The types of questions- So’roq gap turlari
1 Umumiy so’roq gaplar- general questions (yes/no questions)
Ha yoki yo’q javoblarini talab qiluvchi so’roq gaplar umumiy so’roq gaplar deyiladi. Umumiy so’roq gaplar yordamchi fe’llar( to be, to do, to have, modal fe’llar:can, may, must, need, ought to) bilan boshlanadi.
Are you a student?
Yes, I am/-No, I am not.
Do you speak English?
Yes, I do/ -No I don’t
Maxsus so’roq gaplar- Special questions (information questions).
Ma’lumot talab qiluvchi so’roq gaplar maxsus so’roq gaplar deyiladi. Maxsus so’roq gaplar maxsus so’roq olmoshlari yordamida (wh- where, when, why, whom, whose, which, who what, how) tuziladi.
Where do you live?
I live in Quva
Embedded question
Yuqorida ko’rib o’tganimizdek maxsus so’roq gaplarda maxsus so’roq olmoshlaridan
( wh-) so’ng yordamchi fe’llar ishlatiladi (who olmoshi bundan istisno). Embedded question da maxsus so’roq gap oldidan boshqa bir gap yoki umumiy so’roq gap beriladi. Bunda embedded question tarkibidagi maxsus so’roq gap yasalish tartibini o’zgartiradi. Bu gapda maxsus so’roq olmoshidan keyin yordamchi fe’l emas balki ega ishlatilishi lozim
Quyidagi yasalishlarga e’tibor bering:
Subject + verb(phrase) + wh + subject + verb
Note: wh dan keyin yordamchi fe’lni ishlatilmayotganiga e’tibor bering/
Question :
Where will the meeting
take place?
Embedded question : We don’t know
where the meeting
will take place
Question: Why did he wtite a letter to him?
Embedded question : We couldn’t understand why he wrote a letter to him
2 umumiy so’roq gap + maxsus so’roq gap
Auxiliary + subject + verb + wh + subject + verb
Do you know where he went?
Could you tell me what time it is?
Note: wh- when, why, where, which, who, what, whose +noun , how many , how long how often ,what time , what qind …
Do you know how often the bus runs at night?
TAG QUESTION-tasdiq so’roq gaplar
Beriayotgan savolga oydinlik kiritish maqsadida tasdiq so’roq gaplardan foydalaniladi
tasdiq so’roq gaplarda quyidagilarga e’tibor beriladi:
1 gapda qaysi ega tursa, soroqda ham shu ega turishi shart
You are a student, aren’t you?
Tom works at school, doesn’t he?
2 gapda qaysi yordamchi fe’l bo’lsa, so’roqda ham shu yordamchi fe’l bo’ladi
Fred is working in the garden, isn’t he?
3 gapdagi mustaqil(asosiy) fe’llardan so’roqqa do/does/did chiqadi
They study English at school, don’t they?
4 gap inkor shaklda bo’lsa soroq bo’lishli shaklda bo’ladi yoki aksincha
She didn’t go to the theatre yesterday, did she?
She went to the theatre yesterday, didn’t she?
Agar gapda Never, none, rarely, seldom, hardly, barely, anymore, without, so’zlar kelsa gap inkor xisoblanadi
Your friend seldom goes to football match, does he?
5 gapda modal fe’llar bo’lsa so’roqqa modal fe’lning o’zi chiqadi
Akmal can speak English, can’t he?
6 agar gapda have fe’li bo’lsa:
a) have – ega bo’lmoq ma’nosida have ning o’zi so’roqqa chiqadi
They have an interestingbook on Math, haven’t they?
b) have + V3(perfect)- da have ning o’zi so’roqqa chiqadi
He has finished the work, hasn’t she?
c) have –mustaqil fe’l bo’lib kelsa so’roqqa do/does/did chiqadi
She has breakfast at 7 every day, doesn’t she?
d) have to – modal fe’l bo’lib kelsa, so’roqqa do/does/did chiqadi
You had to go there , didn’t you?
Darak gaplarda fikr ga qo’shilish:
So + yordamchi fel + ega
Ega + yordamchi fel + too
M: - Mike must see Peter
A: - So must I or I must too
Have to, has to, had to so’roqqa o’tmaydi O’rniga Do, did,Does ishlaydi
M: I
have to go to Quva
A: So
does Zamira
or Zamira
does too
Agar gapda Nearly, almost so’zlar kelsa ham gap darak xisoblanadi.
I nearly failed the exam.
-So, do I
Inkor gaplarda fikrga qo’shilish
Neither + yordamchi fel+ ega
Ega + yordamchi fe’l +not+ either
I don’t like tennis -Neither does Abdulla
Laylo is not a student - I am not either
Komil does
n’t like eat -She does
not either -or-
Neither does she
Agar gapda Never, none, rarely, seldom, hardly, barely, anymore, without, so’zlar kelsa gap inkor xisoblanadi
Passive voice
Ative voice: Akmal watches T V
Nisbatlarda o’zgarishiga e’tibor bering
1 Present Indefenite Passive
Ega +am + V3
The T V is watched by Akmal everyday
2 PastIndefenite passive
Ega + was + V3
The T V was watched by Akmal yesterday
3 Future Indefinite Passive
Ega + shall/will +be+V3
The T V will be watched by Akmal tomorrow
4 Present continuous Passive
Ega +am+ being + V3
The T V is being watched by Akmal now
5 Past continuous Passive
Ega + was +being + V3
The T V was being watched by Akmal
6 Present Perfect Passive
ega + have/has + been + V3
The T V has just been watched by Akmal
7 Past Perfect Passive
Ega + had been + V3
The T V had been watched by Akmal by 5 yesteday
8 Future Perfect Passive
Ega + shall/ will + have + been + V3
The house will have been built by January
9 Future indefinite in the Past
She said that the T V would be watched by Akmal
10 Future perfect in the Past
She said that the T V would have been watched by Akmal when you came
Modal verbs in passive voice
Ega + modal verb +V1+ to’ld= Ega (to’ld)+modal verb+V3+ by to’ld(ega)
I must finish the work = The work must be finished
Quyidagi fe’llar aniq nisbatda ishlatisa ham majhullik ma’nosini beradi:
Sell, read, wash, drive, open, close
Cars drive on the left side in London- Londonda mashinalar chap tarafda miniladi
Thisbook reads well - Bu kitob yaxshi o’qiladi
Modal verbs
Modal verbs
Asosiy modal fe’llar: can, may, must, need, ought to
1 Hechqachon mustaqil ishlatilmaydi
2 Doimo fe’lning 1- shakli bilan keladi
3 O’zi ham asosiy fe’l ham hech qanday qo’shimcha olmaydi
4 Hamma zamon shakllari mavjud emas Hozirgi va kelasi zamon shakllari bir xil
O’tgan zamoni: can – could
May – might
Must - had to
Qobiliyatni ko’rsatadi
ex: He can do it
2 Imkoniyatni ko’rsatadi va mumkin deb tarjima qilinadi
can + have+V3- o’tgan zamon uchun
Your house is near the railway station It can’t be quite far
Ex: He can't have done it u buni qilmagan bo’lsa kerak
Biror narsa qilishni so’rashda Ko’pincha you bilan couldham hozirgi va kelasi samonda muloyimroq ohangda so’rashda ishlatiladi
Can you open the door?
Couldyou tell me?
4 Ruxsat so’rashda ( imkoniyat ma’nosida)
Can we smoke here?
Ammo: may I come in?
can/ could+ hear, see, smeel, taste, understand birikmasida can/ couldmustaqil tarjimaga ega emas Ular faqat o’zlari bilan kelayotgan fe’llarning ma’nosini kuchaytirishga xizmat qiladi
When we entered the room, we couldsmell burning
5 Inkorda ( can’t) inkor aniq tahminni ko’rsatadi
Ekvivalenti: to be able to
Sinonimlari:1)to be able to – qila olmoq, muvffaq bo’lmoq
Ex: He was able to do it without my help
1 ish xarakat uchun “to be able to” ishlatiladi
Umumiy ish –xarakat ucun ”can/could” ishlatiladi
My brother is a boxer He can beat anybody
My brother is a boxer He was able to beat yesterday
Was/ were able to= managed to
There were a fire yesterday Everybody was able to/ managed to escape
4 Could+ have+ V3 o'tgan zamonda
Ex: You couldhave come
Siz kelganingizda bo'lardi (Lekin kelmadingiz)
Couldn't have V3
I think I couldn’t have found him -Uni topa olmagan bo'lardim
Yodda tuting: Can't – (inkorda) aniq tahmin Must-(darakda)aniq tahmin
Ex: You worked hard You must be tired You didn 't work You can't be tired
Can't+ have+ V3, Must+ have+ V3 – o’tgan zamon uchun
Ex: I didn't hear it, ь1 must have been asleep 1 wasn't here yesterday he can't be tired
6 Ruxsat berilgan yoki berilmagan bo'lsa
Ex: You are IS,you can drive You are 16,you can't drive
7 Ruxsat so'rashda can, could, may
Ex: Can I speak to John ?
Could muloyimroq ohangda
Could I use it?
Ruxsat berishda ,,can" , ,,may"
Ex: You can take my pent you like (may)
“Could have + v3” o’tgan zamonda qilish mumkin bo’lgan lekin bajarilmagan ish uchun ishlatiladi
"MAY "
1 May ruxsat so’rash va berish ma'nosida Ruxsat so’rashda ko’proq birinchi shaxs bilan
Ex: You may You may take it May 1 come in?
may I … so’rog’iga inkorda 2 xil shaklda javob berish mumkin
no, you mustn’t
no, you can’t
3 Noaniq taxminni ko’rsatadi I think, I suppose, probably, perhaps kabi ehtimollikni ko’rsatuvchi birikmalar bilan kelishi mumkin Mumkin deb tarjima qilinadi
Ex: I think, he may know him
Might kuchsizroq tahminni ko’rswatishda
4 But bilan qarshi fikr berishda
He may be clever, but he is not working hard enough
5 Tilak, duo va duobad qilishda
May god be with you May he drop dead
Ekvivalenti: 1) to be allowed to -ruxsat bermoq
2) to be permitted to- ruxsat bermoq
They were allowed to bring their dictionaries to the exam
He was permitted to go to the park with their friends
6 Might o’tgan zamonda may ning o’rnida ishlatiladi Ammo hozirgi va kelasi zamonda zaifroq tahminni ko’rsatishda ham ishlatiladi
He said they might come any time that is convinent to them
Who is that boy? He might be Tom But I am not sure
1) May be –noaniq taxminni bildiradi 2) Must be – 90%ishonchni bildiradi
l majburiyat, buyruq, shartlik inkorda taqiqlashni ko’rsatadi
Ex: I must do it now
You must finish the work till mother comes
You mustn’t smoke here
You mustn't tell it It's a secret
2 Must I …?
-Yes, you must
-No, you mustn’t It is not neccessary
Note: may I do it?- yes you may
No, you mustn’t
3 must aniq taxminni ko’rsatishda
4 Ekvivalenti:
1 TO BE TO - am to, is to, are to
- rejalashtirilgan ish-xarakat
Tom and Mary are to be married next week
The president is to come to our region soon
O’tgan zamonda
- O’tgan zamonga oid reja, ish xarakatning bajarilgan yoki bajarilmagani noma’lum
Jack was to enter the Univercity last year but I don’t know if he couldor not
- Was/ were to+ have V3 o’tgan zamonda qilinishi rejalashtirilgan lekin qilinmagan ish xarakat
I was to have gone to Tashkent last week but I changed my plan
Vaziyatdan kelib chiqib qilinadigan yoki qilmasa oqibati yomon bo’ladigan ish – xarakatni ko’rsatishda
I have to get up early tomorrow the train leaves at 5:00 p m
Bo'lishsiz,so'roq shaklda Have to bilan do, does, did
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