Weather is the state of the atmosphere, describing for example the degree to
which it is hot or cold, wet or dry, calm or stormy, clear or cloudy. On Earth, most
weather phenomena occur in the lowest level of the planet's atmosphere,
the troposphere,
just below the stratosphere. Weather refers to day-to-day
temperature and precipitation activity, whereas climate is the term for the averaging
of atmospheric conditions over longer periods of time. When used without
qualification, "weather" is generally understood to mean the weather of Earth.
Climate is the long-term average of weather, typically averaged over a period
of 30 years.
More rigorously, it is the mean and variability of meteorological
variables over a time spanning from months to millions of years.
Some of
the meteorological variables
are temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind, and precipitation. In a
broader sense, climate is the state of the components of the climate system, which
includes the ocean and ice on Earth. The climate of a location is affected by
its latitude, terrain, and altitude, as well as nearby water bodies and their currents.
Climate is the weather a certain place has over a long period of time. Climate
has a very important influence on plants, animals and humans and is different in
different parts of the world. Some scientists think that the world is becomming
hotter. If you compare Moscow winter and summer temperatures at the beginning
of our century and at its end you will see that climate has really changed. Winters
have become warmer. Sometimes there is little snow in January, and there were
winters when it rained on the New Year's Eve. Many people say that it is so because
of the greenhouse effect. During the last 100 years people have produced a lot of
carbon dioxide. This gas in the atmosphere works like glass in a greenhouse. It lets
heat get in, but it doesn't let much heat get out. So the atmosphere becomes warmer.
Where does the carbon dioxide come from? People and animals breathe in oxygen,
and breathe out carbon dioxide. We produce carbon dioxide when we burn things.
Trees take this gas from the air, and produce oxygen. But in the last few years,
people have cut down and burn big areas of rainforest. This means there are fewer
trees, and, of course, more carbon dioxide! As we see the climate in different parts of
the world changes a little from year to year. These changes can be dangerous for our
planet, which needs protection. Earth is millions of years old, much older than the
humans. We know many of its secrets. Yet there is still much to learn.
Ob-havo - bu atmosferaning holati, masalan, uning issiq yoki sovuq, nam
yoki quruq, tinch yoki bo'ronli, tiniq yoki bulutli bo'lish darajasini tavsiflaydi. Yer
yuzida ob-havoning aksariyat hodisalari sayyoramiz atmosferasining eng past
darajasida - troposferada, stratosferadan bir oz pastroqda sodir bo'ladi. Ob-havo
harorati va yog'ingarchilikning kunlik faolligini anglatadi, iqlim esa atmosfera
sharoitining uzoq vaqt davomida o'rtacha hisoblanish muddati. Kvalifikatsiyasiz
ishlatilganda, odatda "ob-havo" deganda Yer ob-havosi tushuniladi.
Iqlim - ob-havoning uzoq muddatli o'rtacha qiymati, odatda o'rtacha 30 yil
o'zgaruvchilarning bir necha oydan millionlab yilgacha bo'lgan vaqtdagi o'rtacha va
o'zgaruvchanligi. Odatda o'lchanadigan ba'zi meteorologik o'zgaruvchilar harorat,
namlik, atmosfera bosimi, shamol va yog'ingarchilikdir. Keng ma'noda, iqlim - bu
Yerdagi okean va muzni o'z ichiga olgan iqlim tizimining tarkibiy qismlarining
holati. Joyning iqlimiga uning kengligi, relefi va balandligi, shuningdek yaqin
atrofdagi suv havzalari va ularning oqimlari ta'sir qiladi.
Iqlim - bu ma'lum bir joyda uzoq vaqt davomida bo'lgan ob-havo. Iqlim
o'simliklar, hayvonlar va odamlarga juda muhim ta'sir ko'rsatadi
va dunyoning turli
qismlarida turlicha. Ba'zi olimlarning fikriga ko'ra, dunyo ko'proq isinmoqda. Agar
bizning asrimizning boshlarida Moskvaning qish va yozgi haroratini taqqoslasangiz
va uning oxirida iqlim haqiqatan o'zgarganligini ko'rasiz. Qish iliqlashdi. Ba'zan
yanvar oyida ozgina qor yog'adi va Yangi yil arafasida yomg'ir yog'ganda qish
bo'lgan. Ko'pchilik buni issiqxona effekti tufayli deb aytishadi. So'nggi 100 yil ichida
odamlar ko'p miqdordagi karbonat angidridni ishlab chiqarishdi. Atmosferadagi bu
gaz issiqxonadagi shisha kabi ishlaydi. Bu issiqlik kirib ketishiga imkon beradi,
lekin ko'p issiqlik chiqishiga yo'l qo'ymaydi. Shunday qilib, atmosfera yanada issiq
bo'ladi. Karbonat angidrid qaerdan kelib chiqadi? Odamlar va hayvonlar kislorod
bilan nafas oladi va karbonat angidriddan nafas oladi. Biz narsalarni yoqish paytida
karbonat angidrid ishlab chiqaramiz. Daraxtlar bu gazni havodan oladi va kislorod
ishlab chiqaradi. Ammo so'nggi bir necha yil ichida odamlar tropik o'rmonlarning
katta maydonlarini kesib tashladilar. Bu shuni anglatadiki, daraxtlar kamroq va,
albatta, ko'proq karbonat angidrid! Ko'rib turganimizdek, dunyoning turli
burchaklaridagi iqlim yildan-yilga biroz o'zgarib turadi. Ushbu o'zgarishlar
himoyaga muhtoj bo'lgan sayyoramiz uchun xavfli bo'lishi mumkin. Er millionlab
yoshda, odamlardan ancha eski. Biz uning ko'p sirlarini bilamiz. Shunga qaramay,
o'rganish uchun hali ko'p narsalar mavjud.
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