Read the text. Then Choose the correct answer for each question below (56-58). Herodotus was a Greek historian born in Halicarnassus four years before the battle of Thermopylae. He is believed to have been exiled in his later life because of his opposition to the Tyrant Lygdamis. He spend much time on Samos, thereafter travelling in the Persian Empire, Scythia and Egypt observing with fascination the local customs and beliefs. He lived same time in Athens and travelled as an Athenian colonist to Thmru and Italy where he is supposed to have spent the rest of his life writing The Persian Wars earning the title of Father of history from Caesar. This 9-book work is an inquiry into the origins of and a description of the Persian invasions of Greece. The first 6 books tell of the customs, geography and history of the combatants and their neighbours the last three treat the war itself.