Theoretical english grammar assessment

All the parts of speech of English can fulfill the functions of all the parts of a sentence (i.e. subject, predicate, object, attribute, adverbial modifier)

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Theoretical english grammar assessment

232. All the parts of speech of English can fulfill the functions of all the parts of a sentence (i.e. subject, predicate, object, attribute, adverbial modifier).
a) True; b) False;
233. What voice is used in sentences in which usual object fulfills the function of the subject?
a) active voice;
b) passive voice;
c) none of them;
234. What parts of speech of the English language have the grammatical category of number?
a) prepositions, conjunctions, statives;
b) nouns, pronouns and verbs;
c) adverbs, adjectives and statives;
d) numerals, conjunctions, interjections;
e) all the parts of speech;
235. What verb form is used for an action.
a) perfect; c) priority;
b) pluperfect; d) ablaut;
236. What part of speech comprises words that typically refer a spatial or temporal relation?
a) preposition; c) locative;
b) adverb; d) adverbial modifier;
237. What is the most basic morpheme in a word or family of related words that consist of an irreducible, arbitrary pairing between a sound and a meaning?
a) root; b) stem; c) opposition; d) morph;
238. What term denotes an inflected form that is phonologically unrelated to its root and instead comes from other words. (go-went).
a) suppletion; c) agglutination;
b) inflection; d) polymorphism;
239. What component of grammar arranges words into phrases and sentences.
a) syntax; c) morphology;
b) word – order; d) componential analysis;
240. What is the conceptual structure which provides the essential context the conceptualization of a ___________?
a) base; b) path; c) concept; d) domain;
241. What is the process by which selected elements of two, or more mential spaces are incorporated in a third space.
a) blending; c) categorization;
b) incorporation; d) scheme;

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