mind –fikrini o’zgartirmoq If you change your mind about coming tonight, just give me a call.
When I first met him I didn't like him but I've changed my mind.
Change for the better/worse-yaxshi/yomon tomonga o’zgarmoq Her attitude has definitely changed for the better since she started this new job.
Change smth from to smth - . . .dan . . .ga o’zgarmoq The time of the meeting has been changed from 11 to 10 30
Change places –kimningdir o’rnida/xolatida bo’lmoq I wouldn't change places with him for the world!
He may be rich, but I wouldn’t want to change places with her
Change places –joy almashmoq Would you mind changing places with me so I can sit next to my friend?
Undergo a change –o’zgarishni boshdan kechirmoq Family life has undergone dramatic change in recent years
Round-the-clock –kechayu kunduz He's very sick and needs round-the-clock
care .
Against time/the clock –vaqtga qarshi It was a real race against time to get all the costumes sewn for the play.
Everyone is racing against the clock to get things ready in time
watch the clock
have/keep your eye on the clock
)-soatga qarayverish (zerikkandan/kutgandan)
I had a train to catch, so I was watching the clock all through the meeting.
Set a clock –budilnik qo’ymoq He set the alarm/clock
for 7.00 a.m.
An alarm clock goes off –budilnik jiringlamoq Didn't you hear your
alarm clock going off this morning?
date back to /date from - . . . ga borib taqalmoq, . . . dan boshlanmoq This tradition dates back
to medieval times.
The church dates from the 13 th century