The latvian academy of culture

The Latvian Academy of Culture

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The Latvian Academy of Culture

BA Study sub Programme in the Theory and Management of Culture



1. To prepare theoretically educated culture specialists, managers, scientists who are capable of independent and creative thinking and writing and who are capable of working in various government, local government or private organizations, creative or research institutions and others, to give knowledge to every student about the types of culture and art both theoretically and practically. BA study programme in the Theory and Management of Culture provides a full educational cycle:

BA, MA and doctoral studies by acquiring and completing the BA study programme in the Theory and Management of Culture the student obtains the BA degree in the Theory of Culture. By acquiring and completing the MA study programme in the Theory and Management of Culture the student obtains the MA degree in the Theory of Culture.

2. The Arts study programme in the Theory and Management of Culture is integrated with the development of national culture in Latvia. Hence, the objective of the programme is to gear the new specialists into practical work: research projects, the elaboration and implementation of a creative strategy of cultural life, and the work of a lecturer.


the BA and MA study programme in the Theory and Management of Culture has been developed and implemented by the Department of the Theory and Management of Culture of the Latvian Academy of Culture.

The study programme has been designed in accordance with the Law on Higher Education of the Republic of Latvia and the decisions of the Senate of the Latvian Academy of Culture.

The doctoral study programme in the Theory and Management of Culture has been confirmed with the demands of the Habilitation and Promotion Board of the Association of the Latvian Art Universities.

Student exchange is organized within the study course as well as scientific pedagogical cooperation with Vitautas the Great University in Kaunas (Lithuania) and the Institute of Culture Infrastructure of Lower Saxony in Gerlitz (Germany).

A number of students have gone for individual studies to Uppsala (Sweden), Moscow (Russia), Copenhagen (Denmark), Aalborg (Denmark) and Helsinki (Finland).

In 1995 there was a summer school for foreign universities (Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Poland) at the Latvian Academy of Culture on the history of Latvian culture.

During their study programme a number of arts students doing the Theory and Management of Culture received state grants of state importance: Iveta Tāle received a grant of the Ministry of Culture, Sandra Lazduzieda: a grant of the Creative Fund, Anna Buša: a grant of the New Academy, Zane Šiliņa and Guna Pantele: grants from the target programme “For Education, Science and Culture” of the Latvian Education Fund.

Zane Šiliņa is also the winner of the Zenta Mauriņa award.

The length and scope of the studies:

  1. BA studies - 4 years (8 terms) - 173 credit points;

2. MA studies - 2 years (4 terms) - credit points;

3. Doctoral studies – full-time 3 years, extra-mural 4 years. Matriculation of students.

Matriculation in the Arts study programme in the Theory and Management of Culture is carried out on the basis of competition in accordance with the Matriculation Rules and the demands developed by the Department of the Theory, History and Management of Culture of the Latvian Academy of Culture (see study programmes). Entrance examinations: an essay, an examination in a foreign language and a test on culture facts. The results are assessed according to a 10 point system.

The BA study programme in the Theory and Management of Culture consists of:

1. A – the general compulsory part, that is studied by all students in arts at the Latvian Academy of Culture (80 credit points).

2. B - the compulsory specialist part which reflects the speciality of the students in the Theory and Management of Culture (83 credit points).

3. C - the optional part that the student chooses either from the arts, social or natural sciences (10 credit points). To acquire a BA degree:

  1. The students shall pass the subjects of parts A, B and C, gaining 173 credit points:

  2. Present a BA paper: 10 credit points:

c) pass a BA examination in the Theory of Culture which includes the test of knowledge and comprehension of the actual problems in the general theory of culture, philosophy, literature, applied arts, the theatre and music (see the tasks for the BA examination).

d) pass the Final Examination in the first foreign language.


(see the common characteristics of Study Provision and Control at the Latvian Academy of Culture)


(see the common comparison of the programmes of the Latvian Academy of Culture with similar foreign study programmes)


All the teachers of the Department of the Theory, History and Management of Culture of the Latvian Academy of Culture participate in research, which is done both individually and through the projects financed by different institutions. Its results are revealed in publications and research conferences.

The Department of the Theory, History and Management of Culture organizes interdisciplinary conferences where researchers also meet their colleagues from different branches. Doctoral, MA students and researchers from other scientific institutions take part in these conferences, thus activizing the culturological thought in the country.

MA and doctoral papers are written according to the research trends considering the activities of the department (see the lists of themes). The works of students are published, grants are allocated to them. In 1998 a collection of articles “Search for the Interface of Culture” was compiled by Prof. Janīna Kursīte. It consists of research articles written by the lecturers and students of the Latvian Academy of Culture. Research work is part of the studies.

The basic tendencies in the research work of lecturers:

1. General Theory of Culture and Civilization. Philosophical Anthropology. Cultural Anthropology. Phenomenology of Culture and the History of Culture (R. Vilciņš, H. Tumans).

The research results of Prof. R.Vilciņš are shown in conference materials and in about 50 scientific publications (see CV and the list of publications). Prof. R.Vilciņš read a "Lecture of the Mount" for the students and lecturers of Latvian Academy of Culture on the theme "Genius and Geniality" every year.
2. Philosophy and Aesthetics (I.Škapare, J.Celma).

Research by Ass. Prof. J.Celma has been published in international editions. Her research deals with the specific features of arts and evaluation criteria, as well as the problem of social memory in Russian philosophy.

Lecturer I.Škapare works at her doctoral dissertation "Personības ētiskās attīstības pakāpes 60.-80.gadu redzamāko latviešu literātu darbībā" (“The Stages of the Development of Personal Ethics in the Works of the Most Outstanding Latvian Writers in the 60’s - 80’s of the 20th Century”). In September 1999 lecturer I.Škapare took part in the international conference "From Art Philosophy till Everyday Aesthetics” with her paper "Ļaunums kā estētiska vērtība latviešu literatūrā" (“Evil as an Aesthetic Value in Latvian Literature”).

3. History and Archeology (J.Urtāns, J.Goldmanis, A.Gavriļins).

Prof. J.Urtāns has participated in 16 international conferences in Latvia, Lithuania, Sweden, Poland, Germany, Finland and Britain. In October, 1998 Prof. J.Urtāns chaired the seminar on sea-scape on the Kurzeme coast for the students of Sődertem University (Stockholm, Sweden). In March, 1999 he read a lecture course about Latvian castle mounds in the Iron Age at Turku University (Finland). Prof. J.Urtāns has 300 scientific and popular science publications.

Ass. Prof. J.Goldmanis’ research on the policy of cultural autonomy of minorities was published in "Humanities and Social Sciences", 1994, No 2, in the collection "Latvijas okupācija un aneksija: 1939-1940: Dokumenti un materiāli" (“Latvian Occupation and Annexation: 1939-1940: Documents and Materials”), 1995 and other publications. Ass. Prof. J.Goldmanis has participated in international research conferences and seminars in Riga, Lodz (Poland), Cologne and Bonn (Germany).

Ass. Prof. A.Gavriļins has participated in research conferences and seminars in Latvia, Russia, Belgium, Switzerland, Denmark and Sweden. His research on the history of Baltic churches, paying special attention to the history and development of the Orthodox Church in Latvia, have been published in the monograph "Apceres par Rīgas eparhijas vēsturi." (“Contemplations on the History of the Riga Diocese in the 19th Century”) and in his research articles.

4. Literature and the Methodology of Literature (I.Karbanova. Z.Šiliņa, J.Kursīte, V.Čakare, G.Bībers, R.Briedis, R.Auškāps).

The results of research by the lecturer Z.Šiliņa are reflected in her publications about the interpretation of a myth in the literature of French existentialism. Z.Šiliņa has read her papers at international conferences like “Mītiskais tradicionālajā un postmodernajā kultūrā” ("The Mythical in the Traditional and Post-modern Culture ") in 1998 and "Mīts kā kultūras un dzīves fenomens" (“Myth as a Phenomenon of Culture and Life”) in 1995. She takes part in the project "Baltijas kultūras procesi" (“The Processes of Baltic Culture”) under the guidance of Prof. J.Kursīte.

Prof. J.Kursīte is a member of the Latvian Research Council, the Habilitation and Promotion Board of Literature and Art, the editorial board of the magazine "Humanities and Social Sciences", the Latvian Writers’ Union and the Latvian branch of the PEN club. Prof. J.Kursīte supervises the project "Latvijas kultūrvēstures process" (“The Process of the Latvian History of Culture”) and takes part in the projects "Latgaliešu valodas un literatūras vēsture" (“The History of the Latgalian Language and Literature”), "Latviešu dzejas poētika" (“The Poetics of Latvian Poetry”), "Nacionālā identitāte un Eiropas literatūra" (“National Identity and European Literature in the 19th Century”) at the University of Stockholm.

The results of literary research of Prof. V.Čakare are reflected in her publications on multiculturalism in Latvian literature and also the feminist aspects of modern Latvian drama. In October, 1999 Prof. V.Čakare participated in an international conference "Kultūra un nācija gadu tūkstošu mijā" (“Culture and Nation at the Turn of the Millennium”) in Tartu, Estonia presenting her paper "Postmodemā atbrīvošanās no nozīmes postsociālisma latviešu literatūras diskursā" (“Release of the Post-modern from Meaning in the Discourse of Post-socialist Latvian Literature”).

Prof. G.Bībers is a member of the Latvian Writers’ Union and the author of more than 100 articles on the issues of the history of Latvian literature and drama. Prof. G.Bībers is the author of a monograph on G.Priede’s drama (1996) and teaching aids "Literatūras mācīšanas metodika" (“The Methodology of Teaching Literature”), 1991, "Drāmas teorija" (“Theory of Drama”), 1988. He has also participated in conferences on the drama of Mārtiņš Zīverts, the work of Aspazija, on Rainis, Goethe and the tendencies of the development of Latvian literature.

The results of Ass. Prof. R.Briedis’ research can be found in about 15 publications. Ass. Prof. R.Briedis has participated in 4 research conferences (including an international conference in 1998 devoted to the problems of censorship) with papers on the types of censorship in different periods of the development of Latvian literature.

5. Folklore (J.Kursīte, I.Tāle).

Prof. J.Kursīte has taken part in 10 international conferences in Stockholm (Sweden), Seattle (USA), Tallinn, Tartu (Estonia) and Riga. She received a prize of the Latvian Ministry of Culture for her book "Latviešu folklora mītu spogulī" (“Latvian Folklore in the Mirror of Myths”) in 1997, and a prize from the Baltic Assembly for her book "Mītiskais latviešu folklorā un literatūrā" (“The Mythical in Latvian Folklore and Literature”) in 1999. J.Kursīte supervises the project "Latviešu folkloras simbolu vārdnīca" (“The Dictionary of Latvian Folklore Symbols”).

6. Modern Latvian (I.Freidenfelds).

The publications of Ass. Prof. I. Freidenfelds are written mainly on syntax, linguostatistics, didactics and the methodology of teaching Latvian. In 1996 he participated in an international conference at the University of Latvia with a paper on "Nacionālo vērtību apguves stāvoklis skolā" (“The State of the Acquisition of National Values in School”).

7. Applied Arts (M.Lapiņa, T.Suta).

The results of research of Ass. Prof. M.Lapiņa are reflected in her publications on Boriss Vipers’ conclusions on research in the history of arts, the arts in Latvia during the German occupation (1941-1944) and the Latvian Foreign Art Museum. Ass. Prof. M.Lapiņa has translated an encyclopaedia "Māksla. Fotogrāfijas vēsture. Mūzika." (“Art. The History of Photography. Music.”) published in 1996 that is designed for secondary school students, "Seno un viduslaiku kultūras vēsture" (“Ancient History and the History of the Middle Ages”) published in 1998, and "Jauno laiku kultūras vēsture" (“The History of Culture of Modern Times”) published in 1999. Ass. Prof. M.Lapiņa has reviewed 3 huge publications devoted to the history of culture and art, as well as published her own articles in such magazines as "Māksla" and "Māksla Plus".

8. Music (P.Dambis).

Important compositions by Prof. P.Dambis have appeared of late, including a cantata for choir (upon the request of the State of Toronto, Canada), music for the piano for the needs of Juliard School, New York, compositions for the organ, chamber orchestra and music for video films. Prof. P.Dambis has taken an active part in concerts in Latvia and abroad. He has had one-man concerts in Berlin (Germany, 1990), New York, Boston, Philadelphia (USA). Theoretical research in music has materialized in a book "Klusuma, laika, telpas un skaņas saspēle" (“Ensemble of Silence, Time, Space and Sound”) which is forthcoming. He has worked out methodological instructions for intensifying musical education. Prof. P.Dambis has read courses of lectures at the Royal Music Academy in Stockholm (Sweden), as well as at the Universities of Philadelphia and New York (USA). Prof. P.Dambis has read papers on Latvian music at international fora.

9. Theatre (L.Akurātere. V.Čakare).

Prof. L.Akurātere’s field of research is the history of the Latvian theatre, especially the development of drama and also the movement of amateur theatre in Latvia. The results of her research have been reflected in papers on events at the Riga Theatre in the second half of the 19th century, on directors Asja Lācis and Valters Benjamiņš which have been presented at international conferences. Prof. L.Akurātere has prepared an exhibition at the Theatre Museum which is called "The German Theatre in Latvia from the 13th Century up to the First Half of the 20th Century". She has also read reports on international amateur theatre festivals in Schwedt, Erfurt (Germany) and Kretinga (Lithuania).

V.Čakare has participated at the symposium of the School of International Theatre Anthropology in Holstebro (Denmark). At the seminar of the International Theatre Institute she has read 3 papers on "Latvijas teātris: vēsture, šodiena" ("The Latvian Theatre: Its History and Today"): "Dailes teātris (1970-1997)" (“The Daile Theatre (1970-1997)”), "Jaunais Rīgas teātris" (“The New Riga Theatre”), "Valmieras un Liepājas teātri" (“The Valmiera and Liepāja Theatres”) in Poland, Wroclaw. V.Čakare takes part in an international project "Baltijas jūras baseina valstu teātra vēsture" (“The History of the Theatres of the Baltic Sea States”), hosted by Prof. Jon Nygår, University of Oslo. She has finished her research on "Postmodemisms jeb ekskrementu kultūra Latvijā" (“Post-modernism or the Excrement Culture in Latvia”).

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