The Aral Sea: a lesson in Human-Environment Interaction

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The vast area of exposed seabed is laced with pesticides, so when the wind blows, dust storms spread salt and toxic substances over hundreds, if not thousands of kilometers. It's estimated that 75 million tons of toxic dust and salts are spread across Central Asia each year. If the Aral Sea dries up completely, 15 billion tons of salt will be left behind.

  • The vast area of exposed seabed is laced with pesticides, so when the wind blows, dust storms spread salt and toxic substances over hundreds, if not thousands of kilometers. It's estimated that 75 million tons of toxic dust and salts are spread across Central Asia each year. If the Aral Sea dries up completely, 15 billion tons of salt will be left behind.

A City that Once Was

Muynak was once a fishing port the boasting a proud fishing fleet during the Soviet era.

  • Today, Muynak is a desert town more than a hundred kilometers (62 miles) from the sea.
    • The only reminders of the once thriving fishing activity are the rusting hulks of ships and an ancient fish plant.
    • The ecological effect has been disastrous and the economic, social, and medical problems for people in the region catastrophic to their way of life.

Muynak used to be located on the shores of the Aral Sea.

A centuries old way of life has disappeared in just decades

Then and Now

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