Thematics Journal of Geography
ISSN – 2277-2995
Vol-6-Issue-1- 2021
UIF 2020= 6.722 IFS 2020= 7.652
DOI 10.5281/zenodo.5575589
opportunities, and participate in the international transport communication system.
South Korea's largest airline, Korean Air, launched regular cargo flights on the Seoul-
Milan-Seoul route in August 2008 at Navoi Airport. In Navoi region alone, 11
projects were included in the regional program for attracting
foreign investment in
2008, which amounted to 24.4 million soums a year. It was planned to attract
investments in the amount of 28.3 million US dollars. Investments in the amount of
US dollars were attracted, and the plan was fulfilled by 15.6%. In 2008, 10402.5
thousand US dollars and 7723.8 mln. It was planned to implement 19 projects worth
UZS. However, this year 8 projects (“Karmana moy invest” LLC, “Omad
Zarafshon” LLC, “Qiziltepa Qurilish Servis” LLC, “Qurilish Savdo” LLC, “Navoi
gold plast” FE, “Zarafshon ovozi” LLC, “Navoi “Karpet” FE, “Ortomedfarmservis”
ICHTK enterprises). In addition, 4 projects were fully funded and launched in a short
period of time, such as Navbahor Tex CJSC and Kyzylkumyengilsanoat LLC,
Navoiyulgurjisavdo LLC (Karmana Gypsum Mahsulotlari JV was established on a
community basis), Kyzylkum Selikati JV.
As a result of these projects in 2008, a total of 6283.7 thousand US dollars and
5041.3 mln. 1144.5 million soums were invested. UZS and created 321 new jobs. In
2010, work continued on the development of international
transport and logistics
centers. The cargo terminal of the Navoi International Intermodal Logistics Center,
which was opened at the airport in Navoi, transported 50.1 thousand tons of cargo, or
3 times more than in 2009 [6].
In short, the Navoi Free Economic Zone, built over the past 15 years, has achieved a
number of economic growths.
Conclusion. It should be noted that the geographical location of Uzbekistan, the
of the transport network, the abundance of natural resources, the high
level of development of production
and social infrastructure, the availability of
qualified personnel and other similar factors allows you to look to the future with
As a result of the attention paid to the above issues, the following conclusions
were drawn:
- Effective use of the above-mentioned opportunities of Navoi region, which has been
transformed into a free economic zone;
- modernization and diversification of manufacturing
enterprises in the economic
- expansion of import-substituting, export-oriented products;
- Further increase the attractiveness of the SEZ "Navoi" in the implementation of the