Amaliy mashg’ulot
O’quv ishini tashkil yetishning asosiy shakllaridan biri bo’lib, yeksperimental tavsifdagi mustaqil topshiriqlarni talabalarning professor-o’qituvchi bilan birgalikda bajarishini o’zida aks yettiradi.
Обучение являеця одной из основных форм експерименталной работы независимых задач, описанных студентов, преподаватели отражают соотвецтвие с
One of the main forms of the surritsulum is the independent tasks of the yexperimental charatster, refletsting the joint work of the students with the professor-teacher
Mustaqil ish
O’qituvchining topshirig’i va uning rahbarligida o’quv vazifasini hal yetadigan ta’limni tashkil yetish shakli.
Задача и обязанност подготовки руководства учителя, которые будут формироват организацию образования.
The way in which the instrutstor’s assignment and the way he organizes his / her yedutsational work are under his / her supervision.