《The New Answers Book 2》(Ken Ham etc.) Table of contents

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It’s a Sure Thing

The Bible says “that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved” (Romans 10:9).

How do you know that you are saved? The Bible says you can know! “These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life” (1 John 5:13).

Saved from Death

During the 2000 Olympic games, I had the joy of taking 65 Americans to Sydney, Australia, for personal evangelism. Because of their grandeur and beauty, the Blue Mountains outside Sydney became a magnet for the tourists. Teams from our group were sent to the mountains to talk to visitors about the Lord. Among those visitors was an Aussie from Melbourne named Paul. One of our team members engaged Paul in conversation for over 45 minutes, explaining about the God of the Bible and His love for Paul.

Paul responded with enthusiasm and prayed to receive Christ as his personal Savior. When he was asked where he was going from there, Paul shared that he had no place to go. He told us a story of family rejection and bad decisions on his part. We stood speechless as he told us that he had come to the Blue Mountains that day to commit suicide “Because no one in this world cares about me.”

Once again, like in Rome, my body trembled; but this time it trembled with delight. Paul had found hope for what appeared to be a hopeless life. Paul had found love, forgiveness, and acceptance from God. Paul had found friendship from a bunch of Americans who lived halfway around the world.

Three months after his salvation on the Blue Mountains, Paul suffered insulin shock and died. But we know that Paul is in heaven with his Lord! That, my friend, is real hope!

The Christian’s Global Assignment

If you have trusted Christ as your personal Savior from sin, God has given you a new mandate. It is called the Great Commission: “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Amen.” (Matthew 28:1920). The word translated nations in verse 19 in Greek is ethnos, which speaks to us of all the ethnic groups in the world. Our Lord wants us to reach all the ethnic groups in the world. He did not give us this assignment knowing it would be impossible for us to reach; rather, He gave us this assignment expecting us to fulfill it.

Reaching the World, Closing the Knowledge Gap

Answers in Genesis is called to proclaim the life-changing message of the gospel, beginning in the Book of Genesis. One of the most thrilling developments in recent years is a method of evangelism called “creation evangelism,” in which the Bible is taught chronologically. People hear about a loving Creator God who made them in His image and is the Creator of the universe. This God sent His Son, Jesus, to die on a cross in Jerusalem to pay the penalty of our sins. This form of evangelism answers modern mankind’s most searching questions and gives every reason for hope.

People hear about a loving Creator God who made them in His image and is the Creator of the universe.

Because of our mission, AiG WorldWide is translating a massive amount of creation literature, DVDs, radio programs, and web articles into the languages of the world. After the translation teams have completed a project, we will print and distribute the material, preferably without cost, to mission field leaders all over the globe. Here are three ways we plan to carry out our vision:

  • AiG libraries will provide literature for Christian Bible schools and mission organizations to give answers to the next generation of Christian leaders.

  • Christian pastors and leaders will be brought to AiG for training on how they can become creation spokesmen in their own countries.

  • New and innovative programs will be initiated to help provide answers for believers and hope for the lost. We want to create a massive creation movement worldwide.

To Every People Group

As I travel globally, I still tremble with raw “Roman emotion” when I see the masses of unsaved people without hope. I have watched them light incense, bow before statues, chant memorized prayers, beat themselves, and worship multitudes of gods. And with the world’s population edging closer to seven billion people, I see greater opportunities for missions today than ever before. Jesus commands us to get the Word out. So we prayerfully invite you to join us! Together we can dispel the hopelessness abroad with the hope of the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ.

  • Contributors

Dr. David Crandall

David has been involved in full-time ministry for nearly 40 years. For the last 12 years he has served as international director of Gospel Literature Services. He led this ministry to publish and translate Christian literature into 117 different languages, and he has ministered cross-culturally in 68 different countries. In 2006, he joined Answers in Genesis as the director of AiG Worldwide. Dr. Crandall currently serves on the executive board of the Association of Baptists for World Evangelism.

Brian H. Edwards

Brian was pastor of an evangelical church in a southwest London suburb for 29 years, and then president of the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches from 1995–1998. He is the author of 16 books, and continues a ministry of writing and itinerant preaching and lecturing. His wife, Barbara, died in 1998; he has two sons and three granddaughters.

Dr. Danny R. Faulkner

Danny has a BS (math), MS (physics), MA and PhD (astronomy, Indiana University). He is full professor at the University of South Carolina–Lancaster, where he teaches physics and astronomy. He has published about two dozen papers in various astronomy and astrophysics journals.

Ken Ham

Ken is the president and CEO of Answers in Genesis (USA). He has authored several books, including the best-seller The Lie: Evolution. He is one of the most in-demand speakers in the United States and has a daily radio program called Answers . . . with Ken Ham, which is heard on over 850 stations in the United States and over 1,000 worldwide.

Ken has a BS in applied science (with an emphasis in environmental biology) from Queensland Institute of Technology in Australia. He also holds a diploma of education from the University of Queensland (a graduate qualification for science teachers in the public schools in Australia). Ken has been awarded two honorary doctorates: a Doctor of Divinity (1997) from Temple Baptist College in Cincinnati, Ohio, and a Doctor of Literature (2004) from Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia.

Bodie Hodge

Bodie earned a BS and MS in mechanical engineering at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale in 1996 and 1998, respectively. His specialty was in materials science, working with advanced ceramic powder processing. He developed a new method of production of submicron titanium diboride.

Bodie accepted a teaching position as visiting instructor at Southern Illinois in 1998 and taught for two years. After this, he took a job working as a test engineer at Caterpillar’s Peoria Proving Ground. Bodie currently works at Answers in Genesis (USA) as a speaker, writer, and researcher after working for three years in the Answers Correspondence Department.

Carl Kerby

Carl, who is one of AiG’s most dynamic lecturers on the Book of Genesis, is a founding board member of AiG. In addition to being AiG’s vice president for ministry relations, Carl conducts a number of faith-building AiG meetings each year. His passion is to proclaim the authority and accuracy of the Bible, and Carl does so in a highly effective way for all audiences. He is much in demand as a speaker among both young people and adults. A former air traffic controller at Chicago’s busy O’Hare International Airport, Carl’s thrilling testimony has been shared in churches throughout America.

Carl has several DVDs, including Genesis: The Bottom Strip of the Christian Faith; RacismIs There an Answer?; and What is the Best Evidence That God Created?

Dr. Jason Lisle

Jason graduated summa cum laude from Ohio Wesleyan University, where he double-majored in physics and astronomy, and minored in mathematics. He did graduate work at the University of Colorado, where he earned a master’s degree and a PhD in astrophysics.

In graduate school, he specialized in solar astrophysics. While there, Jason used the SOHO spacecraft to investigate motions on the surface of the sun, as well as solar magnetism and subsurface weather.

He has authored papers in both secular and creationist literature and recently wrote a book called Taking Back Astronomy. Jason is a capable speaker and writer and is currently working on the planetarium project for the Creation Museum, just outside of Cincinnati, Ohio.

Stacia McKeever

Stacia has worked full time for Answers in Genesis (USA) since 1997. She coauthored the “Answers for Kids” section in Creation magazine for several years and has written or coauthored a number of articles for Creation and the AiG website. She has a BS in biology and a BA in psychology from Clearwater Christian College.

Stacia has conducted hands-on workshops for young children around the United States for several years and has written curricula (Beginnings, The Seven Cs of History) and workbooks for elementary-aged children and adults. Stacia has written for The Godly Business Woman and Evangelizing Todays Child and has researched and written copy for several Bible-themed calendars.

Dr. David Menton

Dr. Menton was an associate professor of anatomy at Washington University School of Medicine from 1966 to 2000 and has since become associate professor emeritus. He was a consulting editor in histology for Stedmans Medical Dictionary, a standard medical reference work.

David earned his PhD from Brown University in cell biology. He is a popular speaker and lecturer with Answers in Genesis (USA), showing complex design in anatomy with popular DVDs such as The Hearing Ear and Seeing Eye and Fearfully and Wonderfully Made. He also has an interest in the famous Scopes trial, which was a big turning point in the creation/evolution controversy in the USA in 1925.

Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell

Elizabeth earned her MD from Vanderbilt University School of Medicine and practiced medicine for seven years until she retired to be a stay-at-home mom. Her interest in ancient history strengthened when she began to homeschool her daughters. She desires to make history come alive and to correlate it with biblical history.

Dr. Tommy Mitchell

Tommy graduated with a BA with highest honors from the University of Tennessee–Knoxville in 1980 with a major in cell biology and a minor in biochemistry. He subsequently attended Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in Nashville, where he was granted an MD in 1984.

Dr. Mitchell’s residency was completed at Vanderbilt University Affiliated Hospitals in 1987. He was board certified in internal medicine, with a medical practice in Gallatin, Tennessee (the city of his birth). In 1991, he was elected a Fellow of the American College of Physicians (FACP). Tommy became a full-time speaker, researcher, and writer with Answers in Genesis (USA) in 2006.

Dr. Terry Mortenson

Terry earned a BA in math at the University of Minnesota in 1975 and later went on to earn an MDiv in systematic theology at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in 1992. His studies took him to the United Kingdom, where he earned a PhD in the history of geology at Coventry University.

Terry has done extensive research regarding the beliefs of the 19th century scriptural geologists. An accumulation of this research can be found in his book The Great Turning Point. Terry is currently working at Answer in Genesis (USA) as a speaker, writer, and researcher.

Larry Pierce

Larry is a retired programmer from Canada who did his undergraduate and graduate work at the University of Waterloo in mathematics. He greatly enjoys ancient history. This passion led him to spend five years translating The Annals of the World from Latin into English. He is also the creator of a sophisticated and powerful Bible program, The Online Bible.

Dr. Georgia Purdom

Georgia received her PhD in molecular genetics from Ohio State University in 2000. As an associate professor of biology, she completed five years of teaching and research at Mt. Vernon Nazarene University in Ohio before joining the staff at Answers in Genesis (USA).

Dr. Purdom has published papers in the Journal of Neuroscience, the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, and the Journal of Leukocyte Biology. She is also a member of the Creation Research Society, American Society for Microbiology, and American Society for Cell Biology.

She is a peer reviewer for Creation Research Society Quarterly. Georgia has a keen interest in and keeps a close eye on the Intelligent Design movement.

Dr. Ron Rhodes

Ron has a ThM and ThD in systematic theology from Dallas Theological Seminary and is the president of Reasoning from the Scriptures Ministries. He has authored 35 books and is a popular conference speaker across the United States. During his schedule, he finds time to teach cult apologetics at several well-known seminaries.

Mike Riddle

As a former captain in the Marines, Mike earned a BS in mathematics and an MS in education. He has been involved in creation apologetics for many years and has been an adjunct lecturer with the Institute for Creation Research. Mike has a passion for teaching and he exhibits a great ability to bring topics down to a lay-audience level in his lectures.

Before becoming a Marine, Mike became a U.S. national champion in the track-and-field version of the pentathlon (in 1976). His best events were the 400 meters, javelin, long jump, and 1,500 meters. In his professional life, Mike worked for many years in the computer field with Microsoft (yes, he has met Bill Gates).

Dr. Andrew Snelling

Andrew is a geologist, research scientist, and technical editor. He is currently an associate professor of geology at the Institue for Creation research. He received a BS in applied geology with first-class honors at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, and earned his PhD in geology at the University of Sydney for his thesis entitled “A Geochemical Study of the Koongarra Uranium Deposit, Northern Territory, Australia.”

Between studies and since, Andrew worked for six years in the exploration and mining industries in Tasmania, New South Wales, Victoria, Western Australia, and the Northern Territory as a field, mine, and research geologist. Recently, Andrew was involved in the Radioisotopes and the Age of The Earth (RATE) project hosted by the Institute for Creation Research and the Creation Research Society.

Paul F. Taylor

Paul learned to play the piano early in life and was educated at Chetham’s School of Music, Manchester, England. However, an interest in science took him to Nottingham University to study chemistry, and there he graduated with a BS in 1982. He then took a year’s post-graduate Certificate in Education so that he could become a schoolteacher. Paul taught science in state schools for 17 years, eventually becoming a head of department, and gained a master’s degree in science education at Cardiff University.

Paul joined the staff of AiG (UK/Europe) in 2005 as a writer and speaker. He is now the head of media and publications.

Dr. A.J. Monty White

The former chief executive of Answers in Genesis (UK/Europe), Dr. Monty White joined AiG after leaving the University of Wales in Cardiff where he had been a senior administrator for 28 years. He is a graduate of the University of Wales, obtaining his BS in chemistry in 1967 and his PhD for research in the field of gas kinetics in 1970. Monty spent two years investigating the optical and electrical properties of organic semiconductors before moving to Cardiff, where he joined the administration at the university there.

Monty is well known for his views on creation, having written numerous articles and pamphlets, as well as a number of books dealing with various aspects of creation, evolution, science, and the Bible. Monty has appeared on British television programs and has been interviewed on local and national radio about creation.

Dr. John Whitmore

John received a BS in geology from Kent State University, an MS in geology from the Institute for Creation Research, and a PhD in biology with paleontology emphasis from Loma Linda University. Currently an associate professor of geology, he is active in teaching and research at Cedarville University. Dr. Whitmore serves on the board of Creation Research Science Education Foundation located in Columbus, Ohio, and he is also a member of the Creation Research Society and the Geological Society of America.
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