It is im portant to show a speaker that you are listening. This can help
encourage the speaker to say more so you get more inform ation. Use
different expressions fo r different em otions.
LESSON 5 Is social media dangerous?
W o rk in p a irs . T h in k if s o c ia l m e d ia c o u ld b e d a n g e ro u s . W h y ? /W h y n o t?
2 a W o rk in p a irs . M a tc h th e w o rd s a n d e x p la n a tio n s .
) click
a) to keep someone or som ething from dangerous things
) protect
b) a small thing that you press to w ork on a com puter
3) cyber-
c) to press a button
4) button
d) protection of someone or som ething
5) online
e) using com puters, especially the Internet
) security
f) the right or opportunity to use or look at something
7) access
g) bought, used, etc. using the Internet
2 b W o rk in g ro u p s o f 4 . A n s w e r th e q u e s tio n s .
1) Is it easy to use electronic devices in mass media?
2) Is the Internet dangerous?
3) What dangerous things are there on the Internet?
4) How can we protect ourselves from dangers on
the Internet?
2 c P u t th e s e n te n c e s in o rd e r. R ead a n d c h e c k y o u r id e a s .
a) But they need to know about the dangers on the Internet and know
how to protect them selves from different online dangers.
b) We live in the digital age when inform ation is used by everybody.
c) First of all, children can be taken by bad people
when they give personal inform ation. One wrong
click on a button could cause a big problem.
d) Even young children these days have access to
the Internet with their sm artphones and tablets.
{^ /^ ) W o rk ' n Pa ' r s - R ead a n d c o m p le te th e te x t.
4 a W o rk in p a irs . Read th e tip s and
p u t th e m in o r d e r o f im p o rta n c e .
T i p s f o r c h i l d r e n
1 Protect your personal inform ation. Never share personal
inform ation such as address, phone number, name,
personal email address, relatives’ details, parents’
w ork etc.
2 Never agree to m eet online friends in the street or at
home. Your online friends may not be who they really
are. It is dangerous to m eet online friends as they
could be bad people.
3 Never click on a button if you do not know what it is or
if you want to get dangerous inform ation. Clicking on
an app button could bring the dangerous viruses into
your device. People could also gather your personal
inform ation. Never click on unknown emails, ads and
4 Use good software. Make sure it will protect your
device from viruses and dangerous program m es.
5 You should always go out of the Internet before you
turn the com puter off.
4 b W o rk in g ro u p s o f 4 / 6 . D is c u s s a n d a g re e on th e lis t fro m th e
m o s t im p o rta n t to th e le a s t im p o rta n t.
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