda general kelladi. Overall tushmaaydi) quality of life such as schools, roads, and hospitals are available every citizens’ daily needs (buu gapingni bosshqattan yooz. Ega, kesimi biir-biriga mos emas). Public services satisfy primary needs of the society and they should be (fully shuu yerda turadi) funded fully because artists or musicians don’t cure diseases or teach soldiers to protect government so arts, theatre and music are secondary issue that can be funded by people themselves (bu gaaping ham maymuunnning dumidann ham uzun. Uni 2 yoki 3 ga bo’’l, yaa’ni ttuyaning dumiga o’xshat).(80)
After analyzing above (abovementioned so’zi qo’llanadi. Above niing o’zzi adjective bo’’lolmaydi) ideas, this essay argued that allocating a large (?) of authority’s budget on public services is more useful than art (1-ddan bu gapingni o’zzingg bir taarjima qqilib ko’rchi. Judaaa chuuchmalmasmi? 2-dan nimani nimaga solishtiryaapsan? Shuni ham biir analiz qiliib ko’rchi. …iis more useful than art??????). In my experience (in my opinion masmi?), urgent needs of the society should be (fully)funded fully because they satisfy primary needs of the society. (42)
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