Task 1. Complete the dialogue with the words in the box. 1. Natasha: Hi, my (1) ____name`s______ Natasha. Khalid: Pleased to (2)_____all_____ you. I’m Khalid Natasha: Pleased to ,(3)_____you_______ . 2. Philip: Good morning. (4) ___what`s____ your name? Ahmed: I’m Ahmed. And (5)___you______ are? Philip: My name’s Philip. (6) ___nice____ to meet you. 3. Tim: Hi everybody, (7) ___this____ Ingrid. All: Hi! Tim: Ingrid, this (8) ___is____ Ahmed, Linda, Mohammed and Mansoor. Ingrid: Nice to meet you (9)__too___ . Linda: Likewise. Tim: (10) _____welcome_______ to the team and good luck.
Task 2. A) Read and translate the text.
B) Choose five IT jobs and write about their duties.
A database analyst is in charge of the research and development of databases;
network analysts study the network requirements and recommend the most suitable
type of network; system analysts decide what ICT system will cater for the
requirements of a specific institution.
Web designers, also called webmasters, create and maintain web pages and
web applications for websites.
Software engineers, either application programmers or systems programmers,
plan, design and test computer programs.
Hardware engineers design and develop ICT devices.
Security specialists specialize in the design of software and hardware to
protect information from malware: viruses, spyware, etc.
Network or computer systems administrators install and maintain networks.
Database administrators manage the accuracy and efficiency of databases.
Computer operators control computer data processing.
Helpdesk technicians are in charge of troubleshooting, the solution of
technical problems.
Computer training instructors or trainers teach people how to use hardware
and software.
All is meet name’s Nice this too
You Welcome What’s
Technical writers write instructions for ICT systems.
A computer operator is in charge of computer data input and processing
Ma'lumotlar bazasi tahlilchisi ma'lumotlar bazalarini tadqiq qilish va ishlab chiqish uchun mas'uldir;
tarmoq tahlilchilari tarmoq talablarini o'rganadilar va eng mosini tavsiya qiladilar
tarmoq turi; tizim tahlilchilari AKT tizimi qaysi maqsadlarga javob berishini hal qiladi
muayyan muassasaning talablari.
Veb-dizaynerlar, shuningdek, veb-ustalar deb ataladi, veb-sahifalarni yaratadi va saqlaydi va
veb-saytlar uchun veb-ilovalar.
Dasturiy ta'minot muhandislari, amaliy dasturchilar yoki tizim dasturchilari,
kompyuter dasturlarini rejalashtirish, loyihalash va sinovdan o'tkazish.
Uskuna muhandislari AKT qurilmalarini loyihalashtiradilar va ishlab chiqadilar.
Xavfsizlik bo'yicha mutaxassislar dasturiy ta'minot va apparatni loyihalashda ixtisoslashgan
ma'lumotni zararli dasturlardan himoya qilish: viruslar, josuslik dasturlari va boshqalar.
Tarmoq yoki kompyuter tizimlari ma'murlari tarmoqlarni o'rnatadilar va ularga xizmat ko'rsatadilar.
Ma'lumotlar bazasi ma'murlari ma'lumotlar bazalarining aniqligi va samaradorligini boshqaradi.
Kompyuter operatorlari kompyuter ma'lumotlarini qayta ishlashni nazorat qiladi.
Yordam xizmati texnik xodimlari muammolarni bartaraf etish, ularni hal qilish uchun mas'uldirlar
texnik muammolar.
Kompyuter bo'yicha o'qituvchilar yoki trenerlar odamlarga apparat vositalaridan foydalanishni o'rgatadi
va dasturiy ta'minot.
Hammasi tanish, bu ham yaxshi
Nimani xush kelibsiz
Texnik yozuvchilar AKT tizimlari uchun ko'rsatmalar yozadilar.
Kompyuter operatori kompyuter ma'lumotlarini kiritish va qayta ishlash uchun javobgardir.
Task 3. You are preparing a magazine article about an IT company.
Write at least 6 questions and make a questionnaire.
1)When your campaign was formed?
2)who buys your products?
3) how did you get started?
4)Where do you get raw materials?
5)how many employees work in your campaign?
6)What are your future plans for your campaign?
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