The role of computers in our life There is a huge role of computers in our life. Today we can not imagine our life without them. Computers have become inevitable part of human life. Because we need computers everywhere, at work, at university, at school even at home. They help us to make our life easy. It is true that computers have created a revolution in the life of human beings and have simplified the way in which we live. We can see that computers have a great influence in the daily life of people especially in areas of business, education, and personal interaction. The computer is one of the most useful innovations of the twentieth century. Computer and the internet make information easily available for children and adults. All of us can learn everything we need to know about today’s fast-paced world with only a few mouse clicks. Universities and schools can be contacted, websites visited, and even questions can be addressed using the internet. Computers help people to build a worldwide family rather than small groups based on community and caste. Computers have influenced nearly every sphere of endeavour in less than 50 years. Many of today’s everyday tasks are being carried out by computers. The use of computers has resulted in a reduction in paperwork. The majority of labour is now done on computers. In large cities, traffic is managed by computers. Automation in banks and taxiways has benefited both the public and the employees. Ticketing and reservations have gotten more efficient and convenient, and computers can even be used to play games like chess and cards. Finally, computers add more quality to many things by producing creativity, efficiency and accuracy with their features. This instrument converts the engineering from precision with rate of seventy percent to ninety five, it rises efficiency in professional work to eighty percent and this would not happen only by aid of computer. Researchers have admitted that human can not reach these metrics however he is super hero or anything else. In conclusion, we can not neglect importance of this smart apparatus in our processes while it may has some bad affects on our universe. We know children should not use computer devices more than a limit or it has made people unemployed by removing many activities and tasks but influence of this creation is undeniable and governments must plan to develop fair usability and availability to all segments of society as a popular technology to every one.
Sport hayotga intizom olib keladi. U o'tirish, gapirish, yurish va hokazolarni o'rgatadi. Inson hayotida sportsiz juda zerikarli ko'rinadi, sport barcha hujayralarni faollashtiradi va tanani faol, sog'lom va nozik qiladi. Sport fikrlash qobiliyatini yaxshilaydi va aqliy stressni kamaytiradi. Sportga unchalik qiziqmaydigan odamlar kamroq faol bo'lib, hayotning dastlabki bosqichida kasallikka chalinish ehtimoli bor, shuningdek, ishda letargiya namoyon bo'ladi. Maktabda sportni majburiy qilish kerak, shunda ular erta yoshda sportning afzalliklarini bilishlari mumkin. Odamlar qaysi sport turiga ko'proq qiziqish bo'lsa, odamlar o'zlarining sevimli sport o'yinlarini tanlashadi, agar biz kriketni oladigan bo'lsak, chunki bizning mamlakatimizda Hindiston kriketi ko'proq o'ynaladi va ko'plab xalqlar tomonidan qiziqish bildiriladi, ko'plab o'yinchilar kelgan, ammo hali ham Kapil dev, Sachin Tendulkar, M.S.Dhoni kabi nomlari bor. , Virat Kohli o'z muxlislari uchun doimo sevimli bo'lib qoladi. Agar Messi, Ronaldu va boshqa ko'plab futbolchilarni oladigan bo'lsak, ular futbolga qiziqqan ko'pchilik uchun kumirdir. Sport, odatda, Olimpiya o'yinlari kabi engil atletikaga asoslangan faoliyat tizimi sifatida tan olinadi. Sport har doim adolatli raqobatga xizmat qilishga yordam beradigan davlat qoidalariga muvofiq o'tkaziladi, sport quyidagi mezonlarga ega: adolatli raqobat bo'lishi kerak, hech kimga zarar keltirmasligi va g'olibni yuqori yoki eng yaxshilar tomonidan tayinlanishi kerak. Shaxmat kabi sport turlarida aql va fikrlash qobiliyatini yaxshilaydi. 21-asrdan boshlab, transgenderning har qanday sport musobaqalarida qatnashishi mumkinligi haqida munozaralar kuchaymoqda.
Demak, sport bilan har kim shug'ullanishi kerak, chunki u bizning tanamizga harakatda yordam beradi va yaxshi sog'liq beradi. Tadqiqot shuni ko'rsatdiki, sport yurak xuruji, o'pka funktsiyasi, semirish va fikrlash qobiliyati kabi ko'plab kasalliklarni yaxshiroq nazorat qiladi. Xokkey, futbol eng ko'p maosh oladigan sportchilarga ega o'yinlardir. Shuningdek, ba'zi sport turlari kichik joylarda o'ynashi mumkin, shuningdek, ba'zi sport turlari katta joylarni talab qiladi. Sport bizni faol va baquvvat qiladi, hatto ba'zi davolanishlarda ham kasallikdan xalos bo'lish uchun shifokorlar sport bilan shug'ullanishni maslahat berishadi. muntazam ravishda sport bilan shug'ullanamiz va o'zimizni sog'lom tutamiz, sportni e'tiborsiz qoldirmaslik kerak, lekin u hamma uchun majburiy bo'lishi kerak.
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