Task 2. A) Read and translate the text. B) Choose five IT jobs and write about their duties.
ANALYZE A database analyst is in charge of the research and development of databases; network analysts study the network requirements and recommend the most suitable type of network; system analysts decide what ICT system will cater for the requirements of a specific institution.
TAHLIL QILING Ma'lumotlar bazasi tahlilchisi ma'lumotlar bazalarini tadqiq qilish va ishlab chiqish uchun mas'uldir; tarmoq tahlilchilari tarmoq talablarini o'rganadilar va eng mos tarmoq turini tavsiya qiladilar; tizim tahlilchilari qaysi AKT tizimi muayyan muassasa talablariga javob berishini hal qiladi.