I will not onlyexpree my ideas but also give my concrete reasons. [men nafaqat fikrlarimni ifodalab beraman, balki aniq sabablarni ham beraman]. Being famous can help not onlymake a great deal of money but also lead a glamorous lifestyle. [mashhur bo’lish nafaqat ko’p pul ishlashga balki jozibali hayotda yashashga yordam beradi]. Living alone may not only make you feel unhappy, but it can also teach you about a lot of things. [yolg’iz yashash seni nafaqat bahtsiz qilishi mumkin, balki u senga ko’p narsalarni urgatadi]. Eating fast food can not only cause people to gain extra weight, but it can also lead to other health problems. [fast food yeyish nafaqat odamlarni qo’shimcha vazn to’plashiga sabab bo’lishi mumkin, balki u boshqa salomatlikka oid muammolarga ham obora oladi].
Many countries rely on tourism as their main income source. Unfortunately, tourism may lead to several problems in the absence of suitable management.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of tourism? Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
General topic: tourism. Controlling issue:do its advantages outweigh the disadvantages? Position: yes.
Disadvantages: Tourists producing waste and causing congestion-damaging the nature and water bodies. Touristic companies cutting down trees to build attractions and using natural resource-loss of habitat/biodiversity. People visiting developed countries start imitating-loss of cultural identity.
Benefits: Tourists spending lavishly-improving local economy and creating job openings-helping countries generate income and solve various social problems. Building friendships between countries-stimulating international cooperation [ex-India and Pakistan].
Even though tourism has been the main income driver for many societies, it might cause serious repercussions without proper supervision. In my view, the economic, social, and global benefits of the travel industry far outweigh its negative effects on the environment and local cultures.
Tourism has some distinct disadvantages. From an environmental perspective, it can cause damage to natural environments and water bodies, with many tourists producing a lot of waste and increasing traffic congestion. Touristic companies also seem responsible for deforestation and over-exploitation of natural resources, which usually leads to habitat destruction for animals as well as severe ramifications on biodiversity. On a cultural level, the development of tourism has already resulted in the erosion of diverse cultures and customs. After travelling to affluent and technologically advanced countries, for example, most people have abandoned their way of living and prioritized modernity over their traditions. Clearly, these potential drawbacks should be taken into account before boosting tourist opportunities in the country.
Nevertheless, the beneficial effects are more significant. Firstly, the promotion of tourism can foster economic development as tourists spend lavishly in hotels and restaurants. This, in turn, can not only allow the country to gain in revenue but also create broader employment opportunities for local communities, thereby strengthening the economy and confronting the issues of unemployment and poverty. Even more importantly, this sector is likely to promote international connections by building favorable relationships and new friendships between different countries. The political situations between India and Pakistan, for instance, have stabilized at some point thanks to their touristic agreements in recent times. The more countries stimulate this business, the wider range of benefits they will reap.
In conclusion, the positive effects of tourism on the economy, society, and the international cooperation can cause some to be pro-tourist in their ideology, whereas its environmental and cultural drawbacks make others take an anti-tourist position. I, over the whole, believe its pros outstrip the cons.
The main income source/the main income driver-asosiy pul manbayi. Proper/adequate supervision-yaxshi nazorat qilish. The travel/tourism industry/sector/business-turizm sanoati. Promote/foster/strengthen a culture of equality-tenglik madaniyatini rivojlantirmoq. Perpetuate/preserve/sustain a culture of equality-tenglik madaniyatini saqlab qolmoq. Natural environments and water bodies-tabiat manzaralari va suv joylari. Produce waste-chiqindi chiqarmoq. Recycle/reprocess/reuse waste-chiqindini qayta ishlamoq. Eliminate/minimize/reduce waste-chiqindini kamaytirmoq. Contaminated/toxic/hazardous/unbiodegradable waste-zararli chiqindi. Biodegradable/inert/organic/non-hazardous waste-zararsiz chiqindi. Agricultural waste-qishloq xo’jaligiga oid chiqindi. Chemical waste-kimyoviy chiqindi. Domestic waste-oilaviy chiqindi. Industrial waste-sanoatga oid chiqindi. Increase/add to traffic congestion-tirbandlikni oshirmoq. Alleviate/minimize/relieve/reduce traffic congestion-tirbandlikni kamaytirmoq. Deforestation-taraxtlarni kesilishi. Habitat destruction for animals-hayvonlar yashaydigan joylarni vayron bo’lishi. Over-exploitation of natural resources-tabiy resurslardan haddan ortiq foydalanish. Cause severe ramifications on biodiversity-bioxilmaxillik uchun yomon oqibatlarga sabab bo’lmoq. The loss/erosion of diverse cultures-turli xil madaniyatlarni yo’qolib ketishi. Technologically advanced countries-texnologik jihatdan olg’ir davlatlar. Boost/promote/enhance/maximize opportunities-imkoniyatlarni rivojlantirmoq. Foster/aid/stimulate/facilitate/promote economic development-iqtisodiy rivojlanishga ko’maklashmoq. Hinder/impede/inhibit development-rivojlanishdan to’smoq. Personal development-shaxsiy rivojlanish. Professional development-kasbiy rivojlanish. Create broader employment opportunities for local communities-mahalliy odamlar uchun kengroq ish imkoniyatlarini yaratmoq. Strengthen/stimulate/boost/revitalize the economy-iqtisodiyotni rivojlantirmoq. Healthy/strong/robust/thriving/booming economy-kuchli iqtisodiyot. Fragile/faltering/stagnant/vulnerable economy-zaif iqtisodiyot. Cripple/undermine/devastate/damage the economy-iqtisodiyotga zarar bermoq. Confront the issues of unemployment and poverty-ishsizlik va kambag’allik muammolari bilan kurashmoq. Promote international connections-xalqaro aloqalarni kuchaytirmoq. Political situations-siyosiy vaziyatlar. Touristic agreements-turistik kelishuvlar. Pro-tourist in sb’s ideology-turezmni yoqlaydigan. Take an anti-tourist position-turezmni yoqlamiydigan positsiyada bo’lmoq. Generate income-bring in money-pul olib kelmoq. Provide/offer job opportunities/possibilities-ish imkoniyatlari bermoq. Boost/enhance/stimulate/promote tourism-turezmni rivojlantirmoq. Domestic tourism-mahalliy turezm. International tourism-xalqaro turezm. Cause a clash between cultures-madaniyatlar orasida to’qnashuvga sabab bo’lmoq. Natural disasters-tabiiy ofatlar.