Mississippi From 1817, when it became a state, to 1860 Mississippi was the largest cotton-producing state in the United States. Cotton is a major crop in Mississippi with approximately 1.1 million acres planted each year. The highest acreage recorded was in 1930 (4.163 million acres); the highest production year was 1937 (2.692 million bales produced over 3.421 million acres); the highest cotton yields were in 2004 (1034 pounds of lint produced per acre).
The industry faces challenges from increases in cotton production elsewhere where US cotton exports had gone and shifts to less expensive synthetic fibers, such as polyesters.
From 2012-2016, Missouri was ranked eighth in cotton production in the United States with the average production value of $191,004,400. Missouri soil allows for the growth of upland cotton with the average bale weighing approximately five hundred pounds. The cottonseed from Missouri cotton production is used as livestock feed. According to the University of Missouri, cotton production per acreage in this state peaked in the 1953 and decreased to its lowest point in 1967. In terms of yield, Missouri yielded a record low of 281 pounds/acre in 1957 and a record high of 1,097 pounds/acre in 2015.[36] The top four upland cotton producing counties in Missouri are New Madrid (197,000 bales in 2016), Dunklin (171,200 bales in 2016), Stoddard (110,000 bales in 2016), and Pemiscot (72,000 bales in 2016). Other combined counties in Missouri produced 15,800 bales in 2016.[37] In 2017, total Missouri cottonseed sales were 179,000 tons.[38] Missouri upland cotton production in 2017 was valued at $261,348,000 with 750,000,480 pound bales produced in that year. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, upland cotton in Missouri was valued at 0.751 $ / pound in 2017. Cottonseed production was less valuable that year in terms of dollar value, with a total production being 255,000 tons valued at $39,824,000 ($152/ton).[39]
1.Is cotton production an important economic factor in the USA?
2.Is the USA ranked third in production behind CHINA,INDIA?
3.How much percent of cotton grown in the USA?
4.Were the Americans observed growing cotton by the Coronado expedition?
5.Did cotton become a staple crop in American agriculture.
6.Is cotton production an important economic factor in the USA?
7.How many farmers are there in the USA today?
1.Economic-relating to trade, industry, and the management of money.
2.Percent-equal to five,ten etc parts out of a total of 100 parts
3.Freshly-recently ground or picked
4.Lead-to take someone somewhere by going in front of them while they follow,or by pulling them gently
5.Worldwide-everywhere in the world
6.Exportation-the business of selling and sending goods to other countries
7.Rank-the position or level that someone holds in an organization,especially in the police or the army ,navy
8.Dominate-to control someone or something or to have more importance than other people or things
9.Variety-a lot of things of the same type that are different from each other in some way
10.Employ-to pay someone to work for you
11.Farming-the practice or business of growing crops or keeping animls on a farm
12.Racial-relating to the relationships between different races of people who now live in the same country or area
13.Demading-needing a lot of ability,effort, or skill
14.Mechanization-process now uses machines instead of people or animals
15.Unemployed-unemployed who doesnot have a job
16.Machinery-machines especially large ones